Page 32 - Studio International - July 1965
P. 32

The 'Impressions' of
                               Toti Scialoja
        1                                                                         by  Gillo  Dorfles

                               Anyone  who  happens  to  put  ashore  on  the  beautiful   painting under his arm; there he enjoys the lazy summer
                               island  of  Procida.  which  is  situated  halfway  between   months  of  the  Neapolitan  vacation,  seemingly  far­
                               Naples and lschia, and less well-known than the latter­  removed from the warlike and political concerns of his
                               though  no  less  picturesque-will,  when  he  walks   ancestors.
                               through the main square of the chief town, be unable to   Obeying the family tradition, Toti entered on a course
                               ignore  a  monument  placed  there  to  the  memory  of   of legal studies in Rome-his birthplace.  He interrupted
                               Antonio  Scialoja.                                his  academic  career  in order  to  enter  the  Academy  of
                                It was erected to celebrate the famous politician-one   Fine  Arts,  where  he  was  first  a  student  and  then  a
                               of Cavour's ministers and one of those Neapolitans who   lecturer  for  about  eight  years,  holding  the  Chair  of
                               took a leading part in the movement for the unification   Scenic  Design.  In fact, the artist devoted himself in the
                               of  Italy.                                        years 1942 to 1950 to stage design work; it was in that
                                But  the  very  same  square  is,  in  a  different  way,  a   period  that  Scialoja  evolved  the  choreography  and
                               monument to the memory of another Antonio Scialoja,   designed the  costumes  for several  important  theatrical
                               who lived in the previous century; the recollection must   ventures,  such  as,  for  example,  the  ballets  of  Petrassi,
                               be  very  different,  for  it  was  here,  on  the  same  square   Stravinsky  and  Bartok  and  choreographic  works  con­
       1                       that he was hanged during the  Revolution of  1799 for   ducted  by  Milmosz,  Janine  Charrat  and  Pandolfi.  It  is
       Nero al centro 1964     his support of the French against the Bourbon monarchy   impossible to understand the basis of Scialoja's painting
       50 x 70 cm.
                               (held  up  by  the  English  under  the  leadership  of  Lord   and  his  complex  personality,  unless  one  takes  into
       2                       Nelson).                                          account  such  aspects  of  his  life  and  work  that  are
       Anche niente 1961
       59 x 79 cm.              Yet  another  'Antonio'-the  painter  Toti  Scialoja­  essential elements of his art:  Scialoja,  besides being a
       3                       grandnephew  of the  first-mentioned and great-grand­  painter  by  profession,  is  also  a  scenic  designer
       The unicorn in captivity 1963   nephew of the second is sometimes to be seen about the   (recently  his  success  in  Berlin  with  the  production  of
       50 x 70 cm.
       Collection:  Adriana  Panni,  Rome   island,  clad  in  a  pair  of  bathing  trunks  and  carrying  a   two works by the  Italian poets Sanguineti and Giuliani
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