Page 38 - Studio International - November 1965
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                              collected as works of art,  displayed in the living-room  for the past year he has been 'Artist in  Residence·. This
                              rather than  used in  the context of  living'.     unusual  appointment has provided him  and his family
                               The fulfillment of his ideas about architecture and the  with living quarters, and a well equipped studio-work­
                              small scale experiments he was working on, came with  shop within the school, so that he could undertake the
                              the  commission  to  collaborate  on  the  new  Sheraton  huge task of making stained-glass windows for the new
                               Hotel in  1960.  Invited originally to make something to  synagogue  The  project,  commenced  in  April  1964,
                              mask four pillars, preferably a wooden grille, Azaz per­  which  will  be  completed by  the  end  of  1965,  covers
                              suaded the  architects  to allow him  to  put  up  a  huge   1,032 square feet-two large side windows and forty­
                              sculpted  wall  in  the  lounge,  which  whilst  an  integral  four panels for the front of the building.  For this com­
                              part of the building would also be an original work of  mission  Azaz has used  French glass in a  brilliant new
                              art.  This challenge to his ingenuity and power was a  manner,  breaking  the material into heavy chunks and
                              tremendous success, acclaimed in Israel and elsewhere.   placing them in  layers,  to given designs,  set in  trans­
                              As he rightly says, 'Since then I haven't looked back'.   parent  cement.  The  task  answers  his  desire  to  work
                                He has since executed a number of large-scale com­  within  a  communal  framework,  since  not  only  is  it  a
                              missions  in  Israel,  in  hotels,  public  buildings,  in  new  work of art in a public building but it has been carried
                              liners  and for the  Israel  Pavilion  at the  1958  Brussels  out with the assistance of the pupils.  The boys of the
      1                       World  Fair.  In the  United States he has contributed to  school were invited to join the artist in his studio and a
      Azaz at work on  h,s
      sculpted wall  ,n the   the  vast  Cl BA  complex  at  New  Jersey,  as  well  as  group of them have been so employed, in their  spare
      Sheraton  Hotel.  Tel Av,v   to  buildings in  Illinois,  Chicago and  Syracuse,  and  at  time, throughout the project.
      2                       present is working on projects for a Children's Centre in   Azaz  is  now  holding  his  first  London  exhibition  of
      Bronze                  Washington and the Church of Christ, New York.     sculpture at the Grosvenor Gallery, of works done in this
      17½ in.  High             Since 1963 he has been living and working in Britain.   country.  Whilst these bronzes, some of them maquettes
      3                        It was in fact in  England, during his earlier stay, that he  for architectural commissions,  and stone carvings,  are
      Work by Azaz in the  Main  Lobby   met  the  architect  Eugene  Rosenberg  with  whom  he  satisfying forms in themselves, he feels  'they are really
      of the New  Hilton  Hotel. Tel Aviv
      Opened 14th September 1965   discussed and worked out, theoretically, the possibility  studies for larger works. Every small sculpture has been
      Bronze. Welded Copper and  Brass   of using new materials in architecture.  In Britain he has  created  as  a  project  for  a  public  place,  in  relation  to
      4                        created works for a number of buildings, but his principal  people and urban environment.  If  I were incapable of
      Sculpted Wall.  Tel Aviv
      Architectural Association  Building   activity has been at Carmel College, Wallingford, where  producing large scale sculpture I would never work on a

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