Page 61 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 61

HANDS                                     MAGIC MARKER
                                THAT HOLD
                                                                        STUDIO SET
                         A  PENCIL ...

                                                                        Artists everywhere have discovered that Magic
                                                                        Marker-the original felt tip applicator-is the

                                                                        most  versatile,  easiest-to-use  art  medium
                                                                        available today. Artists can prepare distinctive
                                                                        colou rfu I  i I lustrations using  Magic  Marker by

                                                                        itself, and when combining it with media on a
                                                                        variety  of  textured  papers  and  boards  can
                                                                        achieve  the  effect  of  water  colours,  oils  and
                                                                        wash drawings.  Magic  Marker is waterproof,

                                                                        leak-proof,  instant  drying  and  smudge-proof
                                                                       I  without fixing!

                                                                        And now, for the first time Magic Marker
                                                                        is  available  in  new  Studio  Sets  which
                                                                        provide  a  broad  range  of  true  palette

                                                                        standard  colours,  Special  colours,  and
                                                                        Layout  Greys,  12  Standard-4  special-
                                                                        9  Layout  Greys.

                                                                        Designed  by  Artists for  Artists!

                THESE ARE THE HANDS OF AN  ARTIST.  He is a
                man who  works  diligently  with  pencil  to  give  shape  and
                substance to the images  in his mind. His pencils  are  the
                tools of his trade. They  must  be  instruments  as precise
                and depend\3,ble in their way as any scientist's. He needs
                many different types of leads ... varying degrees of hard­
                ness and softness to capture the whole world of graduation
                between  black and  white  . . . pencils  he  can  rely  on  for
                consistency,  clarity, fluency and strength. He knows there
                are  many  pencils  but  that  only  one  made  by  Royal
                Sovereign will give him the result he demands. The Royal
                Sovereign  Pencil  Co. has been making pencils since 1779.
                Naturally, they have learned how to  produce  pencils  that
                reach the standard of perfection artists demand. A pencil
                is a pencil. But a good pencil is a  Royal Sovereign.

                                                                       I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
                USEA                                                    •   Write  now  for  full  details  and  colour  chart.    •
         ROYAL  SOVEREIGN                                               •   Address                                                •
         THE  ROYAL  SOVEREIGN  PENCIL  COMPANY  LIMITED,  PONTYCLUN,  GLAMORGAN  :   Speedry Products Ltd.                        :
                                                                        :  83,  Capers  Cope  Road,  Beckenham,  Kent  :
           ROY AL    CARBON                                             ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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