Page 59 - Studio Internatinal - October 1974
P. 59
never had any kind of subsidy — paying have been added. public ballot went to Galerie Flincker Manuel Tomas Lucas, Michael Schwartz
its rent, electricity, projector repair Paris for their Yves Klein show, where and John Bolstad and is produced by
Rotella by Tommaso Trini. XLVIII,
bills, and at the same time paying the they offered Blue Monochromes at Jack Wendler.
220 pages, 500 illustrations (many in
film-makers, for which it has an $200,000 each adding that they did
colour); bibliography. Milan, Giampaela
excellent record. It has always worked not want to sell them! At the next Recent Appointments: Jeffrey Dudley
Prearo editore, 1974. 25 lira.
financially to date, but always 'only- Basle Art Fair, 18-23 June 1975, has been appointed Head of the
A comprehensive, large-format,
just'. It maintains a relatively small Annely Juda London is organizing a Department of Sculpture and Nigel Hall
monograph on Mimmo Rotella an
membership and entrance fee. special display of Modern English Art. Principal Lecturer in Sculpture at
Italian artist associated with the
Membership £1 per year and entrance Chelsea School of Art, London.
affiche lacere and decollage movements
50 p (student membership 60p).
of the 1950s and the Mec art and Germany Facets, a series of cultural
Despite some increase in the number Enzo Sperone has opened a branch in
Nouveau Realiste movements of the events, will take place in various parts
of occasional shows of avant-garde film
1960s. Rotella now lives and works in of London during October and New York at 142 Greene Street, New Review 3
in London, the Co-op remains the only York, NY 10012.
Paris. On the evidence of this book he November. 'From Picasso to Lichtenstein'
regular centre.
is a prolific artist with a predominantly the Nordrhein-Westfalen Collection is
During last summer, the Co-op Hilary Lane, who has recently been
graphic sensibility. The introductory at the Tate Gallery until 24 November,
cinema prepared for a slight shift in appointed Visual Art Organiser at the
texts are in Italian, French and English. 'New German Painting' is at the
policy. Under Annabel Nicolson, with Serpentine Gallery 1 November-1 Gardner Art Centre, University of
technical help from Tony Hill the A Dore gallery introduction by Edmond December, and there is a 'German Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, is planning
cinema has been widened by about six Oilier. 304 pages, 225 illustrations. Month' at the ICA, full details of which exhibitions that would involve the
feet making more flexible presentation Feltham, Hamlyn/Spring Books, 1974. were given in September's 'News & community in some way. An Enzo
space, more suitable now for multi- f3.95. notes'. Stockhausen's 'Inori' (Japanese Mari furniture show is being planned
projection and performance work. Over two hundred examples of Gustave for Adorations), which receives its for the spring for which the students,
Conventional, single screen films will of Dore's dramatic book illustrations to world premier at Donaueschingen on staff and local people would make the
course continue to be shown, but texts by Dante, Milton, La Fontaine, furniture. Hilary Lane would also
20 October, will be performed for the
'performance' work, not necessarily Chateaubriand and others. This book second time at the London Coliseum welcome proposals for floating objects
including film, will also be programmed, has been adapted from a two volume in the moats of the University.
on 23 October. The work is scored for
reflecting some of the current new edition published in the nineteenth 89 instruments and 13 specially
directions in film and video. Any century consequently the memoir and 50 Drawings and a Wall Drawing by Sol
constructed gongs. A 'Beter' (a person
enquiries about programmes or requests critical essay it contains date from who prays) adopts different positions LeWitt will be shown at the Vancouver
for screening/presentation should be 1870. of prayer in the middle of the Art Gallery 11 November-22 December.
addressed to Annabel Nicolson, 13A John A. Walker
orchestra and so initiates a continuum
Prince of Wales Crescent, London NW1, The Open-Air show of sculpture at
between himself and the orchestra
Malcolm Le Grice News and notes through the conductor, who on this South Hill Park at Bracknell is
continuing to show work in its present
An International Sculpture Manifestation occasion is Stockhausen. 'Inori' is
Books is being planned for London from April preceded by 'Hu', a lecture format for another year. Anyone
interested in showing work, which must
Impressionist prints: lithographs, to September 1975 when the Arts demonstration for soprano and mime.
be strong to withstand the weather for
etchings, drypoints, aquatints, woodcut Council will be renting the Flower 12 months, should contact Susie
woodcuts by Roger Passeron. Market, Covent Garden from the The National Gallery London have Medley, with full details and slides or
pages, 99 illustrations (23 in colour). Greater London Council. The refused to lend five of their Turners for photographs, at: South Hill Park Arts
Phaidon, 1974. £20. manifestation originally arose from a the Turner Bicentenary Exhibition Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire. Telephone
A superbly produced book which throws suggestion by Caro, Tucker and King opening at the Royal Academy in 0344 27272,
new light on the hackneyed subject of for a large sculpture show during November. They were asked to loan
Impressionism — it is fascinating to see London's 'Hayward-starved months'. seven paintings, the five they have The Art Information Registry (Al R)
how the theory of Impressionism was (When the Hayward Gallery is being refused are: Sun rising through Vapour, with financial help from the Calouste
adapted or abandoned in response to used for a British Theatre show.) The Dido building Carthage, The Fighting Gulbenkian Foundation, have just
the exigencies of the various graphic sculptors already involved in the Temeraire, The Evening Star and Rain, completed a full visual documentation
media employed. Passeron defines scheme want to have an exhibition Steam and Speed. The reasons given of all graduating fine-art students
Impressionism loosely — he features entirely devoted to established artists for the refusal are that Turner directed work throughout the country for the
Bonnington, Whistler, Redon and the but the Arts Council would like to see that the first two paintings should be Diploma Shows of 1974. The archive
Post-Impressionists in addition to young unknown sculptors given a hung next to two by Claude, that the contains 1700 colour transparencies
Degas, Manet, Renoir, Pissaro and chance to show as well. What seems others have travelled extensively representative of 49 colleges, and can
Cassatt. Nothing by Monet is included likely is some sort of a compromise. already, that they should be moved as be viewed, by arrangement, at AIR,
— it seems he did not produce any The Arts Council will be playing an little as possible, that visitors should Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
prints. This book would be further important part in the future of Covent rightfully expect to be able to see W1 (Tel, 01-734 3604),
enhanced by the addition of a Garden and will have the use of other certain paintings at all times and that
bibliography and an index. buildings in the market. it would be easy for visitors to the The Conway Hall Gallery, Since April
show to walk to the National Gallery
Our hidden heritage: five centuries of where they can see the five paintings the Conway Hall has developed a new
Dan Graham, the American video-
women artists by Eleanor Tufts. 256 free of charge. The Royal Academy role as a place for showing work, It's
performance artist is showing new
pages, 136 illustrations; bibliography. are 'extremely disappointed' about the central, and economically independent
work at the Lisson Gallery, 68 Bell
New York, London, Paddington Press, decision and say that Turner, who was since the building is owned by the
Street, London NW1 until 26 October.
1974. £5.95. always concerned that his best work South Place Ethical Society who are
On the walls are diagrams of
Factual accounts of the lives and work should be seen together, would have keen on the gallery. The gallery space
architecturally orientated video
of twenty-two women painters and greatly regretted their absence. That has a curious feel to it, more twenties
performance pieces one of which is
sculptors. Their careers span the period the National Gallery, themselves in the than Habitat. It has its drawbacks,
being performed. Also on show is a
from the 16th to the 20th century. The exhibition business, fail to see the value like some of the best space doubling
video installation, a variant of the
author's intention is to redress the of a representative show with an overall as a meeting place for weight-watchers,
work shown recently at 'Project 74;
balance of art history in favour of her effect is sad. The fact that The Fighting accountants, liberation movements,
'Time Delay Room', reported to be the
sex but the cause of Feminist art is not Temeraire, Turner's best known work, blood-donors and their ilk — at least
best and simplest work in the whole
advanced by this type of book — they and Rain, Steam and Speed, his most they're a captive audience. A recent
show. Graham will also be performing
only appeal to the already converted. prophetic work, will not be shown at show included paintings by Clute,
at the Royal College of Art's TV
Most of the work illustrated will the Royal Academy is even sadder. Cuthbert, Harvey and Broomfield.
School in Queen's Gate on 4 October
confirm male chauvinist prejudices. The current show includes work by
at 7.00 pm.
There are no colour plates but a five McKeever, Klassnik and Hyde,
Garage Art, which opened last
page bibliography is included. Anyone interested in showing should
Prizes were awarded at the last Basle November in Covent Garden, London, ring James Faure-Walker at
Bloomsbury by Quentin Bell. 94pages, Art Fair in June for the best 'New has now closed. The gallery which was
01-359 5954.
100 illustrations. Futura publications, Trends' exhibits and the best one-man directed by Martin Attwood and Tony
1974. 80p. shows, which were this year's Stokes and backed by Terence Conran, General Co-ordinator sought by
A pithy introduction to the famous innovations. The 'New Trends' prizes John Kasmin, Richard Smith, Tony London based artists organization,
English clique of intellectuals, artists, went to Ronald Feldman, New York, for Caro and David Hockney, closed supported by the Arts Council, whose
writers and critics by a son of 'the good presentation of an important because the backers or at least some of aims are to promote the creative arts,
Bloomsbury. Quentin Bell is not work by Joseph Beuys' (an them did not like the direction the provide studio space at low cost,
content with mere description: he environment): Mayor Gallery London gallery was taking and so pulled out. arrange exhibitions, and carry out
places the Bloomsburies in a social for 'effective presentation of Agnes fund raising activities to further these
context and sceptically reviews their Martin' and the Castelli-Sonnabend David Lamellas's latest film The Desert aims. Minimum salary £3,000.
rationalist aesthetic/ethic. This Video Corporation for 'the excellent People will be shown at the Collegiate Apply in writing to Professor W. A.
paperback version is worth buying even information given by a large number of Theatre, Gordon Street, London on 14 West at 13 St. Georges Court,
if you have read the hardback (published Video-Art-Films'. The First 'One-Man and 15 October at 7.00 pm. The film Gloucester Road, S.W.7.
in 1968) because more illustrations Show Prize', which was decided by stars Carol Gary, Chris Holmes, Compiled by Paul Martin