Page 51 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 51

Rosebud 1962
           5 X 6 ft.
           Collection:  Mr.  Richard  Feig en.
           New York City

                                  properties of materials than with individual differences.  adopt  symmetry  seems  a  natural  part  of  the  effort  to
                                   I  tend  to  impose  the  properties  of  materials  on  my  arrive  at  the  most  direct  expression  of  an  idea.  It
                                   shape,  changing them at will.  rather than uncovering  is after all one,of the simplest forms of order.  I do not
                                  them  in  their  particular  form.  In  the  same  sculpture  try to achieve a  direct  and  ordered  structure.  I  value
                                  the materials will change from having the  appearance  order. but to me order leads to structure and structure
                                  of  fluid  softness  to  brittleness.  sometimes  owing  to  to  character  or  expression  ( a  need  for  expression  is
                                  the  fact  that  the  shape  imposes  character  on  the  a first cause and not reason why  I am an artist).
                                  material.  sometimes conversely a  formal problem may   The  conflicting  forces  in  a  work  are  created  by  a
                                  be  inspired  by  some  physical  property  of  a  material.  multitude  of  factors.  To  name  one,  the  effort  of  the
                                  for instance, when a crinkly thin form has been inspired  parts  to  retain  their  autonomy  creates  a  balancing
                                  by the properties of materials like paper. but would in  problem made all the more difficult because sculpture
                                  the  end  be  made  in  a  rigid  material  like  resin.  Other  with  a  main  front  has  optical  forces  operating  as  in
                                  instances would be in splitting, unfolding, etc.   painting.  The same movement to the right or left will
                                    I do not wish to draw benefit from the heroic struggle  have different forces,  all resulting in the discrepancies
                                  of  man  versus  material  (even  though  it  is  a  bloody  you  mention.  There  is  then  a  balancing  problem  of
                                  battle)  in  which  sculpture  has  so  long  been  trapped.   controlling  local  forces  and  interpreting  them.  Also
                                   Hence  the  freedom  of  approach  to  materials.  but  I   an effort to assist these conflicting forces in order that
                                  do want to be aware of the limits that matter is imposing  the balance in the end will be all the more evident.
                                  on  me.  To use  a  collage  technique  or even  weld  an
                                   impossible joint would seem like cheating.        0:  Although there are many examples, take Giacometti
                                    Much  of  the  power  of  Brancusi  comes  from  the  as one extreme of the range and Brancusi as the other.
                                  simple constructional principles he uses,  objects lying   Both have an extraordinary concern for surface.  What
                                  on  top  of  each  other  in  a  believable  balance.  The  is your concern in this direction?
                                  struggle  of matter towards  expansion.  movement  and  A:  I would say surface as the  outside of volume and
                                  change  is  set  against  an  awareness  of  the  static  not texture.  Shape thought of in terms of volume and
                                  controlling  forces  of  inert  matter.  Hence  the  often  surface  covers more  gr,ound and is more flexible than
                                  recurring  use  of  the  cone  as  a  very  large,  very  much  let us say thinking of terms of matter, quantity and
                                  earth-bound  shape  that  will  provide  maximum  quality, producing mass and volume.
                                  challenge in an effort towards expansion.           In the first proposition surface becomes an aspect of
                                                                                     volume  or  the  outside  of  volume  and  takes  on  an
                                   0:  Your  pieces  are  basically  symmetrical,  but  there  identity  of  its  own.  outside  the  quality  of  volume,
                                   seem  to  be  deliberate  discrepancies  which  appear  working with or against it, making a thin volume seem
                                  to  be  carefully  balanced.  In  other  words.  you  seem  heavy or  a large volume seem  light.
                                  to  be  concerned  with  balance.  Is  this  so.  and why?   I make my surface smooth because smoothness seems
                                   A:  I  use  symmetry  because  I  do  not  hold  particular  to express much better the variable quality of surface.
                                   value  in  asymmetry,  like  some  artists  have  held.  To  texture  would  get  in  the  way,  being  loaded  with
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