Page 70 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 70

Gilbert and George have       Ad Dekkers                    making 'exact reproductions', he was   complicated because they consisted
           commissioned Duncan Grant to                                very much impressed when he first   of several planes. In the following
           paint their portrait. Duncan Grant   27 February, 1974      saw paintings by Mondrian : 'In the   years, however, his reliefs became
           made drawings of the artists in   Today Ad Dekkers died at his home   Kröller-Müller Museum I first saw   more and more simple with only one
           London and is currently working on   in Gorcum, a small provincial town   works by Nicholson and Mondrian,   or two different planes. In the last
           the portrait at his studio in Sussex.   south of Rotterdam. He was 35 years   which were revelations to me. This   years this process of simplification
           Gerhard Richter, the German   old. Within a few days, he will be   purity of communication, free from   led him to an intense preoccupation
           realist, has also been commissioned   cremated in Utrecht. In front of the   any naturalistic copying, appealed to   with the line, both in his reliefs and in
           to paint their portrait.      crematory, a congenial modern   me very much ... It was Mondrian's   his drawings. In the reliefs the lines—
           Mike Snow's 'Wavelength' and   building, stands his own sculpture   theory which impressed me most. He   often only one or two—were sawn or
           'Back and Forth' will be showing   Circle developing to square from 1970   used only horizontal and vertical   (raised into the plane ; starting
           at the Royal College of Art's avant-  (reproduced in Studio International,   elements. He built his balance as a   shallow this line would become
           garde film programme on 13 May.   May1973, p. 218).         balance of opposites : the horizontal   deeper towards its end. For his
           This will be followed by 10 films by   Like his best reliefs and drawings,   and the vertical. But I wondered,   drawings he began to use transparent
           Steve Dwoskin on 20 May; films by   this sculpture has an exciting   whether such a balance could not be   paper. He drew the lines on both
           Paul Sharits and Kenneth Frampton   naturalness and simplicity; it   as intrusively achieved by the use of,   sides, so one could realize the
           on 27 May; 3 films by Ken Jacobs   reconciles, with the help of a formal   for instance, circles' (Revue   objectness of the paper : the paper
           including Tom Tom on 3 June. The   system, two different forms : circle   Integration, November 1967, p. 420).   is not a more or less deniable
           shows are at the Royal College of   and square. At the same time, it shows   According to Dekkers, the colours   background but just as important as
           Art, Kensington Gore, London   a balance between system and   in a Mondrian painting give an   the lines on it; and the lines on the
           beginning at 7.00pm. Admission 20p.   intuition, or rather, a system   illusion of depth. Red seems to be   one side find their counterpart in the
           Project 74, a mammoth show of art   mastering emotions that yet remain   closer to the viewer than blue. To get   lines from the other side shining
           today arranged by the Wallraf-                                                            through. And —very amazingly — in his
           Richartz-Museum Cologne to                                                                drawings from this last year, colour
           celebrate its 150th anniversary, opens                                                    came back.
           on 5 July and continues through to                                                          Dekkers died in the middle of much
           mid-September. Works by 80 artists,                                                       activity and at a time when more and
           30 of whom will do special projects,                                                      more people were beginning to
           will be shown from three aspects :                                                        appreciate his work. In 1972 he had
           'Time', 'Perception', and 'Logical                                                        a large show at the Gemeentemuseum,
           Systems'. Artists invited include                                                         The Hague (which houses the famous
           Acconci, Andre, Art & Language,                                                           Mondrian collection), and for this
           Asher, Barry, Bell, Beuys, Boyle,                                                         spring (26 April-16 June) Jean
           Broodthaers, Buren, Burgin, Dibbets,                                                      Leering is showing — as a guest
           Dye, Fulton, Gilbert and George,                                                          director— a large show of Dekkers's
           Haacke, Heizer, Hilliard, Huebler,                                                        work in the Van Abbemuseum in
           Long, Le Va, LeWitt, de Maria, Merz,                                                      Eindhoven, of which Leering was the
           Morris, Nauman, Oppenheim, Rinke,                                                         director until last December. Leering
           Serra and Weiner. At the                                                                  is an old friend of Ad Dekkers. Last
           Kunstverein there will also be video                                                      November Dekkers had his one-man
           productions and video installations.                                                      show in New York at the Rosa Esman
           The Committee for Artistic                                                                Gallery. He showed a beautiful series
           Freedom have sent us this note :                                                          of small reliefs and drawings. In
           On 27 March artist Jean Toche was                                                         Gorcum he was preparing, together
           arrested in his home by four agents of                                                    with his above mentioned friend
           the FBI, acting on a complaint of                                                         Boezem, and Ewert Hilgeman, a
           C. Douglas Dillon, President of the                                                       German constructivist and his brother
           Metropolitan Museum of Art in                                                             in law, and Herman de Vries (once the
           New York.                                                                                 editor of Revue Integration, and
            Toche was later charged with                                                             himself a clever maker of 'random
           using the US mail for a conceptual                                                        art') a new periodical 4 plus. The first
           art process, which included a                                                             issue will appear soon.
                                         Untitled drawing on transparent paper
           dadaist proposal reversing an                                                               In Amsterdam the recently founded
           existing reality where art and artists   perceptible.       rid of this illusionism, he started   'Multi Art Press' has produced — as
           have been 'kidnapped' by museums,   Ad Dekkers has always been in   making reliefs, in which one coloured   the first in a series of multiples —two
           and which was interpreted as a   search of naturalness: 'I should like to   plane really recedes behind another   of Dekkers's works. From the
           'threat to kidnap museum trustees,   make my work as self-evident as the   coloured plane. This, however,   beginning he favoured the social idea
           directors, administrators, curators   rhythmically waving reed or the ever   changed very soon. Colour   of multiples, and most of his reliefs
           and benefactors'. If convicted,   returning, beating dash of the waves   disappeared from his, now all-white,   exist in a small edition. They come out
           Toche could be imprisoned for five   on the beach,' he writes in 1967, in   reliefs. It was left to the light to define   of a polyester mould and are
           years in a Federal penitentiary,   the  Revue Integration (November   the different planes and their border   themselves of polyester strengthened
           and later face deportation. For the   1967, p.421). Reading this sentence,   lines. Ad Dekkers invented his own   by glass-fibre. In Otterlo many
           last decade Toche, many other   my thoughts went back to the show   rules to realize harmonious, non-  visitors pass his 30 metres-long wall
           artists and other people involved   of his friend Boezem, who also lives   hierarchical reliefs. He chose   in the new wing of the Kröner-Muller
           in the arts have 'channeled their   in Gorcum, in 1967 : a room   geometrical forms : circles, squares,   museum, which was completed in
           dissatisfaction with the art   completely filled with 'rhythmically   hexagons, etc., and arranged them   1972. Every 5 metres there is a vertical
           establishment into open forums and   waving reed'. Boezem, at that time,   according to strict rules. He   engraved line, starting shallow at the
           demonstrations calling for sweeping   with Jan Dibbets and Ger van Elk,   deliberately chose rules and   ceiling and ending 2 cm deep at the
           change' (Newsweek, February   worked in the atmosphere of arte   geometrical compositions to obtain   bottom or the other way round,
           9,1970).                      povera and conceptual art.    harmony in his work, because, as he   alternatively. This new wing is only
           Artists on Art, a series of talks,   It is clear that Ad Dekkers chose a   explained, he could also achieve   the first part of a larger extension, and
           sometimes more informal sometimes   different, less literal and more   harmony the other way round,   also Dekkers's wall is only half of a
           less, have been arranged by   complicated way to achieve this   without rules and without a   plan. The idea was to have the next
           Jasia Reichardt. The talks are at the   naturalness. At the Rotterdam   symmetrical composition, but in that   connecting wall divided by horizontal
           Architectural Association, 34-36   Academy, at the end of the fifties, he   case he would have to rely on his   lines. The whole division of the now
           Bedford Square, London every   made very precise drawings of   personal intuition, which can never be   existing wall is so subtle that many
           Tuesday at 6pm. William Tucker —  objects : a shoe, an umbrella, a   verified ; he also knew that results   visitors do not notice it at all.
           7 May; Anthony Hill —14 May;   sewing-machine. In the midst of   obtained this way might have an   I suppose it takes training, to see the
           Bernard Cohen — 21 May;       Abstract-Expressionism this was a   opposite effect on the spectator.   subtle results of fifteen years visual
           Eduardo Paolozzi-28 May.      strange case of sharp-focus realism   The reliefs between about 1965 and   research by Ad Dekkers.
           Compiled by Paul Martin       avant la date. Not content with    1967 were rather heavy and    Liesbeth Brandt Corstius
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