Page 46 - Studio International - September 1974
P. 46

John Panting                  impressive degree of independence,   rapidly. The last sculptures have a   art. 1969 was the year of the first real
                                        insistently testing and challenging his   great sense of momentum.   boom. In Oporto a complete exhibition
          John Panting was born in New   own expectations. He was developing   R. J. Rees           of 20 paintings by Nadir Afonso was
          Zealand in 1940. He studied sculpture                                                     bought by a dealer for 1200 000 000
          at Canterbury University School of                                                        escudos (£20,000). From then on
          Art and, after moving to London, at                                                       prices continued to rise sharply. In any
          the Royal College of Art. He was one                                                      public auction in Lisbon or Oporto any
          of the best younger sculptors in this                                                     relatively established Portuguese
          country. He exhibited mainly abroad.                                                      painter could be sure of selling a
          In 1972 he was appointed Head of the                                                      canvas for anything from 30 000 000
          Sculpture School at the Central                                                           escudos (£500) to 100 000 000
          School of Art and Design. In July of                                                      escudos (£1,700) and Government
          this year he was killed in a motorcycle                                                    commissions for public buildings rose
          accident.                                                                                 even more spectacularly. The total
            One of the main aspects of                                                               cost of a statue in bronze of Dom
          Panting's sculpture has been its                                                           Nuno Alvares Pereira on horseback,
          emphasis on line as an active                                                              sited at Praca Martin Moniz in
          generator of shape. This emphasis has                                                      Lisbon, was 600 000 000 escudos
          been explicit throughout his career. In                                                    (£42,000 for the foundry work
          much contemporary British sculpture                                                        and £18,000 for the sculptor,
          drawing is treated as an imposed,                                                          Leopoldo D'Almeida). Most of
          additive phenomenon. Panting                                                               the Portuguese artists profited
          regarded it as intrinsic. In a series of                                                   immensely from this economically
                                        John Panting Steel Piece 1973/74
          sculptures around 1971 he subjected                                                        rewarding situation, so long as they
          line to the exigencies of physical                                                         produced the kind of art acceptable to
          pressure. In these works large slender   Portugal                                          the financial uppercrust : art that
          metal frames are perceptibly twisted                                                       would 'soften the endurancesof life' as
          by stretches of steel cable — the cable   After forty-eight years of mental   by PIDE agents in a Lisbon street, and   'they' put it. And so, tragically unaware
          attached to the frame at specific   repression, censorship and mindless   Vespeira, Skapinakis and Pomar, three   most of the time of what boat he was
          points and then tightened. The   politicization artists finally have a   painters arrested for crimes of   in, the Portuguese artist would paint
          resulting forms are elegantly arcuate —  chance of bringing to light whatever   subversion without any charges being   and sculpt away as if all that was
          the rapid cursive line resembling the   they have to offer to the challenge of   officially made — not many were   happening (the African wars that
          whiplashed contours in        forming a new society in Portugal. The   prepared to face the consequences of   have lasted 14 years now) had nothing
          De Kooning's early paintings.   final evidence of the consequences of   political opposition even when they   to do with him busily creating
            In the following year Panting   such a long period of ruthless cultural   had political beliefs. There was a third   something he has persuaded himself
          shifted emphasis and moved away   suppression has not yet been   alternative of course, to go into exile.   in advance was tremendously
          from the tensile force of these works to   disclosed and there are reasons to   An insignificant number of artists did   important. This vicious circle was
          construct a series of abruptly   believe that it will be some years   this.                exaggerated by Portugal's distance
          rectilinear sculptures built from thin   before the situation can be considered   For those who remained to be   from the various European art centres
          lengths of square hollow-sectioned   normal by the standards of other   practising artists with commercial   which made it even more difficult to
          steel. These works, exhibited at   European democracies. In the arts   prospects there was a public formed of   make contact with contemporary art
          Felicity Samuel's Gallery during the   field during these years there have   only two classes — the wealthy and the   movements. It all changed on 24
          same year, are good but not unusual ;   been only two options : either to stay   poor, in this case the very poor. Thus,   April.
          they lack the particularity and   and collaborate from a need to   inevitably, the work produced had no   However considering the long
          idiosyncrasy of Panting's best work.   survive or, by opting out, to refuse all   social relevance and avoided the   period of intellectual lethargy it is
          The artist regarded them as interim   Government commissions, all   issues confronting the majority of the   difficult to imagine anything really
          pieces. In a subsequent series the   possibility of participating in national   population. No person stood a chance   radical happening. It is impossible to
          geometric theme was continued but   and international competitions and   of continuing as an artist, should they   sustain sudden change. Portuguese
          the order is looser and more relaxed.   exhibitions and eventually to be   decide to address their art to any   artists have an immense and difficult
          The use of line, as in the previous   declared persona non grata by the   audience but that of the extreme rich,   task because they have to start almost
          works, is still a little diagrammatic but   authorities. disqualified from teaching   the would-be buyers. The result was   from scratch. The fact that from 24
          the drawing is considerably less   and, worst of all, harassed by the   necessarily not a very brilliant one. The   April there has been a free exchange of
          descriptive, is broader and more   secret police — PI DE. Idealogically, as   art work was in most cases soft, vapid,   ideas means that they will have to
          definite. These later sculptures are   is still the case with most Portuguese,   mindless, at best, beautiful, in order to   rethink their role in society, if a
          first-rate and represent possibly a   not many artists were politically   comply with the expectations of the   mass programme of culturization
          summation of specific tendencies in   conscientious. The vast majority   collectors.       is to succeed throughout the
          Panting's development.        refused to be involved in any kind of   The situation deteriorated during   country. There is an atmosphere that
            In 1973 the artist made a   opposition to the Salazar-Caetano   the second half of the sixties with an   favours creativity as never before.
          conspicuous break with his earlier   regime. Except for some celebrated   accelerating economic crisis that   Success will depend on the self-
          work. The characteristic restraint gave   examples — Dias Collho, a sculptor   undermined the stock market and   motivation of Portuguese artists.
          way to a more impulsive, open-ended   who was shot dead in broad daylight    forced the big shareholders to invest in    A. Queiroz-Ribeiro
          approach. The initial evidence of this
                                        Alberto Carneiro A Forest for your dreams Obidos 1970
          transitional period again employed                                                         Paris
          assemblages of articulated steel in
          open linear configuration but with                                                         Nostalgia is a curious phenomenon
          surprising results. The sculptures                                                         and the visitor to Paris is certain to
          appear to be erratic clusters of oddly                                                     experience the pervasive mood of it.
          angled, ill-assorted rods. The line, no                                                    Glancing backwards can take many
          longer continuous, is broken and                                                           forms but all of them share a fear or a
          irregular (recalling the 'visual stutter'                                                  dislike of the present and the future.
          in Cezanne) and there is seemingly                                                         Nor is this surprising in the arts; for
          no attempt to underpin the apparent                                                        the disputed evidence of the past has
          redundancy with an immanent order.                                                         become their only unifying feature.
          The usual checks and balances are                                                          The fragmentation of the moment is so
          conspicuously absent. These pieces                                                         total that even the counterfeit imagery
          are genuinely free.                                                                        of decadence attracts longings of a
            Panting's final works resist                                                             most unattractive kind. Symptomatic
          generalization and are extremely                                                           in this respect is the exhibition of
          diverse in content. Their level of                                                         pompier paintings in the Grand Palais,
          achievement is exceptional. The                                                            the 'Musée du Luxembourg en 1874'
          artist was obviously working with an                                                       show. But the less said about it the
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