Page 55 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 55

There is, of course, a difference
        between following out the dictates of
        a predetermined principle and
        judging on the basis of educated
        preference whether things should be
        this way or that. But system is not an
        alternative to sensibility. It may be
        that an ordered assemblage of facts
        or procedure of working defers
        certain 'aesthetic' decisions to a
        level other than that on which the art
        is experienced; but whether system
        is a means of coordinating formally
        disparate elements or itself becomes
        the central content of the art, the
        production of the work at all implies
        an act of judgement and its
        achievement can only be attested on
        that basis.
          Gerald Ferguson's best-known work is
        one that also occupies a central position
        in his art. The Standard Corpus of Present
        Day English Language Usage, arranged by
        word length and alphabetized within word
        length, 1970, is a fairly large book, with
        115 evidently duplicated letter-size pages
        in a glossy paper cover. It has the floppy
        feel of an engineering manual, or at least
        of a very practical sort of book. In the   assure maximum vertical continuity and   of the object as well as the devisor of the
        library at Nova Scotia College of Art and   the paper rolled back to start the next. In   system, and at the end he exercises a
        Design (Gerald Ferguson's home base),   the process one column may drift slightly   visual judgement as to the acceptability of
        one copy is shelved among the       to the left; another to the right — or the   the results. Dual criteria apply. The piece
        dictionaries; the author speculates that it   space between lines may widen to about   must proclaim its total respect for system
        might be useful to concrete poets or   half-way down and then start to correct   but at the same time achieve a self-
        someone might wish to consult it when   itself. On close scrutiny the theoretical   sufficiency of formal interest. So, too, if
        filling in a crossword puzzle. It is as if the   uniformity breaks down into a complex of   every word in the corpus is not typed by
        artist had constructed his own ready-  minute progressions of change that   his own hand, every page was vetted by
        made, but that is not to say the visual   establish their own rhythmic inertia and   him — accepted or rejected on the basis of
        aspects are unimportant, or that they are   differentiate even those sections where   a direct visual judgement.
        even left totally to chance.        words in two columns may fall         The dot paintings employ a standard
          The material for the book came from a   momentarily in step.          fitting from a hardware store; one of them
        study made at Brown University in 1961.   The strategy and the effect are those   is executed on an irregular sheet of
        Gerald Ferguson's only contribution at   reflecting paintings Ferguson had been   greenish brown wrapping paper that
        that level was to add the word 'dada',   engaged on for more than a year.   might well just have been left over when
        which failed to show up among the 500   Paintings sprayed through individual   he sent off his last Christmas gift, or a
        sample passages used by Brown. He also   letter stencils came as early as the fall of   package of drawings for exhibition, but
        sorted out the words according to length,   1968. At about the same time he had   the ready-made aspects scarcely impinge
        counting the hyphen in compound words   produced a sculpture of standard metal   on the finished work. Albeit the materials
        as an extra letter. The book was typed   corner-beading units. As part of its   and methods are eccentric and
        rather than printed because the     documentation (when it was impractical   distinctive, the works are unmistakably
        typewriter spaces letters regularly,   to send the piece itself to an exhibition),   `paintings', the aesthetic of the corpus has
        whereas the printer's fount makes more   he sprayed paint through the metal grid.   its painterly aspects, but it is equally
        subtle adjustments that may give a   He did not like the pattern much, but the   definitely not a painting, and it opens new
        better visual balance to individual words   shop had another sort of beading with a   ranges of interest and experience quite
        but would interrupt the uniform     single row of circular holes down the side.   beyond their scope.
        tabulation of marks across the page.   This formed the basis of a series of 'dot'   However much attention is paid to the
        Capitals are used throughout. Typing   paintings that are among his most   marks on the page they are not just marks,
        begins att in. from the top and from the   impressive works. The beading is   but words. As words that depend on the
        left; columns leave a t in. margin at the   generally used vertical so it guarantees a   fact of their currency in actual language,
        bottom and proceed until the next one   certain continuity of marks in that   they produce their own sporadically
        would come within t in. of the right edge.   direction, but the density of the spray   discontinuous permutations of letter
        The typing is single-spaced vertically and   varies, and the columns may tilt a bit to   forms. The distinctive angularity of the
        only a single space is left between   left or right. In one work ten such   double 'Z' in the sequence PUZZLED
        columns. Everything is standardized and   columns appear side by side with the dots   PUZZLER PUZZLES may catch the
        regularized to produce the most     dropping a little to the right on each   eye and briefly energize the middle of that
        mechanical possible disposition. If the   occasion and then the eleventh jumps up   page, but then the next word PYHRRIC
        results are in fact full of the most subtle   and starts off another set and so on, to a   halts the rhythm completely. Moreover
        variations, that is because the machine   total of sixty across the piece. Suggestions   words are not just visual images but the
        operates within distinctly perceptible   of optically induced linearities and   graphic indication of a conjunction of
        margins of error that may cause certain   perspectives are generated internally,   sounds and meanings, and these provide
        letters generally to come out darker than   while the top and bottom achieve an   an overlay of more complex patterns.
        others, and still admit variations in the   exaggerated irregularity as the spray   There is a certain parallelism of shape
        form of a single letter, in response to the   misses a couple of holes in one column   and sounds but also more extreme
        changing surface texture of the paper, the   and catches an extra one elsewhere. The   disjunctions. As the criterion of length is
        condition of the ribbon at that particular   piece develops the look of that other sort   number of letters, so it may bring within
        point and the touch of the typist;   of art that confronts the issue of   the same classification a one-syllable word
        infrequently a letter may jump out of   appearance head on as a judgement of   like DRAUGHT and the four-syllable
        place or a mistake may have to be   taste — and to a point it is.       ABILITY. Meaning embraces still
        corrected.                            The system is respected throughout,   greater leaps, but also some subtle
          Each column is typed complete to    but Gerald Ferguson himself is the maker    transformations of sense: REGALED  ►
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