Page 29 - Studio International - July 1965
P. 29

Gio'  Pomodoro

                                   The  one-sided  surfaces  of  Gio'  Pomodoro·s  recent   manifold.  The geometry of this situation is vastly more
                                  sculptures are clearly this altered state of material.  and   sophisticated  in  that  the  transformed  surface  is  not
                                  while it is possible to describe them by the geometry of   homeomorphic to the manifold,  not the real projective
                                  surfaces-each  point  on  them  can  be  defined  by   plane,  and its  points are in a many-one relation to  the
                                  cartesian  co-ordinates-their  mode  of  generation  was   points of the  linear  complex.  It is this that we under­
                                  quite  other.  Topologically,  the  surfaces  are  homeo­  stand as the trace of action and which,  when we  look
                                  morphic to the original flat plane of the cloth from which   at the  surface,  we experience  as tension.
                                  they are derived, since the transformation involves only   There  is  a  further  important  aspect  of  the  way  these
                                  bending,  stretching  and compressing.  The  local  space   surfaces take shape that bears upon the way they tend
                                  may be Euclidean, but the moment we think of the trans­  to  wrap  around  us  and  suggest  to  us  movements  we
                                  formation of the surface as the result of the enactment   must  make  in relation  to  them.  When  Gio'  Pomodoro
                                  of the artist's psychic state, this information is minimal.   proceeds  in  the  making  of  a  sculpture,  stretching,
                                  We  must,  instead,  think  of  a  dynamic  interaction  of   straining, twisting, deforming the plane of the cloth, he
                                  forces in a space-time manifold of which the surface is   is making a negative of the surface we eventually see as
                                  the  frontier  and  the  action  a  linear  complex  in  the   the  sculpture.  When  the  sculpture  is  cast,  the  forces

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