Page 71 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 71

The first Arab                through to the early hours of the   diverted, I hope temporarily, from   and thus ensure the survival of the
                                        morning. On such occasions I was   those very qualities that now attract   tradition. Presumably the new
          Biennale                      aware of the special place the   so many Western artists to their   generation will feed back into the art
                                        language holds in this re-emerging   tradition ; namely a truly international   schools, so reintegrating the
                                        culture. Not only did it provide an   visual language rather than style,   teaching activities.
          The debt we owe the Arabs is
          fundamental. The Renaissance might   immediate means of verbal   able to raise the consciousness of   At first glance it appeared ironic   REVIEW
          never have occurred without their   communication between peoples   man in his everyday dealings with his   that, personally interested as I am
          massive contribution of learning.   from eleven countries but, more   self-created environment.   in reducing the divisions between
          In this century Klee, Matisse, and many   profoundly, gave them a common   However, such generalizations do   fine art, design and craft, and having
          others have drawn from this source.   ethos. Arabic is rather special—very   not take account of the sense of   admired from a distance a culture
          The Western artist finds in his study   old yet very supple —the living   renaissance witnessed in the   whose past demonstrated the
          of this culture support in answering   language of the Koran. I felt certain   calligraphic work, the effort being   indivisibility of these activities, I was
          fundamental problems concerning   that as long as they maintain Arabic   made to rescue the craft tradition, the   now witnessing a dilemma similar to    5
          the structure and use of visual   as their main language their   new schools of art, and above all in   our own. However, many younger
          language. This source is particularly   contribution will be considerable, but   the energy and determination of the   artist/designer/craftsmen reassured
          appropriate at a time when Western   if they lose it then they will somehow   artists not merely to follow an alien   me that there were already movements
          divisions between the arts, crafts and   lose everything including that which   tradition but to take it, absorb it, and   to dissolve these temporary
          design are being eroded and when the   we might hope to learn from them.   make it contribute forcefully to the   divisions as evidenced in the lively
          role of each is being questioned.   There is in their tradition a unique   renewal of their own supra-national   graphics of posters and the
          It was with thoughts such as these   and close relationship between   culture.             involvement with architects and
          as well as dreams of 'Arabian Nights'                                                      industries.
          that I visited the first Biennale of                                                        In Baghdad the forum for wide-
          Arab Art in Baghdad in March, to find,                                                     ranging discussions and exchange of
          as I had suspected, the stream of                                                          news and ideas is the Society of
          influence apparently reversed.                                                             Iraqi Artists, the atmosphere of which
            It was a large exhibition : 600                                                          is positively Parisian in its
          pieces of work by Arab artists from                                                        enthusiasm and dedication.
          eleven countries, the majority of                                                           This society is typical of many
          whom were painters. The paintings                                                          others already existing, or in the
          bore a heavy European influence                                                            process of establishing themselves,
          both in their handling of the media                                                        in the other Arab states. It is these
          and, with a few exceptions, their                                                          national societies which, encouraged
          choice of subject matter. They ranged                                                      by the renewed sense of Arab
          through the whole gamut of                                                                 identity, have grouped together to
          European schools of the first half of                                                      form the Union of Arab Artists
          this century. Although the quality was                                                     responsible for the Biennale. Formed
          uneven there was a large number of                                                         as late as 1971 by seven delegate
          very competent works. The                                                                  countries, now having eleven
          unevenness was perhaps partly due                                                          members and soon to acquire fifteen
          to the policy decision to exhibit so                                                       national delegates, it is at present
          many young painters. It should be                                                          based on Baghdad, supported
          remembered that painting is a new                                                          largely at the moment by the Iraqi
          medium in this area, introduced in the                                                     government (although other states
          period of imperial influence of                                                            are now beginning to contribute). It
          Great Britain, France and Italy under                                                      has an ambitious programme —to
          which young artists were often sent to                                                     quote from its objectives :
          London, Paris or Rome to study and                                                          (a) encouraging and furthering
          work, returning in maturity to teach                                                       individual artistic efforts pertaining to
          the skills they had acquired in those                                                      the national causes of the Arab world ;
          cities to a younger generation. Had,                                                        (b)  getting Arab artists to know each
          therefore, the thread of tradition                                                         other through regular and periodical
          been completely severed ? There was                                                        gatherings ;
          evidence in the figurative work of the                                                      (c)  holding artistic meetings and
          influence of the iconography of                                                            seminars in various parts of the Arab
          earlier cultures, of dreams of past                                                        world ;
          gods often displaying a nostalgia                                                           (d)  presenting and promoting
          for— rather than a reincarnation of—                                                       Arab modern arts on a world level ;
          old powers. Assyrian archetypes,                                                            (e) looking after the Arab artist and
                                        Ali Omar Rmayes Letter Tah 1969.60 x 40cm. Ink on paper
          movements of the seals, legendary                                                          protecting his right to a decent
          figures glared powerfully down or   conversation, calligraphy and   There are in Baghdad two   living and freedom of expression
          moved silently across the surfaces.   decoration. This relationship displays   relatively new institutions of higher   through artistic work;
          Inevitably there was a concern by   an ntegration of intellect and intuition,   education devoted to the plastic arts.   (f)  removing the barriers which
          many with the formal painterly   of process and concept, of visual and   They conduct four-year specialist   restrict the free movement of artists
          problems of surface, of mark-making,   verbal, which is surely what has   courses in art and crafts on a rather   and artistic works between the Arab
          the profundities of colour 'cleansed'   fascinated Western man in his study of   dated model of the academies of   countries ;
          of connotation, of the expressive use   this culture.       Europe in the early half of this century.   (g)  persuading Arab governments to
          of brush and paint. Somehow,    The Western tradition of painting   Admission is not difficult and there is   enact proper legislation which will
          although so much was of real interest   seems a curiously inappropriate   already effort to ensure that graduates   introduce artistic works in the
          and quality, I felt the plethora of   medium in their environment, more   are helped to practise as   economic and information fields
          painting at the expense of other media   suitable for expression of individual   professionals. While not agreeing   where the artist's presence is
          to be saddening. It will take time to   emotion emphasizing the personal   with their teaching methods, I was   essential ;
          re-identify the appropriate means to   rather than the group ethos. Western   impressed by the enthusiastic   (h)  educating Arab masses
          express their purpose.        schooling has, I believe, diverted their   atmosphere.      artistically, and propagating Arab
            Their belief in the qualitative   attention towards our previous   In addition to these institutions   culture and artistic heritage both
          nature of man ; the Arab vision of   concern with landscape, social and   there are the craft centres. When   inside and outside the Arab world ;
          unity, relevant whether a declared   political problems, and is leading   Mr Ata Sabri returned after 30 years in   (i) promoting artistic research and
          Muslim or not, was best expressed   them inevitably towards our present   Europe he was distressed to find that   criticism, and enriching the Arab art
          during my visit at the end of each day   circular path of the meta-language of   many crafts had almost disappeared.   library in general with books,
          when all men became poets,    art examining art, separate from any   A determined attempt was made to   writings, and translations, and
          philosophers and musicians, sitting   other than a theoretical context.   locate the now ageing craftsmen,   publishing periodicals to serve the
          in large circles entertaining each other    Ironically their attention has been    bring them together with apprentices    interests of the Arab artistic
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