Page 52 - Studio Internatinal - October 1974
P. 52

Dymphnarium at Mechelen, Belgium                                                   set up to improve their living conditions.
                                                                                             Therefore the idea of selective demolition
       Designed by: Krokus, workgroup for the                                             was adopted: since it was impossible to
       rehabilitation of the urban interior. (Jean-Paul                                   demolish selectively, this obviously led to
       Laenen, Marcel Smets, Bob van Reeth)                                                building after selected demolition!
                                                                                             All building materials were somehow
                                                                                           recovered: the pavement and cobblestones
                                                                                          were found on a dumping-ground, the edging
                                                                                          stones came from the restoration of a
                                                                                           nearby church, the wooden elements were
                                                                                          made out of salvaged timber.
                                                                                             One of the trees dates from the original
                                                                                          garden. The other plantations were supplied
                                                                                           by the municipal gardening grounds. Even
                                                                                          the manual labour was in some way
                                                                                          'recovered', since the whole project was
                                                                                          completely carried out by appointed
                                                                                          municipal craftsmen. Due to this approach,
                                                                                          it became possible to furnish this socially
                                                                                          deprived district with a neighbourhood
                                                                                           precinct usually granted only to wealthy
                                                                                          shopping areas.
                                                                                             Without awaiting the outcome of the
                                                                                          design competition, an attempt was made
                                                                                          to improve the quality of life of the
                                                                                          surrounding homes by what seems to be the
                                                                                          most obvious way for public authority to
                                                                                          interfere, i.e. the reorganization of the public
                                                                                             In this way the project aims at organizing
                                                                                          the communal territory as a form of
                                                                                          community living that offers more
       This project grew as a reaction against the                                        possibilities than that available on the
       demolition, by the local public authorities,                                       classical street.
                                                                                             This led to realizing the importance to
       of what they considered a group of obsolete
                                                                                          street relations of the narrow pedestrian
                                                                                           passage way along the lot, of sun and wind at
         As this demolition was mainly undertaken
       in view of a design competition for the                                             certain hours, of heights, of window-sills to
       sanitation of the surrounding district, it took                                    sit upon or lean against, etc...
       place without any idea of a determinate                                               As an extension of the existing public life,
       future use of the vacant lot. In fact, it meant                                    a number of opportunities were added:
       disrupting the district's coherent structure                                        possibilities for children to play, for eating,
       right in its centre, thus taking the risk of                                        reading, knitting or dancing in the open air,
       accelerating the process of technical and                                          for seeking shelter from rain and wind, for
       social deterioration.                                                               enjoying and cultivating flowers and
         With this danger in mind, it was suggested                                        greenery, etc...
       that the demolition be handled in a way which                                         Reflecting on the idea of how people
       would preserve the urban-structural and                                             react to the univalent environment of planners,
       psychological values of this corner group of                                        the answer was formally suggested by a
       houses. So a way of selective demolition                                            complex structuring of the whole. This
       was proposed. The existing street community                                         implies that the offered opportunities can
       would find a new space available in the created                                     be discovered and interpreted by each person
       collective precinct. The remaining                                                 differently. More than an answer to a specific
       constructional elements would receive new                                           problem, this 'Dymphnarium' (named after
       use and new sense and give new possibilities                                       'Dymphna', the one-time proprietor of a
       for street-life. In spite of its obvious economy                                   small shop located there) wants to be a
       seen in a larger sense, this proposal proved to                                    continuous play-ground for life.
       be incompatible with economies at first                                               Considering the manner in which the
       sight resulting from demolition.                                                    inhabitants react to it, it seems that
         However this situation had made the                                               neighbourhood consciousness has been
       public authorities politically aware of the                                         intensified: not only did they take an active
       fact that leaving the lot vacant for a number                                       part in the construction (painting and
       of years might strengthen the residents'                                           varnishing, attending to the greenery, even
       grudges, especially since it had been                                              sketching frescoes on the surrounding wall);
       announced through newspaper articles and                                           they also organized an antique market and
       conferences that the design competition was                                         open air festivities at the opening.

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