Page 47 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 47

1                       dominated  by  his  impressions  of  the  landscape  seen   Giorgione.  Cezanne.  Braque,  Turner.  Constable,  and
          Dri  1961
          Oil on Canvas           from the air,  by the interplay of light and atmosphere,   Wilson were joined in the time of the unfolding of his
          5    3½ ft.             sunshine,  clouds and rain.  Elements of the plane con­  Expressionist  style  by  the  late  Rembrandt.  Munch,
          C  Sarah  and
            Bowness. London       struction and of instruments entered into the composi­  Rouault  and  Soutine.  But  de  Stael,  Soulage,  Appel,
                                  tion  of  his  pictures  besides  linear  elements  which  de Kooning,  Pollock and Motherwell also meant a great
            1951                  indicated  the  flight  itself,  whereas  the  emotional  deal to him. So he found himself in the midst of a living
          Oil on Canvas
          C  Tate  Gallery  London   quality  of  these  paintings  was  expressive  of  the  process with its give and take. which shaped him into
                                  exhilaration which  he thus experienced.  Like Alkyone.  that strong artistic personality that he was.
                                  he  was  struck  by  the  Gods,  he  suffered  the  fate  of   To understand this artist's method and approach,  let
                                  young  Icarus.                                     us now describe one picture and develop its story.  It is
                                    In 1960 Peter Lanyon completed his first monumental  one  of  his  masterpieces  now  belonging  to  the  Tate
                                  work,  an  enamel  tile  mural  for  the  Civic  Engineering   Gallery in  London:  Porth/even.
                                   Building of Liverpool University on the theme 'The Con­  Porth I even is one of the many small ports of Cornwall.
                                  flict of  Man with Tides and Sands'.  In  1963 the mural  a shelter for the fisherman. the harbour where he begins
                                  in oil paint for the Faculty of Arts Building,  Birmingham  his work and where he returns again after his unceasing
                                   University,  was  accomplished.  Being  concerned  with  struggle  with  the  sea  for  his  livelihood-a  womb  of
                                  movement.  references  to  air  and  water  as  well  as   nature. The artist will first go there trying to comprehend
                                  journeys  across  country  are  dominant  in  it.  There  are  it  in  all  its complexity,  he  will make  drawings  on  the
                                  also  arrested  actions  analogous  to  rock  formation  in  spot.  quick  sketches  of  the  different  aspects  of  the
                                  which a process in time is revealed at the surface.   harbour: the pier with its row of buildings, ending with
                                    Peter  Lanyon  was  deeply  rooted  in  tradition.  The  the coast-guard tower and the clock on the  left-hand
                                  masters whom he admired most.  Piero della Francesca,  side;  the  inner  harbour  itself  with  its  peace  and  the
                                  1                                                  2

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