Page 56 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 56


       1                       Notes by Georges Orley                             2

                               All  people hurried to the  Musee de !'Homme to see the   emphasis on self  and provocative  virtuosity.  The  sus­
                               eighty  masterpieces  put  on  view  from  the  fantastic   pended carcases of sheep and the Femme a la Manti/le.
       1                       resources of this vast ethnographic collection of works   all in  the period  1922 to 1942, presage the later poetry.
       Alain Jacquet           from Africa, America and Oceania.  Displayed under the   At  Galerie  Jeanne  Bucher  the  monotypes  of  Mark
       Portrait of a Man 1965
       64 X 45  1'1.           ideal  and  evocative  in  lighting  conditions,  the  magic   Tobey  present  their  unique  and  delicate  identities
       Galene  Lawrence
                               inherent  in  most  of  them  shone  with  a  presence  that   ranging in theme from the torso drawn with vigour or a
       2                       depends not on knowledge of their original settings but   portrait  head  to  surfaces  that  represent  complexities
       Mark Tobey
       Monotype 1961           on their paraphrases of life.  Less impressive but no less   reduced as  unity  as of  a framed space in  an aquarium
       Galerie Jeanne Bucher   interesting  was  the  revelation  of  their  use  as  source   wall.  The  transferred  tempera  from  the  plastic  slab
       3                       material  by  modern  sculptors  who  include  Gargallo,   acquires in the process a softening of tone that makes
       Jean  Bazaine           Gonzalez,  Cesar, and others who now stand stripped of   for  a  transparency  and  evanescent  image  well  suited
       Les comed,ens 19 4 7
       92 x 6G cm.             pretence  of  originators.                         to the orientally influenced thought of Tobey.
       Galerie Louis Carre
                                Jeanne  Castel,  who  knew  Fautrier  well,  showed  a   At Galerie Alexandre lolas,  Ghika showed a selection
       4                       selection  of  that  recall  the  hermetic  iconic   of  paintings  (in  London  at  the  Leicester  Galleries  he
       Domes and Cupolas  1965   quality of his imagery.  His floating Christ, luminous in   showed later).  Locality as such has meant less and less
       76 x 102 cm.            its  edge  outlines,  is one of the most convincing repre­  to  the  modern  painter  si nee  the  Impressionists  but
       Galerie Alexandre lolas
                               sentations  of  legend  in  our  modern  age.  To  speak   Ghika,  while  maintaining  each  picture's  autonomy,
       5                       through paintings,  now a little dusty and far from per­  succeeds  in  conveying  the  floral  and  architectural
        The Chrtst 1937        fectly framed, with such perfect and sincere form brings   essence  of  Greece,  stopping  short  of  a  decorative
        195 x 77 cm.
       Galerie Jeanne Castel   us to the realisation of a gift that speaks without over-  sweetness  by  the  integrity  of  his  conception  that  is
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