Page 58 - Studio Internatinal - October 1974
P. 58

Contributors                   magazines reterred to in the preceding   originale — please forget this message —  on, the first Arts Lab was just getting
                                       paragraph in a detailed 'Reviews'   ineffectual student art groupies —  off the ground, initiated by Jim Haynes
        Clive Phillpot  is Librarian at Chelsea   section. The current issue is devoted to   collage or perish — homage to Ben is   in Drury Lane, a short walk east of
        School of Art, London ... Malcolm Le   'the Treated Text' and the ramifications  homage to art — les oeuvres d'art sont   Better Books. Within the Arts Lab,
        Grice is a film-maker and teaches at St   of this topic are explored by Nicholas   des dechets de vie — I am glad when I   David Curtis, an artist and writer at
         Martin's School of Art, London ...   Zurbrugg in his introduction. He   can stamp — etc. etc. Some artists,   that time just out of the Slade, began a
        John A. Walker  is an artist and writer   contrasts conventional verse making in   notably Beuys with his two   cinema with the intention of showing
        ... Paul Martin teaches sculpture at   which poets 'treat' certain 'verbal   ubiquitous and elegant stamps, leave   all the experimental films he could lay
         Goldsmith's College, London ...   units selected from the entirety of   impressions as personal endorsements,   hands on. Curtis was one of the few
        Micheline van Lier  is a freelance Belgian   language at their command' with the   while Urban uses them on selected   people around in London at that time
         writer ... Andrew Hudson teaches at   activity of creators of 'treated texts'   images as standard frameworks for   who was informed about the 'new'
        the Corcoran School of Art, Washington   who 'may be seen to poetically and   variable annotations.   underground direction of cinema in
        ... David Brown  has recently been   aesthetically 're-treat' certain verbal   Many of the artists use found   America and he was determined to
        appointed Assistant Curator at the   units re-selected from those already   stamps, chiefly of animals, Disney   show whatever he could of this work,
        Tate Gallery, London ... Gunther   selected and treated verbal units that   characters, and the like from children's   interspersed with the few avant-garde
  Review 2
        Wirth is a journalist living in Stuttgart   form a pre-existing text'. The   games, but also miscellaneous   films in the British Film Institute
        ... Norman Ackroyd is a print-maker   contributors to this issue divide fairly   advertising and business images;   catalogue, and the best classic films
        and teacher at the Central School of   equally into concrete poets (including   however, since stamps can be made   from the commercial cinema.
         Art, London ... Fenella Crichton is   Finlay, Houedard, and Morgan) and   from practically any design, many   My own involvement at that time
         London correspondent of Art   visual artists (including Phillips, Ruscha,  favourite images have been rubberized,   was with the Arts Lab, where Curtis
        International... Tony Rothon is a   Tilson and Weiner). Also included are a   Geza Perneczky even made his own   showed some of my first films. Having
         painter and freelance writer ... Penny   few collages or drawings by Dada   stamps from 'little objects found on   work shown in a public screening place
        Hawkins is a painter living and working   artists: Janco and Hoch are represented   the occasion of a promenade on the   was a great stimulus to myself and
         in London ... Caryn Faure-Walker  is a   by works many years old, but both   bank of (the) Rhein', and impressions   other intending film-makers. With
        freelance writer on art... lames Faure-  Richter's and Hausmann's contributions  of a toy plane, a plastic spoon, a bottle   Curtis and an American called Ben
        Walker  is a painter ... Judy Marie is a   date from the 'seventies, the latter also   top and other jetsam are included in   Yah-Yah, I worked on the establishment
        freelance writer ...           has a prose piece in this issue. Stereo   the book.         of a co-operative film workshop, and
                                       Headphones is the best designed of all   En masse these impressions are   this when we discovered our similarity
                                       these magazines, the style of layout   entertaining in their typographical and   of aims with Better Books led to an
        Feedback                       and the sans serif typeface provide a   pictorial diversity, and it was a good   inevitable liason and eventually a
         Poetry Information is an unusual   harmonious context for the   idea to gather them together; however   fusion between the two groups — the
         magazine in its emphasis on   predominantly visual content, whether   when they are captured, mounted and   Co-op subsequently showing its films
         information, the double number 9/10   diagrams, photographs or reproductions.  labelled they lose something, for their   regularly at the Arts Lab Cinema.
        for Spring 74 divides into two main   Number 6 also publishes some sharp   lifetime is the lifetime of a postcard or   At the end of 1968, it became clear
         parts: the first half includes articles on   exchanges over the history of concrete   an envelope not a book, and they only   that the Drury Lane Arts Lab was
         poetry in Latin America as well as some   poetry in letters from Chopin (H.),   really come alive winging their way   'over', and a move was prepared. In the
        general articles, most of which are   Bann, Cobbing and Mayer. Stereo   through their true element, the postal   Summer of 1969, the second London
        succeeded by useful bibliographies,   Headphones 6 is available from   system.              Arts Lab was opened in Robert Street,
         while the latter half concentrates on   Nicholas Zurbrugg, Church Steps,   Clive Phillpot   near Euston Station, and another
         information and commences with a   Kersey, near Ipswich, Suffolk, at £0.60                 cinema was built, again to be run
        'Poetry Index' which indexes 'articles   + 10p postage (or $2.50 + 50c postage).            mainly by David Curtis, and again with
        and longer book reviews extracted from                       Vision                        regular screenings of Film Co-op work.
         periodicals, mostly British but some                        Although I have often referred to   The Co-op at this time had its
         American'. This is followed by a                            films shown at the London Film-  distribution office in the same building,
        'Review section' which provides name,                        makers Co-operative, I have never   and in the same year I was finally able
         number, address, price, contents and                        written about the Cinema itself or its   to materialize my own main ambition
         comment for 34 little UK magazines,                         history. At a point when it has just   of a work-shop for the Co-op, equipped
         then similar details for 66 books of                        begun to move into a new phase, with   with professional printing and
        verse from small presses plus a few                          a new organizer Annabel Nicolson, it   developing equipment — made possible
        anthologies and exhibition catalogues,                       seems a good time to rectify this.   by a loan from a benevolent individual.
         then details of 17 little magazines and   Another publication dealing with   In one form or another, the LFMC   This period of stability for the
         20 books of verse from the US and   the conjunction of verbal and visual   Cinema has been running for about   distribution office, the workshop and
        Canada. The next section, which   images is Art et Communication   eight years. There have been short   the cinema did much to establish us as
         includes magazines, pamphlets etc., is   Marginale, Tampons d'Artistes by Herve   breaks, mainly due to moving to   a strong organization, and formed a
         entitled 'Experimental Poetry, Visual   Fischer (F48 from Editions Andre   different locations, and at some times   real centre for a new group of
         Texts, International', and represents   Balland, 33 rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts,   the cinema which has been used for   experimental film-makers. The library
         the area where poetry and the visual   75006 Paris). Before non-French   the Co-op films has not been strictly   of films increased greatly, including
        arts coalesce. Finally there is an ongoing   readers leap to the conclusion that   speaking run by the Co-op itself. There   new British work and many important
         list of information sources (including   this is a manifestation of feminist body   is, however, a fairly continuous history   American works.
        'Feedback'!), plus a list of UK   art, I had better give the English title:   — the Co-op providing the only   The two periods of the Arts Lab
         bookshops for 'people interested in   Art and Marginal Communication,   regular screenings of avant-garde films   cinema, 1966 to 1968 in Drury Lane
         buying (small press) books/mags'.   Rubber Art, Stamp Activity.  Just to   throughout this period. The Co-op   and 1969 to 1971 in Robert Street
         Poetry Information certainly lives up   make it quite clear, this is an anthology   Cinema really began in two ways   saw a continual increase in the
         to its moniker; it is edited by Peter   of impressions from artists' rubber   almost simultaneously; the Co-op   proportion of the programme given
         Hodgkiss and is available from 17   stamps, some intended as unlimited   proper began in 1966, largely as a   over to avant-garde work, and where
        Carlingford Road, London NW3 1 RY,   expendable art works, some as parts of   development from Bob Cobbing's   possible to one-man shows with the
        at £0.80 or $4.50 for four issues.   art works, while others are simply   experimental film society, 'Cinema 65',   film-maker present. When Robert Street
           Kontexts 5 is categorized in Poetry   endorsements for communications. The   which he ran as a part of the activities   was closed for demolition in 1971, the
         Information as an experimental poetry   book is a well-designed paperback of   of Better Books. The screenings took   Arts Lab did not try to reform and the
         magazine and indeed much of the   just under 250 pages; the first 50   place in the Better Books basement in   Film Co-op again took on the whole
         content is primarily visual, and includes   pages include an introduction by   Charing Cross Road. In a collaboration   task of screening, distribution and the
         work by such artists as Breakwell,   Herve Fischer in French, English and   which included Cobbing, cineastes John   workshop. In 1971 it moved to its
         Mayer, Cobbing and many others, as   German and short texts in English by   Collins and Philip Crick, and the film   present premises, the Dairy in Prince of
         well as a piece each by the editors of   Ken Friedman and Jiri Valoch, the   critic and author Ray Durgnat, the   Wales Crescent, London NW1. Again
         two other poetry magazines, Peter   rest of the book is devoted to   notion of a co-operative based on the   there was a massive clean up and
         Finch (Second Aeon) and Jeremy   documentation of the activity of   New York Film-makers Co-op developed  rebuilding job to be done, and the
         Adler (Ab); interesting how much   nearly 150 artists and includes   and was put into practice. The main   third cinema to be 'hand-built' with no
        cross-pollination of this kind goes on,   photographs of variously franked   difference between this and 'Cinema   money was completed, using the same
         makes one wonder if this is not an   letters, envelopes and art works, but   65' was the intention of beginning a   portable projectors which were used
         undeclared editors' issue with all the   mainly the impressions themselves.   collection of films for distribution. As   from the beginning at Drury Lane, and
         contributors working away editing   The first artist represented, Karel   there were very few experimental   which are still in service. From then
         their own magazines as well. Kontexts   Adamus, is atypical in that his rubber   film-makers in London at that time,   until June this year, the cinema was
        5 also carries reviews and notes about   stamps are on the soles of his shoes,   and not all of them knew of the Better   run by Peter Gidal, with technical
        other publications, and costs f0.35 or   these are collages of rubber letters and   Books group, the earliest works to be   assistance from David Crosswaite. The
        $1.00 from the editor, Michael Gibbs,   numbers which he then imprints onto a   deposited with the Co-op came from   policy of increasingly showing new
         31 Pinhoe Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4   pebble beach for example, leaving   the Creative Film Society in Los   work is made possible by the amount
         7H5.                          'poem objects' in his wake. Most of the   Angeles, Kurt Kren in Austria and   of work being made in London and the
           Stereo Headphones 6, Summer   artists use stamps to impart slogans or   Steve Dwoskin an American who has   continual depositing of work by
        1974, shares a few contributors with   enigmatic phrases, e.g. give us this day   lived and worked in London from just   American film-makers. The cinema has
         Kontexts 5 and discusses all four    our daily dada — d'apres la copie    before that time. Whilst this was going    always had to pay its way, and has
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