Page 72 - Studio International - May 1974
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identity; and probably the biggest of its kind on the Paris defined problems of realism — within
(j) establishing co-operation European continent, is on show in which the American photo-realists
between UAA and similar Stuttgart. The English artists include A strangely uneventful season in have an honourable place, even if
organizations in other countries of Hamilton, Hockney, Allen Jones, Paris. Realism, of a kind, is this place may turn out to be smaller
the world as well as participating in Paolozzi and Peter Phillips, and the rediscovered ; but with a purpose than it seems at the moment.
international art exhibitions, examples on show are for the most and the purpose is strange. Two Nevertheless, one cannot allow
conferences and demonstrations. part first class. This is one more large showings are organized by artists like Titus-Carmel, Klapheck,
Keith Albarn indication of how museums can two more or less official bodies to Allen Jones, Wolfgang Gaefgen to
achieve excellent results in the field the epiphenomenal craze for appear among a company of
Germany of modern art when they concentrate American photo -realism. ARC realists. They have little in common —
except for the glaringly obvious fact
(Animation/ Recherche/
on one specific theme.
At the beginning of this century the Götz Adriani, the Director of the Confrontation) exhibits the Ludwig that their work represents visual
Italian futurists dreamed of setting Art Hall in the famous south German Collection, which shows a brave signals taken from ultra-mundane
fire to the museums. Luckily this did university town of Tubingen, was sample of conceptual art as well at the experiences.
not happen. But the museums have until recently whole- heartedly in Musee dArt Moderne, and There remains about half an
other problems. In the Federal favour of exhibiting avant-garde CNAC (Centre National d'Art exhibition and it commingles examples
Republic of Germany the 'museums material. By looking back to 'New Contemporain) confronts the of Spanish social realism with samples
crisis' has been discussed for years, York Dada', this young art historian Americans with what are said to be of European academicism and
and everything possible has been whom the Kestner-Society in their European parallels. Roman fashionably shocking instances of a
suggested in order to render these Hannover would very much like to Cieslwicz's design for the catalogue neo-naturalism which comes from
public institutions, supported by the see as their new director (Adriani is (cnac/archives 11/12) commemorates America. In the main, the American
tax-payer, more attractive to society. staying in Tübingen, however) is now
The most experienced people in proving that he can ingeniously work
museums have always maintained up historical material which is still
that it depends on exhibitions being sufficiently provocative. Most of the
of high-quality and well organized. exhibition material has lost little of its
As recent months show, they seem to original fascination. It contains many
be right. The Roman-Germanic works by Duchamp, Man Ray and
Museum was opened a few weeks Picabia, which originate mainly from
ago in Cologne, where a few of the Arturo Schwarz's Milan collection.
most important German galleries are Here I am thinking not so much of the
domiciled and where the famous Readymades by Duchamp, which are
'Ludwig collection' can be seen. It rather irritating because Duchamp had
was built around the Romain them reprinted in the 60s (which is
Dionysos mosaic which was quite absurd) but I am thinking more
discovered as early as 1941 and of the photographic experiments by
incorporates the 15m high monument Man Ray, and also his packaging,
to Poblicius. Streams of people visit which as one can see taught Christo
this new museum — it is a memorial of almost everything. Some objects by
the Roman remains left behind in Picabia also show clearly what
Cologne and their ancient cultural current object art gained from it,
heritage, brought to light in the course although the real Dadas did not want
of many excavations, is exhibited to create any art—they had had Duane Hanson Bowery Burns 1969/70. Fibreglass, polyester and clothes. Life size
divided up into different subject enough of it. In his texts Schwarz
headings. Only 14 days after it opened proves himself to be one of the best this occasion with a most beautiful contingent owes its commitment to
100,000 visitors were counted, authorities on Dada and the Dada and comprehensive bit of printing ; the principles of the found object.
50,000 copies of the Roman spirit. As the unusually informative but, the compilation raises too many The objective content of the exhibits
Illustrated were sold, offered instead catalogue is printed in English and questions for comfort. Daniel Abadie comes from the casual glimpse
of a catalogue. German, I would strongly recommend appears to be responsible for the which lands on scene or human
The sensational success of this it. ideological tergiversations which being with no deep interest in
exhibition shows more than clearly An exhibition by Meret Oppenheim resulted in this comparative display; commemoration or characterization.
that the public's much quoted in the Muller Gallery in Stuttgart is and it may as well be recognized The anonymity of the snapshot is the
'threshold fear' only exists where the very enjoyable. A fur-covered tea-cup that our French colleagues love style's cardinal tenet. In the
museum does not clearly enough once made the artist, now living in an excuse for ideological landscape's case its means are
appeal to their interest. Of course Paris, famous. It is therefore all the demonstrations. Abadie's declared indebted to the photographic
Cologne is a place well-disposed more remarkable that this is her first aim is to show that European forms transparency which can be projected
towards the arts. But what has exhibition of her own. Born in Berlin of realism are no less old than their and copied ; and, in the sculpture's
happened here can occur tomorrow over 60 years ago, she shows through transatlantic counterparts; he has case, the movement exploits the
in other German towns, depending her objects and collages an unbroken decided to forget that realism of a processes of casts, taken from the
only on how and what the public is ability, a fabulous feeling for the kind was practised in Europe for well live human being. There is a brash
offered. One thing is certain : the material she uses, and great technical over a thousand years before insistence on verisimilitude in both
historical, the past, arouses more determination. America was discovered. Within the techniques and it contributes a
interest than before. With a lot of In the museum in Bochum Rolf- context of the exhibition it is not cunningly contrived air of objectivity
imagination the past is almost Gunter Dienst, one of the best known just chauvinism which leads to this to the compositions, but the
transposed to the present day. young German art writers, vintage sort of confusion. These collections craftsmanship has whiffs of
The graphics collection of the State 1942, exhibited his paintings from the make a genuine attempt to grapple artificial calculation. John de
Gallery in Stuttgart illustrates this. last ten years. In the early 60s Dienst with the question of realism but the Andrea's nudes gather disturbing
This museum has one of the most began with scriptural 'written' pictures exhibition committee is blinkered by layers of dust in their arrogantly
significant expressionist collections and after 1971 — in a more refined way a self-imposed lack of historical Titian-red pubic hair and it deprives
and over the last ten years has — went back to them by organizing understanding and it fails to see the them of the immediacy which would
systematically made a collection of them in a monochrome structure. wood for the trees. It is symptomatic be essential for their success as
American and English contemporary Between them lie the soft duels of that our colleagues seek to establish statements. Duane Hanson's
graphics. Dr Thiem, the manager of great erotic forms, which are produced the simultaneity of two converging portrayals of oldsters from
the graphics collection, told me that in magnificent colours. As the tendencies— one of which at any California cite the vulgar and garish
they already have over 170 prints at exhibition shows, this art critic, who rate has an unbroken tradition of well evidence of costume which is
their disposal. One can now judge for squanders his life passionately and over two millennia. It is hardly similarly subject to atmospheric
oneself the first-class quality of the converts it into permanent action, has surprising that Abadie and his pollution and its extra-artistic but
material in the exhibition which has something independent to say as a assistants cannot resolve what in very real weight. Dirt, whether on skin
a very well documented catalogue. painter too. His pictures are like a pure fact is designated by realist leanings. or on the accoutrements of dress,
Entitled 'Contemporary American appeal to sensibility. Their selection proves that they have simply interferes. The empiricism
and English Graphics', the collection, Gunther Wirth failed to recognize the historically of a clean actuality is likely to convey