Page 31 - Studio International - November 1974
P. 31

malady bred of a glut of mindless consumerism.   preoccupations of those who presume to   Company propounded their solution to the
             Scotland's hills are strewn with the disenchanted   assume power, who presume to direct us and   problems of the Highlands. It was standard
             youth of America, on the run from prosperity.   set out our objectives. We have apparently two   Marxism; give the land back to the people. If
             Their parents, who faithfully followed the   choices: left and right. But anyone with half   the people own the land, everything will be just
             technocratic road to the advertising agency's   an eye can see that they are identical in every   fine. This is obviously nonsense. Who on earth
             dream home, nurse their ulcers and their fatty   important respect. Neither offers anything new;   is creating our havoc, if it is not the people?
             arteries, wondering desperately what went   the two groups are merely engaged in an old-  It is certainly not made by little green men
             wrong. Why do the kids reject everything that   fashioned struggle for power; a struggle which   from Mars, after all. A basic fault of this type
             Mom and Dad worked all their lives for?    bores us, and which besides being irrelevant, is   of revolutionary idea is that it presupposes, as
               Japan became prosperous, and aped the ways   dangerous because in it everything is sacrificed   Theodore Roszak has pointed out, a politically
             of western capitalism. All those things which   to expediency. Jointly they lead the rabble on   aware, cohesive, and disciplined mass known as
             are supposed to be wrong with our British   an hysterical orgy of plunder, approving and   The Workers; who are at present in hiding but
             economy have been just fine in Japan. Lots of   encouraging their worst passions.    who are ready to spring into action on a given
             growth, a fine balance of payments surplus,   The Russian experience of the past sixty   signal. If all the land around the Cromarty Firth
             plenty of factories, and plenty of jobs. And,   years demonstrates what happens after a   was split into small units, 90% would be
             inevitably,  massive and criminal pollution, an   political revolution; the new party bosses slip   available for development purposes if the price
             overcrowded and stereotyped educational    easily into the slots previously occupied by the   was right. Very few people will resist a good
             system which is unable to provide the youth of   old ruling class, and the heavy backside of   offer, whatever their views; they have been
             the country with a chance to be truly original,   bureaucracy continues to sit on the faces of the   taught this reaction. They have been taught
             inventive, and experimental in their studies;   people, scarcely at all affected by the switch in   greed.
             and disintegrating family ethics which have   power-holding.                            'And the only way out of this circle is to
             caused Japanese parents to lose the ability to   'In this country our left wing's ambitions are   ascend to the next one. The consciousness of
             care for their own children. An analysis of the   just as transparent; politics are a career and the   the world must be raised to the next level. And
             achievements of postwar Japan, and an attempt   ego wins over conscience. Recently the wife of   indeed, whatever we do or say, this will happen.
             to map the road that 107 million people are to   a newly-made Labour peer was heard to remark,   It is inevitable. It is the essence of true progress,
             travel in the future, must surely take full   with some satisfaction, 'And to think that my   and it is the reason for our presence on this
             cognizance of the ills and horrors that this   parents said that I was marrying beneath me!'   planet in the first place. We are everywhere;
             society has brought about, as well as of the   We have yet to see a government anywhere in   but we are impatient. Sometimes, in black
             traditional indexes of development that    the world with a serious and practical plan for   moments we wonder if the general change will
             economists and politicians are more at home   relieving obvious suffering and true poverty in   come in time. It manifests itself most urgently
             with. And here lies the crunch; our leadership   other countries. We hear of butter mountains,   in the most prosperous nations of the west,
             has, time and again, shown itself to be hopelessly   beef mountains, and grain surplus on the one   because it is most urgently required there.
             inadequate. It offers only shortsighted and   hand; and on the other, devastating famines in   Places where industrialism, materialism, and
             irresponsible ideas. It holds us back, it drags us   the third world. So far no politician has been   consumerism have been weighed in the balance,
             down.                                      able to connect the two facts. Such an equation,   and found wanting.
                In 1912 the Russian poet Alexander Blok   though obviously humane, is unthinkable in our   'It is more rare in Scotland. It has two main
             wrote:                                     distorted view of life. The measure of our real   enemies. The first is insecurity, lack of
             Night, street, a lamp,                     interest in the future is expressed in the scale of   confidence, which makes people doubt the
             A chemist's window                         our teachers' salaries. Here we see that the most   truth even when it is plainly displayed to them.
             A senseless and dim light.                 important investment we can make in the future   When independence comes for Scotland, as it
             No doubt in a quarter century or so        is at the bottom of our list of priorities. We are   inexorably will, and when Scotland ceases to be
             There'll be no change.                     supposed to be creating a socialist world; and   a second class partner to England, the Scotsman
             There's no way out.                        yet our whole educational system is geared to   will have more confidence in his own judgement.
             You'll die, and just the same as ever      capitalism, and students are equipped simply to   That will help. But the greatest enemy of
             Begin the dance again. A damp              fuel the industrial machine. Our ideas as to   change is fear. And fear is a foe which each
             night. Ripples frozen on the river,        what constitutes 'progress' are insane. For   individual must face alone. For, though most
             A chemist's shop, a street, a lamp.        instance, recently someone on the radio   people would like to step out onto the next and
             No change. If there is no change, then we   solemnly declared that villagers in the rural   higher level of consciousness, they worry that it
             might as well hurry on the holocaust, the   areas of Iran would, thanks to progress, soon be   might not bear their weight, that it might give
             environmental collapse, and the mad slide into   able to afford the 'luxury' of tinned food.   way and allow them to plunge ignominiously
             fascism. For if there is no change, then the   Hitherto the poor creatures have been forced to   back into the depths. To them, I would say that
             holocaust will come. We have turned money   exist only on fresh food which they grow   the going up is worth the coming down. And
             into an adjective, and we apply it to all things.   themselves. And at the other end of the   once you have been up, even if you come down,
             We hear of £25,000 houses, £3,000,000      financial hierarchy, we have the pathetic sight   you at least know for sure that the heights are
             aeroplanes, and even f25,000 paintings. Price   of rich and sophisticated Americans moving to   there, and that one day you will scale them
             is the first factor in the description of any   the Rocky Mountains in search of the simple   again, and make your home there. There is
             object, from sublime sculpture to ridiculous   life and the return to Nature; but they have   nothing to lose, and there is nothing to fear.
             refrigerators. 'He warmeth himself, and saith,   forgotten all their skills; some do not even know   'But us, the impatient ones — what can we do
             "Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire"; and the   how to light a fire. What price central heating   to help? There is one simple course, and that is
             residue thereof he maketh a god ... He falleth   when in New York an apartment which can   to utilise the traditional one of propaganda.
             down to it and worshippeth, and prayeth unto   boast a real fireplace in every room is considered   Already we see the power of the enemies'
             it and saith, "Deliver me, for thou art my god' ".   luxurious? What exactly are we playing at?   propaganda faltering. Advertising is in decline.
             [1] 'As a phase in the history of consciousness,   Who recognizes a cage for what it is? How long   To be in advertising is no longer considered
             the building of an artificial environment may   are we going to continue with our pathetic   glamorous; it is thought at best pathetic, and at
             best be understood as a deepening condition of   attempt to salvage the promise of industrialism?   worst devilish. It will fade away completely.
             idolatry.' [2] Let us examine the leadership   In their excellent production, The Cheviot, the   Our propaganda will snuff it out. We do not
             which we are offered; the style and the    Stag, and the Black, Black Oil,  the 784 Theatre    have to make the same mistakes that America
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