Page 66 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 66

depths where no one will be able to reach   perception of space reopened a basic   way 'to make space distinct' (to define
        me and understand me, living among   philosophical question. Remember : you   space in particular) is only there to throw
        abstract connections more frequently   are inside an enclosed space with equal   one back on the interpretation of the
        expressed by inner monologues than by   height and width. Do your eyes instruct   `nature of space' itself. As opposed to the
        direct realities ? Shall architecture, which   you about the cube, merely by noticing it,   previously described Pyramid of Reason,
        started with the building of Tombs return   without giving any additional   the dark corners of experience are not
        to the Tomb, to the eternal silence of   interpretation ? No. You don't really see   unlike a labyrinth where all sensations, all
        finally transcended history ? Shall   the cube. You may see a corner, or a side,   feelings are enhanced, but where no
        architecture perform at the service of   or the ceiling, but never all defining   overview is present to provide a clue
        illusory functions and build virtual   surfaces at the same time. You touch a   about where to get out.30  Occasional
        spaces ? My voyage into the abstract   wall, you hear an echo. But how do you   consciousness is of little help, for
        realm of language, into the          relate all these perceptions to one single   perception in the Labyrinth presupposes
        dematerialized world of concepts, meant   object ? Is it through an operation of   immediacy. Unlike Hegel's classical
        the removal of architecture from its   reason ?  21,  22                 distinction between the moment of
        intricate and convoluted element : space.                                perception and the moment of
        Removal from the exhilarating differences   13. This operation of reason, which   experience (when one's consciousness
        between the apse and the nave at Ely   precedes the perception of the cube as a   makes a new object out of a perceived
        Cathedral, between Salisbury Plain and   cube, was mirrored by the approach of   one), the metaphorical Labyrinth
        Stonehenge, between the Street and my   concept-performance artists. While your   implies that the first moment of
        Living Room. Space is real, for it seems   eyes were giving instructions about   perception carries the experience itself.
        to affect my senses long before my reason.   successive parts of the cube, allowing   It is hardly surprising therefore that
        The materiality of my body both      you to form the concept of cube, the   there may be no way out of the
        coincides and struggles with the     artist was giving instructions about the   Labyrinth. Denis Hollier, in his book on
        materiality of the space. My body carries   concept of cube, stimulating your senses   Georges Bataille," points out that from
        in itself spatial properties and spatial   through the intermediary of reason. This   Bacon to Leibniz the Labyrinth was
        determination: up, down, right, left,   reversal, this mirror image was   linked with the desire to get out, and
        symmetry, dissymmetry. It hears as   important, for the interplay between the   science was seen as the means to find an
        much as it sees. Unfolding against the   new perception of 'performance' space   exit. Rejecting such an interpretation,
        projections of reason, against the   and the rational means at the origin of the   Bataille suggested that its only effect was
        Absolute Truth, against the Pyramid,   piece was typically one aspect of the   to transform the Labyrinth into a banal
        here is the Sensory Space, the Labyrinth,   architectural process : the mechanics of   prison. The traditional meaning of the
        the Hole. Dislocated and dissociated by   perception of a distinct space, that is the   metaphor was reversed: one never knows
        language or culture or economy into the   complete space of the performance, with   whether one is inside or not, since one
        specialized ghettos of sex and mind, Soho   the movements, the thoughts, the   cannot grasp it in one look. Just as
        and Bloomsbury, 42nd Avenue and West   received instructions of the actors, as well   language gives us words that encircle us
         40th Street, here is where my body tries   as the social and physical context in   but that we use in order to break their
         to rediscover its lost unity, its energies   which they performed. But the most   surround, the Labyrinth of experience
         and impulses, its rhythms and its   interesting part of such performance was   was full of openings that did not tell
                                             the underlying discussion on the 'nature   whether they opened towards its outside
         flux 	.18,  19
                                             of space' in general, as opposed to the   or its inside.
         12. This purely sensory approach    shaping and perception of distinct spaces
         has been a recurrent theme in this   in particular.  23, 24, 25, 26, 27   PART 3:
         century's understanding and           It is in recent works that the recurring
         appreciation of space. It is not necessary   etymological distinction appears at its   The Pyramid
         to expand at length on the precedents   strongest. Reduced to the cold simplicity   and the Labyrinth
         witnessed by 20th-century architecture.   of six planes that define the boundaries
         Suffice to say that current conversation   of a more or less regular cube, the series   The Paradox of Architecture
         seems to fluctuate between (a) the 1910   of spaces designed by Nauman, Wheeler,
         German aesthetic overtones of the   Irwin or Asher do not play with     15. To single out particular areas of
         Raumempfindung theory, whereby space   elaborate spatial articulations.  28,   29   concern, such as the rational play of
         is to be 'felt' as something affecting the   Their emphasis is elsewhere. By   language as opposed to the experience of
         inner nature of man by a symbolic   restricting visual and physical     senses, would be a tedious game if it were
         Einfühlung, and (b) one that echoes   perception to the faintest of all   to lead to a naive confrontation between
         Schlemmer's work at the Bauhaus,    stimulations, they turn the expected   the mind and the body. The
         whereby space was not only the medium   experience of the space into something   architectural avant-garde has fought often
         of experience but also the materialisation   altogether different. The almost totally   enough over alternatives which appeared
         of theory. For example, the emphasis   removed sensory definition inevitably   as opposites — structure and chaos,
         given to movement saw in dance the   throws the viewer back on himself.   ornament and purity, permanence and
         `elemental means for the realization of   In 'deprived space', as Germano Celant   change, reason and intuition. And often
         space-creative impulses', for dance could   puts it in a recent article, the   enough it has been shown that such
         articulate and order space. The parallel   `participant' can only find himself as the   alternatives were in fact complementary:
         made between the dancer's movements   subject, only aware of his own fantasies   our analysis of a dematerialization of
         and the more traditional means of   and pulsations, only able to react to the   architecture in its ontological form (the
         defining and articulating space, such as   low density signals of his own body. The   Pyramid) and of a sensual experience
         walls or columns, is important .When   materiality of the body coincides with   (the Labyrinth) is no different. But if the
         Trisha Brown and Simone Forti       the materiality of the space. By a series of   existence of such an equation does not
         reintroduced this spatial discussion in the   exclusions that become significant only in   raise doubts over its complementarity,
         mid-sixties, the relationship between   opposition to the remote exterior space   it certainly raises questions about the
         theory and practice, reason and    and general social context, the subject   way such equations can go beyond the
         perception had to take another turn, and   only 'experiences his own experience.'   vicious circle of terms that speak only of
         the concept of theoretical praxis could                                 themselves.
         not be simply indicative. As Roselee   14. Whether such spaces might be   The answer may lie in the context in
         Goldberg has pointed out, there was no   seen as faintly reminiscent of the   which such equation takes place. A
        way in space to follow the Art-Language   behaviourist spaces at the beginning of   common accusation of analyses or even
         practice. If it could be argued that the   the century, where reactions were   works that concentrate on the specific
        discourse about art was art and thus be   hopefully triggered, or as the new echo of   nature of architecture is that they are
        exhibited as such, the theoretical   the Einfüfilung theory, now cleaned up   `parallel', that is, they fold and unfold
        discourse about space certainly was not   from its moral and aesthetic overtones, is   in some Panglossian world where social
        space. 20                           of little theoretical importance. What   and economic forces are conveniently
          The attempt to trigger a new      matters is their double content : for their    absent. Not affecting the determining

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