Page 49 - Studio International - September 1974
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absence of relevant criteria made it   home, when the public drifted in to   Düsseldorf was organized by   the Kunstverein. The main body of
        impossible to decide. On the morning   stare at insignificant objects, strange   Konrad Fischer, Projekt in Cologne   the hall was installations, including a
        after the opening, Ger Dekkers'   films, malfunctioning machines and   was controlled, more discreetly, by   real piece of Fluxus history in the
        contribution appeared to be vitiated   tatty conglomerations which,   Paul Maenz. Briefly the three levels of   shape of Charlotte Moorman and her
        by malfunction : four slide-projectors,   perhaps fortunately for the great   politics in the arena are : firstly,   TV cello. Dan Graham's action-
        presumably intended to throw   international community of artists,   Germany as the leader of the   replay-look-at-yourself-on-video-
        matched sets of images of Dutch   could surely offer little real insight   European art world ; secondly,   to-infinity room was very
        landscapes, were no longer working   into the actual conditions of their   internal German museum politics;   disorientating. There were also two
        in synchronization. Where there was   production. The energy of the vast   thirdly, the power politics of   viewing rooms and more than 60
        now contrast there should have been   majority of the exhibitors was   commercial galleries. It should also   hours of tapes. The only problem was,
        compatibility. (I only knew this   directed at the former episode rather   be remembered that the economic   when were the 25 mins you really
        because I'd seen it previously at a   than the latter. The works themselves   support of the galleries, like most   wanted to see going to be screened ?
        time when it was reasonable to   remain a function of that life in which   German finance, has a dollar   The media turns into the malady.
        assume that it was working right.)   installations and openings are   flavour.
        Was it a part of Dekkers' decision-  highlights ; that is to say they are the   The question in most minds was   6. Performance. The opening weekend
        making in advance of the exhibition   outcome of scandalous social   the future of the big gang bang shows.   included a series of four Phil Glass
        that responsibility for the adequate   circumstances. Yet, increasingly   There still remains unresolved money   concerts. Later performances
        presentation of his artwork should   over the last five years, artworks   problems from Documenta 5. The   included Simone Forti, Charlemagne
        have become a matter for the   such as these have been presented   Venice Biennale sank earlier this year.   Palestine and Yvonne Rainer. Beuys
        maintenance men ? Did the possibility   as if no real problems were raised   Contemporanea, the Roman   was also down to appear, 'when he
        of malfunction perhaps not occur to   in claiming significance for them   extravaganza, froze all enthusiasm in   can and will'.
        him ? Much work such as this depends   in large cultural contexts. What   an underground garage. The last   This area also included a good
        upon a level of understanding of the   is really odd is that many of the   Prospect set the seal of confusion on   selection of films, but there was only
        technology which amounts to no   artists behave as if they thought   everyone's mind. The only   a projectionist for two hours each
        more than superstition, and a level   they had a right to go on like this, and   international events which are going   day. Marcel Broodthaers showed his
        of involvement with the local labour   as if this right were secured in terms   from strength to strength are the   new film Eau du Cologne at the
        force which signifies much less than   of some sophisticated notion of   Kunstmärkte.      Biograph. Another solution was
        sympathy.                     democracy.                      The organizers described the   Cologne's own Paris Pullman, partly
          As for the rest of the work shown,   Charles Harrison     categories as follows : 'Areas of   owned by Rudolf Zwirner. It was t here
        it was mostly inconsiderable. (As                           problems (replacing the old stylistic   that Jack Smith showed his
        I didn't see any of the film shows,   1974 is the 150th anniversary of the   orientations and remaining open-  remarkable film, at midnight — 'so
        performances etc, it might be   Wallraf-Richardtz Museum in   ended with respect to each other)   that the poor people could come' — to
        considered that this judgement   Cologne. From 5July to 8   were only decided on after the   the most exclusive audience. David
        can't be intended to apply to them.)   September the museum, the   selection had been completed, in   Lamelas also showed his latest film
        The large and almost entirely trivial   Kolnische Kunstverein and the   order to avoid preconceived   at the Pullman. A film which proved
        contribution from the American   Kunsthalle Köln celebrated with an   limitations.' The results were :   that given a sensible budget, an
        avant garde was shown up by a   exhibition called Project '74. An early   1.  Time. A distinctly open-ended   artist/film-maker can produce a
        single recent work from Robert   press release described the theme   category, which had been   competitive commercial movie.
        Rauschenberg. Presumably due to   with three questions :'What have   preconceived in the earliest   But a big show isn't just work, on
        ludicrous lack of foresight on the   been the turning points in the   information to artists. It included   the contrary, the reality is nearly all
        part of the local administration, this   development of art since the 60s ?   ecological and excavational time—  play. The conceptual tradition is to
        could not properly be installed in the   What changes can be seen to be   Newton Harrison, Allan Sonfist, the   transport the artist rather than the art.
        space allotted to it and was removed   taking place ?Where are the new   Poiriers and Mark Boyle; conceptual   He arrives at the airport with either
        altogether shortly after Leo Castelli   paths and aims of the 70s to be   time— Hanne Darboven, Agnes   photos and text under his arm or
        appeared on the opening day. The   found ?' With a budget of 660,000   Denes and Klaus Rinke; reconstructed   plans for the installation in his pocket.
        point to be made is twofold :   DM. (£110,000), researchers were   time— Roger Welch and Vito   When the exhibition included around
        (1) you could at least tell that it was   sent to the world's art capitals to   Acconci. Unfortunately this section   fifty per cent American artists, this is a
        not properly installed ; (2) it mattered.   discuss the project with artists,   camouflaged the main hall of the   big part of the budget. (Apart from
          The vast majority of the exhibits   dealers, curators and critics. They   Kunsthalle so successfully that it was   artists there were few Americans in
        were wholly unsurprising as   produced a list of 300 artists, which   almost impossible to find the good   Cologne. The exceptions were
        functions of a kind of social life which   was reduced, with confusion, to 75   pieces, which anyhow had no logical   Castelli and Sonnabend, confirming
        involves hanging around the world   invited artists. (The actual number   connection with time.   side by side, the practical aspect of
        seeing what everyone else is doing,   was nearer 113). The Wallraf-                       their economic merger.) What is often
        listening to what everyone's talking   Richardtz Museum houses an   2 & 3. Perception and Formal Systems.   forgotten in London is that the
        about and trying to identify 'current   historical collection, mainly School   These areas merged together on the   lunatic fringes of the avant garde are
        concerns'. This year's new promotion   of Cologne, French Impressionism   first floor of the Kunsthalle.   rather fashionable people in some
        is Arch. and Anth., pursued at a   and German Expressionism. It is also   Perception flashed, from a classic   parts of Europe. The atmosphere is
        kind of pre-school playgroup level.   the home of the Ludwig Collection of   Nauman corridor, in a devious line to   what I imagine a mini Cannes Film
        As some soap-opera character   American Pop Art. The decision that   the New Realists. Pausing for breath,   Festival would be like. People like to
        said on my TV the other night,   the exhibition should concentrate on   there were also pieces by Oppenheim,   stay at the same hotel —a sort of
        'We've grown accustomed to radical   the 70s indicates that the museum felt   Askervold, Baldessari and (more)   Butlins by the Kunsthalle —with a
        phenomena'.                   the need to up-date its image. In   Rinke. Formal systems had   swimming pool, sauna, table-tennis,
          As is now customary at such   recent years activity in Cologne has   suffered from the withdrawal of   billiards and a bar. The redcoat
        exhibitions, there were two distinct   been concentrated around the annual   Andre and LeWitt (see below). It   atmosphere was further enhanced by
        episodes in Cologne. The first   Kunstmarkt and the progressive   was left to Richter and Ruckriem   en mass attendance at the right
        involved the period of installation and   galleries: Friedrich, Zwirner, Ricke,   to give a glimpse of the standard the   performance/restaurant/film/party/
        opening, when interested people   Werner and Paul Maenz.    show could have set.          nightclub of the night. Also Germany
        hung about to see what was going   Big exhibitions have the habit of                      won the world cup that weekend.
        on, artists hustled to secure access   occurring in Germany. Each town   4. Conceptual Systems.  This proved   Hans Haacke was informed on 20
        to labour, equipment, funds and   seems to have a functioning   to be the most coherent area.   June that his work had been refused.
        publicity, organizers went spare,   museum, and there is a great deal of   Quarantined in the corridors   He had selected Manet's  Bunch of
        journalists looked vacant, and the   competition amongst curators,   surrounding the auditorium, it   Asparagus from the museum's
        local labour force got on with it at   especially those in the contemporary   ranged from Art & Language, Kosuth,   permanent collection and intended to
        whatever pace they considered   fields. The competition is particularly   Burgin and Stezaker to Weiner, Barry   display the painting alongside ten
        suitable in the circumstances.   keen between Cologne and   and Buren ,with minimal confusion   panels discussing 'the social and
        (Apparently there's no trouble   Düsseldorf. The past few years have   from Bochner and a few others.   economic position of persons who
        getting the old master exhibitions   seen Cologne master the hare of   P.S. There was a sign for Gilbert &   have owned the painting over the
        installed ; the workers recognize   diversity, and Düsseldorf   George, who were not exhibiting,   years and the prices that were paid
        authority when they see it.) The   master the tortoise of integrity.   outside the ladies' lavatory.   for it'. The painting had been
        second episode presumably     Cologne has the galleries,                                  presented to the museum by the City
        opened once all the artists had gone    Düsseldorf has the artists. Prospect in    5. Video. The video section occupied    of Cologne and the Friends of the
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