Page 30 - Studio International - November 1974
P. 30

Edinburgh itself is suspect. Most Scots north   Mafiosi                            fundamental thinking. And Beuys too — he was
        of Dundee and west of Livingstone regard it as   The lineage of the conference may well have   revealed as much more an academic (in the best
        full of English types and false sophistry. Yet   started with the Edinburgh performance by   sense of the word), than anything else. The
        the Festival is there to be exploited, and Richard   the 784 Theatre company. A band of young   latter part of his statement (I unfortunately
        Demarco himself is the child of such ambiguity.   socialist actors and some Gaelic singers brought   missed the start) was very much in the nature
        His incredible energy and cheerfulness (often in   together by John McGrath in 1973. In their   of a university seminar, giving and taking and
        the face of total chaos) is the product of   play The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black,   picking up on points made earlier in the
        Edinburgh and its stuffy culture. He is a small   Black Oil  the exploitation of Scottish Oil by   conference — and scrupulously tolerant of some
        Irish-Italian. He is still a very competent   the Americans was constantly referred back to   crass pieces of self-indulgence by his audience.
        drawing-master. He has . no money. (No      the successive exploitation of Scottish land and   The conference emerged then, as having
        breeding, no culture, you can hear them say.)   Scottish workpeople and Scottish cannon-fodder   some of the characteristics of a good rally. But
        He has changed much over the years. He would   by the English. With considerable wit the   then the speakers nearly all disappeared after
        be inhuman if he were not cynical — yet unlike   device of revolutionary theatre took on a special   their own contribution was over. There was
        most of us he hides his cynicism deep. He   role: indivisibly welding Pan-Scottish poetry   little overlap between the architectural mafia
        introduced Beuys to Britain three or four years   and Marxism.                        and the artists taking part in 'Edinburgh Arts'.
        before he was acceptable in London. And over   Meanwhile, a couple of architectural students   As an art event, it had strange consistency.
        the years he has brought to Edinburgh the   had begun their own campaign. Originally   As a political event it was only partly successful.
        Australians, the Germans, the Yugoslays, the   coming from the College in Dundee, they   As a sortie by Richard Demarco into planning
        Austrians and (perhaps most significantly — for   embarked upon a long project which was to   politics, it was left very much out on a limb in
        this background) the Cricot Theatre company   document the pil problem, and must lead to   relation to the rest of 'Edinburgh Arts'. Taylor,
        of Tadeus Kantor. In last year's production of   some planning proposals. The 'two Daves'   Angus and the rest should have made an
        Lovelies and Dowdies, lay the symbolism of   Dave Taylor and Dave Angus immediately set   exhibition in a more public place. Price and
        suffering and of coercion where we, as an   off for London and the Architectural      Beuys would have had a tremendous amount to
        audience, were marched, shouted at, herded,   Association where they could spend two more   talk about, Bucky should have met some art
        tied, and involved in an atmosphere reminiscent   years developing their work. From this base   students, and Soleri not kept back just for a
        of both 'Kanal' and a field hospital. The   they researched (despite the witholding of their   smart (official festival) lecture. These guys are
        director (and several of the cast) were originally   scholarships by Dundee), and produced a key   too dynamic to be allowed to near-miss. If I
        from an art rather than a theatre background,   document on the Scottish Oil issue in the form   carp, it is because I believe that Ricky has
        and the piece took place in an extraordinary   of the June 26, 1974 issue of The Architects'   something, but in his rush to do it all, he
        building — sad, crumbling — and precisely at   Journal.  Eventually meeting-up with Demarco,   mustn't forget what is happening under his nose.
        one with the Cricot atmosphere. Damp, craggy   they became the inevitable choice as convenors
        walls, flaking metal stirrups, a stable-like floor   of the conference. But since they are architects   Conference
        were draped with the deliberate calico coats on   (and presumably good at repairing roofs) it must   On the first morning, Dr Gavin Strang — the
        iron hangers, the calico drapes that were wound   not be assumed that the conference was to be in   government spokesman on energy for Scotland
        round sections of the audience, and there was   any way an architects' gathering. Both Taylor   — was posed against Donald Bain — of the
        the dusty black garb of the actors, the wailing   and Angus are characteristic of the mood   Scottish National Party. Immediately, the
        black violin and the Poorhouse — for this is   amongst young Celtic socialist architects at   notion of 'Scottish Interests versus  UK
        what the building had been 	 it remains an   this time: the heritage of the big blustering   Interests' emerged. 'The Scots,' said Bain
        indelible image.                           architect marching in with a master plan is   `are the white negroes of Britain', and he called
           The continued rape of Scotland by the   symbolically akin to the oil rig itself — a   for Britain to become another Benelux. Should
        English: they and the Americans in their   'megastructure' which is in turn as distasteful as   not the Scots be more like the Norwegians than
        standard accents and their smooth buildings.   the mega-nature of the organizations that make   the Belgians? This was a pitched confrontation,
        The conference must come from the          both possible. Here we return to the essentially   but such predictableness was broken by Gerald
        underground: it must weep for the suffering of   'underground' or anti-establishment nature of   Laing, the next speaker, and the only artist —
        the Scots — just as the year before the black   the conference, which Demarco himself   apart from Beuys — to take part. I quote his
        violin wept. To sustain such a fantasy there   symbolises in all that he has done. Yet it had   text at length since it captures the real spirit of
        was a sacrifice. As one organizer put it 'Leith   to be a political event — and it had to be   the Black and White Oil Show.
        Town Hall would have been more appropriate'.   opportunist. It had somehow to create an
        Leith Town Hall is presumably waterproof,   atmosphere of action. And the final paradox   `So oil has been discovered under the North Sea,
        well-lit, moderately warm, and in the      may well be that it was only at certain    and for Scotland happiness is just around the
        ship-building (rather than the university) part of   moments that it came alive.      corner. Let me say first that I doubt it, and
        town, and not demanding of the organizers that   To the architectural mafia, news leaked out   remind you that if oil is treated as a fairy
        they spend those precious pre-event days    that Buckminster Fuller, Paolo Soleri and   godmother, then one must remember that on
        repairing the roof rather than making the   Cedric Price would be in town simultaneously:   the stroke of midnight the glass coach will turn
        conference known about. A conference is to do   a rare occasion. And curiously, Bucky Fuller   back into a pumpkin. The Cadillac will rust.
        with ideas, information, and above all     was appearing on the same day as Joseph Beuys.   Even if it does not rust, if it is made of stainless
        communication. This matters more than      The notion of Fuller (average lecture 5 hours)   steel, or better still replaced every year, thus
        symbolism. The oil issue is pertinent. And it   and Beuys — who last year at 'Edinburgh Arts'   ensuring boring and wasteful employment on
        involves time. It involves action. The major   made his twelve-hour lecture (and between   the assembly lines for countless industrial serfs,
        decisions are probably irreversible: with   them have a very parallel respect and guru-like   it will fail to sustain itself as a desirable object.
        Scotland as a pawn in the game of balancing   reputation) was worthy of Demarco at his best.   Remember how quickly the toy pails. Do
        international payments. North Sea oil (light oil)   But was it relevant? How much were they   any of us know, off hand, whether or not there
        has to be traded with Arab oil (heavy oil) in   involved?  In the event, Bucky, who is now   are any astronauts in space at this very moment?
        order that we can use it as motor oil. It is the   79 years old, was just what the conference   Space travel is already a bore. For God's sake,
        collateral with which to float a sinking Britain   needed: admittedly not strictly to the point,   let us try to learn from the experience of others.
         	 Britain mark you, not Scotland:  and     but wonderful in bringing optimism and an   And in the case of material prosperity, it is to
        here is the emotional crux of the conference.   almost child-like recognition of the need for    America that we must turn, and witness the

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