Page 64 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 64

the previous dissociation between the   architecture. Just as Lissitzky and the   human activity ? This quest for identity
         `particular' (fragmented social space),   Vesnin brothers sought to deny the   revealed that the architect's freedom did
        the 'general' (logico-mathematical or   importance of realizing a work and   not necessarily coincide with the freedom
        mental spaces), and the 'singular'   stressed an architectural attitude, so the   of architecture.
        (physical and delineated spaces). But by   avant-garde feels reasonably free to act   If architecture seemed to have gained
        giving an overall priority to historical   within the realm of concepts. Comparable   freedom from the socio-economic
        processes, it often reduced space to one of   to the early conceptual artists' rejection of   constraints of building processes, any
        the numerous socio-economic products   the art commodity market and its   radical counter-designs and manifestos
        that were perpetuating a political status   alienating effects, the architects' position   were inevitably reinstated in the
        quo.                                 seems justified by the very remote   commercial circuits of galleries or
                                             possibility they had of building anything   magazines. Like conceptual art in the
         6. Before proceeding to a detailed   other than a 'mere reflection of the   mid-sixties, architecture had seemed to
         examination of the ambivalence of the   prevalent mode of production.'   gain autonomy by opposing the
         definition of space, it is perhaps useful to   Moreover, historical precedents are   institutional framework. But in the
         briefly consider this particular expression   there to give enough credibility to what   process it had become an institutional
         of space in architecture. Its territory   could be paradoxically described either   opposition, thus growing into the very
         extends from an all-embracing       as a withdrawal from reality or as a take-  thing it tried to oppose.
         `everything is architecture' to Hegel's   over of new and unknown territories.   Although some architects, following a
         minimal definition. This latter     'What is architecture ?' asked Boullée.   political analysis we shall soon describe,
         interpretation must be pointed out, for it   `Will I define it with Vitruvius as the art   were in favour of doing away with
         describes a difficulty that is      of building ? No. This definition   architecture altogether, the search for
         constitutive to architecture. When Hegel   contains a crass error. Vitruvius takes the   autonomy inevitably turned back towards
         elaborated his Aesthetic Theory,4 he   effect for the cause. One must conceive in   architecture itself, as no other context
         conventionally distinguished five   order to make. Our forefathers only built   would readily provide for it. The question
         particular arts, and gave them an order:   their hut after they had conceived its   became: was there an architectural
         architecture, sculpture, painting, music   image. This production of the mind,   essence, a being that would transcend all
         and poetry. He started with architecture   this creation is what constitutes   social, political and economic
        .because he thought that it preceded all   architecture, that which we now can   systems ?11, 12 This ontological bias
         others in both conceptual and historical   define as the art to produce any building   injected some new blood into a concept
         terms. Hegel's uneasiness in these first   and bring it to perfection. The art of   which had already been well aired by art
         pages was striking. His embarrassment did   building is thus only a secondary art that   theorists. Investigations into Hegel's
         not really proceed from his conservative   it seems appropriate to call the   `supplement' received the support of
         classification, but was caused by a   scientific part of architecture." At a time   structural linguistic studies in France and
         question that had haunted architects for   when architectural memory rediscovers   Italy. Analogies with language appeared
         centuries : were the functional and   its role, architectural history, with its   en masse, some useful, some particularly
         technical characteristics of a house or   Treatises and Manifestos, has been   naive and misleading. Among these
         a temple the means to an end that   conveniently confirming to architects that   linguistic analogies, two figure
         excluded these very characteristics ?   spatial concepts were made by the   prominently.
         Where did the shed end and architecture   writings and drawings of space as much
         begin ? Was an architectural discourse   as by their built translations.   9.  The first theory claims that the
         a discourse about whatever did not relate   The questions 'is there any reason why   Hegelian 'supplement', added to the
         to the 'building' itself ? Hegel finally   one cannot proceed from design that can   simple building and constitutive of
         concluded in the affirmative:       be constructed to design that concerns   architecture, is immediately struck by
        architecture was whatever in a building   itself only with the ideology and concept   some semantic expansion which would
         did not point to utility. Architecture was   of architecture ?' and `if architectural work   force this architectural supplement to be
        a sort of 'artistic supplement' added to   consists of questioning the nature of   less a piece of architecture than the
         the simple building. However, the   architecture, what prevents us from   representation of something else.
        difficulty of such an argument appears   making this questioning a work of   Architecture is then nothing but the
        when one tries to conceive of a building   architecture ?" were already rhetorical   space of representation. As soon as it is
        that escapes the utility of space, a   questions in 1972. The renewed    distinguished from the simple building,
        building which would have no other   importance given to the value of    it represents something else than itself:
        purpose but 'architecture.'          conceptual aims in architecture became   the social structure, the power of the King,
          Although such a question may be    quickly established. The media used for   the idea of God, etc.
        irrelevant, it finds a surprising echo in   the communication of concepts became   The second theory questions such an
        the present search for architectural   architecture, information was     understanding of architecture as a
        autonomy. After more than half a century   architecture, the attitude was   language that refers to meanings outside
        of scientific pretence, of system-theories   architecture, the written programme or   itself. It refuses the interpretation of a
        that defined it as the intersection of   brief was architecture, gossip was   three-dimensional translation of social
        industrialization, sociology, politics and   architecture, production was   values, for it would be nothing else but
        ecology, architecture wonders if it can   architecture, and inevitably, the   the linguistic product of social
        exist without having to find its meaning   architect was architecture. Escaping the   determinants. It thus claims that the
        or its justification in some purposeful   predictable ideological compromises of   architectural object is pure language and
        exterior need.                       building, the architect could finally   architecture is an endless manipulation
                                             achieve the sensual satisfaction that the   of the grammar and the syntax of the
         PART I :                            making of material objects no longer   architectural sign. Rational
                                             provided.                           Architecture, for example, becomes a
        The Pyramid                                                              selected vocabulary of architectural
        Stating the Nature of Space          8.  The dematerialization of        elements of the past, with their
        (or The Dematerialization of         architecture into the realm of concepts   oppositions, contrasts and redistributions.
                                                                                 Not only does it refer to itself and to its
                                             was more the characteristic of a period
        Architecture)                        than of any particular 'avant-garde'   own history, but function - the existential
                                             group. Thus it developed in various   justification of the work - becomes
        7.  Little concerned with Hegel's    directions and struck movements as   virtual rather than real. So the language
        `artistic supplement,' architects have   ideologically opposed as for example   is closed in on itself and architecture
        nevertheless not regarded the constructed   `Radical Architecture'7, 8,  9 and   becomes a truly autonomous organism.
        building as the sole and inevitable aim of   `Rational Architecture.'10 But the   Forms do not follow functions, but refer
        their activity. They have shown a    question it asked was fundamental. If   to other forms, and functions relate to
        renewed interest in the idea of playing an   everything was architecture, by virtue   symbols. Ultimately architecture frees
        active role in fulfilling ideological and   of the architect's decision, what did   itself from reality altogether. Form does
        philosophical functions in respect to    distinguish architecture from any other    not need to call for external

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