Page 36 - Studio International - September 1974
P. 36

Jacob Israel Avedon - businessman 25 August 1973
    the old masters did in formalized sittings. There   sitter, to suspend him in the artifice of   evened out. The three photographs are at once
    is a whole ritual of careful arrangement and long   timelessness and spacelessness - an artifice that   a study in values and composition, and a
    static moments while the two personalities ease   we recognize instantly and unconsciously take   spiritual narrative. Avedon, with a minimum of
    cautiously into the special relationship of artist   into account. (The very faces, worked by time,   compositional means, has produced an
    and model. He feels, and quite correctly, that   belie the fiction, yet it is a fiction that we   abstraction equal to a poetic portrait by Yeats
    sitters come to him as they would to a doctor or   acknowledge). The artifice is emphasized by   or Eliot.
    a fortune teller - to find out how they really are.   Avedon's insistence that the black borders   The plastic means are important: First, the
    `So they're dependent on me. I have to engage   denoting the frame on the roll of film, remain.   horizontal white mass of shoulders running
    them. Otherwise there's nothing to photograph.   He leaves the black borders as the painter leaves   through the three frames to play against the very
    The concentration has to come from me and   bare canvas at the edge : to reinforce the paradox   slightly oblique line of eyes and brows. These
    involve them. Sometimes the force of it grows so   of imagery on the two dimensional plane. Like   lines are the unifying agents; they remain stable
    strong that sounds in the studio go unheard.   the painter, also, Avedon reduces his means to   throughout the composition while movement is
     Time stops. We share a brief intense intimacy.   heighten his artistry. In these late portraits, he   initiated in light values alone. The stability of
     But it's unearned. It has no past . . . no future.'   arranges the tonal gradations with infinite   the main compositional lines is essential to the
     The moral commitment, then, is to art, to the   subtlety, and plays them against the few   vision of the artist, for here, more than in any
    fiction that a photograph of quality always is.   compositional elements he allows himself.   previous works, Avedon is posing the eternal
      Among his highest fictions, and most moving,   Stravinsky: a wily old comedian, aware,   question of the portraitist: who, exactly, is the
    are portraits in which the interrogation of the   imperious, ready to impose the pose. In 1958,   sitter and if we don't know Stravinsky's face,
    signs of the face is made in a few tense, highly   Avedon photographed Stravinsky in three-  what can the artist leave for us that remains
    selective moments. I'm thinking above all of his _  quarter pose and Stravinsky won the agon. He   significant?It is a question that veteran
    trip tych of Stravinsky portraits, made in   stepped forward, grand impresario, lifting his   portraitists, such as Frans Hals, must have
     November 1969, and the series of portraits of   dark glasses and commanding the photographer   asked themselves at the end of their lives. When
     his father made over a period of six years,   to see him as he, for the moment, saw himself.   Hals did his group portrait of the corporation
     recently exhibited at the Museum of Modern   But in 1969, Stravinsky met his match. The   running the old people's home, he obviously
     Art. In both cases, Avedon strives to isolate the   photographer became artist and the contest was    regarded each aged face as both a particular

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