Page 56 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 56

REGALIA/REGENCY/REGENTS/           with synonyms on the right; in the first   performance; it begins with Z; then the
        REGIMEN/REGIMES/REGIONS            column uniformity of word length and   words beginning with Y that were not
        (though on the way we must pass over   visual continuities in the succession of   erased on the way; and so on, as far as S.
        REGARDS).                          letters, in the second total irregularity.   There are more four-letter words
         There are other works that use      In the Corpus the sound of the words   beginning with S than any other letter so
        linguistic symbols as their visual basis.   is an enrichment in the reading   that reading erases all previous ones.
        Earlier, along with the letter paintings, a   consciousness of the audience, but the   A lot of works have been based on the
        series of twenty-six typed sheets each   major by-product of the book is a   length 4 words. The advantages are
        covered with a single letter of the   parallel in actual sound. A choral reading   many: the number of words of that
        alphabet in lower case. Repeated like that   took place at Nova Scotia College of Art   length — about two thousand — is
        the shapes register in a very abstract way;   and Design on i7 April, 1972.   convenient to handle, and as the word is
        optical continuities emerge that totally   Twenty-six performers, seated in a   short, notable continuities of visual
        recharacterize individual forms, and   circle round a microphone, chanted out in   pattern and of sound emerge, along with
        suggestions of induced 'colour' that still   unison all the words in the Corpus up to   subtle variations as the occasional two-
        distinguish the pieces from each other in   length 7. Each performer took words   syllable word crops up, or an isolated
        the longer viewing distance of a gallery   beginning with a particular letter. The   oddity like XXXX sandwiched
        presentation. In these pieces, where lines   length-one words are in fact just the   between WYNN and YAKS. But
        are typed right across the page,    letters of the alphabet, so it all goes off   undoubtedly a major factor is that the
        irregularities show up less readily — until   together, just a great barrage of sound   idiom of language itself constructs out of
        in another piece, an offshoot of this series,   that yet suggests the diversity of its   the statistic a lexical phrase 'four-letter
        the letter 1 is re-typed a second time over   indistinguishable components. Thereafter   word' that communicates a certain cachet
        the first.                          `C' and 'S' words usually outnumber the   (stigma) to all the rest once we begin to
          Other manipulations of language   rest; when a performer exhausts his or   classify them on that basis; by chance
        produce different sorts of visual patterns :   her words in a particular length he waits   Brown did find a few lour-letter words'
        words of one to twenty-six letters length   for the rest to finish and all again start the   among the rest and they help to bring
        making a lean-to structure against the left   next length in unison. Each time the   home the point.
        of a page, another similar extending to   sound gradually thins out until the   Gerald Ferguson had made an audio-
        twenty-eight letters, all in lower case and   oppositions become more specific, and   tape on which he simply read out all the
        a symmetrical pyramid constructed out of   then finally and suddenly a single voice   length 4 words — and then out of that a
        typing on tape. These precede the   calling out an orderly sequence of words   videotape in which he sat beside the
        Corpus. Based on it is a piece using the   with alliterative progressions through   audio recorder trying to keep pace from
        first and last words from each page: they   their alphabetical order and a partial   memory as it played them back directly
        extend into four columns of tapering   correspondence of syllabic structure.   on to the sound-track of the videotape
        type, great cliffs and pinnacles of letters   Even in the recording the work has   (that is, we hear the original audiotape
        in the upper part; canyons between   extraordinary power and subtlety.   but not the artist's attempts to keep pace).
        that close up completely at bottom:   That work was essentially a       There is also a very fine print of 1971 that
        GEATISHDIVERSITYLOW-                performance that just happens to yield a   sets them all out in a long horizontal
        VOLTAGETWENTY-FIVE-YEAR-            very fine recording, but the recording   block.
        OLD. Sometimes the morphology of the   mechanism opens up possibilities not   There are some interesting
        words may provide the basis; sometimes   available in the performance itself. A   coincidences among the four-letter-long
        the meaning. In alphabetical order, three   sequential reading begins with just one   words. 'Word' itself is a four-letter word;
        columns of words that appear to be able   performer reading all the four-letter   so is the German for 'word', WORT,
        to take the prefix 're', though in fact the   words beginning with A; then the tape is   and in a hand-written sketch he
        composite is a quite different word or has   wound back and all those beginning with   rearranges these four letters in all their
        a quite distinct sense: veal/reveal/verse/   B are read out. Eventually the piece   twenty-four permutations. 'Four' too is a
        reverse/view/review/vision/revision/volt/   progresses through all the letters of the   four-letter word and he has made a great
        revolt/ward/reward. Then again: thirty-  alphabet, on each occasion erasing   deal of this. Half a page of FOUR'S typed
        five words from the first seven-letter   previous recordings on the way. The   and then retyped so the word is given the
        column in Corpus to the left of a page   finished piece reverses the order of the    graphic emphasis of darker letters when

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