Page 59 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 59

Victoria and  Albert  Museum  Bulletin                           A Pride of Books
            Fully illustrated, this quarterly Bulletin contains articles and notes on works                      �----
            in all media within the scope of the  Museum, and covers all important new                       I,-
            acquisitions. The subjects,  although  presented in a popular style,                                   c_
            always maintain a high standard of scholarship.                                                              )
             7s. 6d. (postage extra) Quarterly; Annual subscription 32s.  including postage

            The  Banqueting  House,  Whitehall                                       (�\  �)  \)�/
            Recently restored and opened to the public, the  Banqueting  House is both    \ ';-:(_/(.·  1\_ r,;   _ _  . ✓ ' (  !
            a memorial to the Stuart  dynasty and the finest  surviving work of                     {  �..' � i  I  \  \
            fnigo Jones.  In this fully illustrated souvenir guide the history of the   '1\  I
            building is traced and its architecture described. An appraisal of Rubens'           )  /l  )  ,  J  �  ,  _____  ---i
            ceiling-paintings is included.                                            (  {1)u"  /  \ '---2;</c:_ _  ___,
            ' ...  scholarly and most i111eresring ...  ' The Builder.                    ,  I   I  l.,,,_,   J
                                                        8s.  6d. (9s.  2d.)            ,J   \,__  '_j   L-
                                                                                   J(  __  )
            Bohemian Glass                                                        �
            This picture book has been compiled on the occasion of the  Bohemian     no  other  single  figure  of  his  time  approximates
            Glass exhibition held in the Victoria and Albert  Museum from April to   so  closely  to  the  essential  spirit  of  the  modern
            June  1965.  All the pieces illustrated belong to the  Museum of Industrial Art   movement  in  art'  writes  Mervyn  Levy  in  his
            in Prague, and the introduction to the book has been written by         Introduction  to  Gaudier-Brzeska:  Drawings  and
            Dr.  Libuse Urefova of that  Museum.           7s. 6d. (8s.)            Sculpture  (63s)  illustrated  with  80pp  of  repro­
                                                                                    ductions  and  four  plates  in  colour.  Two  other
            The  Barbizon  School                                                   recent books in which we take especial pride are
            The village of Barbizon has lent its name to a group of painters, including   Maillol  by  Waldemar  George  (£6  6s).  the  first
            Corot,  Rousseau,  Miller and  Diaz, who worked there between  1830 and   really  thorough  work  on  this  artist  in  English.
            1875.  This picture book contains a survey of their work and reproduces   illustrated with 72pp of gravure. 24pp of drawings
            nineteen of their compositions in the Victoria and Albert  Museum.      reproduced  in  two-colour  lithography.  and  24
                                                           4s.  (4s. 4d.)           mounted colour plates; and Ben Shahn:  Graphic
            Prices in brackets include postage at inland rates                      Work (70s). a volume that covers the full sweep of
                                                                                    Shahn's special  genius as a  graphic artist.
                                                                             Cory Adams & Mackay
            Government publications can be purchased from the Government  Bookshops  in London,   )
            Edinburgh, Cardiff,  Belfast. Manchester,  Birmingham and  Bristol; from official agents in the
            U.K. and many overseas countries:  or through any  bookseller           39  SLOANE STREET LONDON SWl

                          Primitive  Artists

                         of  Yugoslavia                                         cca

                            Oto  Bihalji-Merin
                 'Without  doubt  the  best  illustrated                        City of Coventry College of Art
                 and most  comprehensive  study  of a
                 •      fascinating  subject' - B. J.  Sturt-Penrose.           for full-time courses

                           204 pp.,  32 colour  plates,  ISO  black  and  white
                                                                                Fine Art (Painting)  Dip  AD
                                                           £5 Ss  .
                           illustrations, 9½ x  12t.
                                                                                Graphic Design (Visual  Communication)  Dip  AD
                        McGRAW-HILL· MAIDENHEAD
                                                                                College Diploma Courses
                                                                                Advertising Design
           Glamorgan            The staff will include:-                        Exhibition Design
           Education            Harry Thubron   Eric Brown
                                                Alan  Wood
                                Michael Kidner
           Committee            Kenneth Martin   Dan  Arbeid                    Examination  Courses
                                                 Jeffrey  Steele
                                Tom  Hudson
           52nd Annual          Anton  Ehrenzweig  Christopher  Sanderson       Technical Illustration
                                Terry  Setch
                                                 Patrick  Hughes
           Summer               Courses  are  offered in:- Fine Arts  ( Painting and   Window Display
                                Sculpture)  and A  Practical Seminar in the \'isual
                                Arts;  Optical Painting;  Sculpture;  Painting With
           Vacation             P.V.A., Oils  and Watercolours;  Pottery;  Mosaic;   and Pre-Diploma Courses
           School,              Leathercraft;  Stage  Design;  Weaving;  ·wood­
                                      Photography  (including  Colour  Photo­
           Barry                graphy);  Dressmaking;  Embroidery;  Soft  Fur­
                                nishings;  Metalwork;  Millinery and Dress Design.
           26th  July to        Further particulars may be obtained from:­      apply to the Secretary
           20th  August,        Trevor Jenkins,                                 Cope Street Coventry le/. 23522
                                Director of Education,
           1965                 County  Hall,  Cardiff
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62