Page 63 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 63


      The Pyramid and the Labyrinth

      (or the Architectural Paradox)

      Bernard Tschumi

       1. Most people concerned with      nature of the debate, such as politics, and   material to be modelled in various ways,
       architecture feel some sort of     the means that alter the paradox     and the history of architecture was seen
       disillusion and dismay. None of the   altogether (The Pyramid and The   as the history of spatial concepts. From
       early utopian ideals of the loth   Labyrinth). 'The Questions' that     the Greek 'power of interacting volumes'
     • century has materialised, none of its   accompany this text are here to point out   to the Roman 'hollowed-out interior
       social aims has succeeded. Blurred   in a condensed form some of the issues   space,' from the modern 'interaction
       by reality, the ideals have turned   raised by a theory of space.1      between inner and outer space' to the
       into redevelopment nightmares and                                       concept of 'transparency,' historians and
       the aims into bureaucratic         3. Etymologically, 'defining' space   theorists referred to space as some
       policies. The split between social   means both 'making space distinct 'and   three-dimensional lump of matter.
       reality and utopian dreams has been   `stating the precise nature of space.'   To draw a parallel between the
     4   total, the gap between economic   Much of the current confusion about   philosophies of a period and the spatial
       constraints and the illusions of all-  space can be illustrated by this linguistic   concepts of architecture is always
       solving technique has been         ambiguity. While art and architecture   tempting. Never was it done as
      absolute. Pointed out by critics who   have been essentially concerned with   obsessively as during the thirties.
      knew the limits of architectural    the first sense, philosophy, mathematics   Giedeon related Einstein's Relativity
      remedies, this historical split has   and physics have historically tried to give   Theory to cubist painting, and
      now been bypassed by recent         interpretations to something variously   architecture translated the cubist planes
      attempts to reformulate the concepts   described as 'a material thing in which all   into Le Corbusier's Villa Garches.
      of architecture. In the process, a new   material things are located' or as   Despite these space-time concepts, the
      split appears. More complex, it is   `something subjective with which the   notion of space remained a simplistic and
      not the symptom of professional     mind categorizes things.' Remember :   amorphous matter to be defined by its
      naivety or economic ignorance, but   with Descartes ended the Aristotelian   physical boundaries, only to be
      the sign of a fundamental question   tradition according to which space and   categorized by more recent formulations
      which seems to lie in the very nature   time were 'categories' that enabled the   of a linguistic nature. By the late sixties,
      of architecture and of its essential   classification of 'sensory knowledge.'   freed from the technological
      element: space. By focusing on      Space became absolute. Object before the   determinants of the post-war period and
      itself, architecture has entered an   subject, it dominated senses and bodies   aware of recent linguistic studies,
      unavoidable paradox that is more    by containing them. Was space inherent   architects talked about the Square, the
      present in space than anywhere else   to the totality of what exists ? Such was   Street, the Arcade, wondering if these did
      — the impossibility of both         the question of space, for Spinoza and   not constitute a little-known code of
      questioning the nature of space and   Leibniz. Returning to the old notion of   space, with its own syntax and meaning.
      at the same time experiencing a     category, Kant described space as    Did language precede these socio-
      spatial praxis.                     neither matter nor set of objective   economic urban spaces, did it accompany
                                          relations between things, but as an ideal   them, or even follow them ? Was space
      2. I have no intention of reviewing   internal structure, an a priori of   a condition or a formulation ? To say that
      architectural trends and their      consciousness, an instrument of      language preceded these spaces was
      connection with the arts. My general   knowledge. Subsequent mathematical   certainly not obvious : human activities
      emphasis on space rather than on    developments on non-Euclidean spaces   leave traces that may precede language.
      disciplines (such as art, architecture,   and their topologies did not eliminate   So was there a relationship between space
      semiology, etc.) will not be particularly   the philosophical discussions. These   and language, could one 'read' a space ?
      aimed at negating academic          reappeared with the widening gap     Was there a dialectic between social
      categorization. The merging of      between abstract spaces and society. But   praxis and spatial forms ?
      disciplines is too worn a path to provide a   space was generally accepted as a`cosa
      stimulating itinerary. Instead, I would   mentale,' a mental thing, a sort of all-  5.  Yet the gap remained between
      like to focus attention on the present   embracing set with its subsets, such as   ideal space (the product of mental
      paradox of space and on the nature of its   literary space, ideological space and   processes) and real space (the product of
      terms, trying to indicate how one might   psychoanalytical space.        the social praxis). Although such a
      go beyond this self-contradiction, even if                               distinction is certainly not ideologically
      the answer may prove intolerable. I shall   4. Architecturally, to define space   neutral, we shall see that it is in the nature
      first recall the historical context of this   (ie making space distinct) literally meant   of architecture. As a result, the only
      paradox. I will then examine (a) those   `to determine boundaries.' Space had been   successful attempts to bridge this
      trends which consider architecture as a   rarely discussed by architects before the   philosophical gap were those that
      thing of the mind, as a dematerialized or   beginning of the loth century. But by   introduced historical or political concepts
      conceptual discipline, with its linguistic   1915, it meant `Raum' with all the   such as 'production' in the wide sense it
      or morphological variations (The    overtones of German aesthetics, with the   had in Marx's early texts. Much research
      Pyramid); (b) empirical research that   notion of Raumempfindung or 'felt   in France and in Italy opposed space
      concentrates on the senses, on the   volume.' By 1923, the idea of felt space   `as a pure form' to space 'as a social
      experience of space as well as the   merged with the idea of composition and   product,' space 'as an intermediary' to
      relationship between space and praxis   became a three-dimensional continuum,   space 'as a means of reproduction of the
      (The Labyrinth); and (c) the        capable of metrical subdivision that   mode of production."
      contradictory nature of these two terms   could be related to academic rules. From   This politico-philosophical critique
      and the difference between the means of   then on, architectural space was   had the advantage of giving an all-
      escaping the paradox by shifting the    consistently seen as a uniformly extended    embracing approach to space. avoiding

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