Page 72 - Studio International - April 1967
P. 72

Art prices                               a salesman of genius. Duveen is the principal   Some prices realized at Christie's
                                                 example, but by no means the only one.
                                                  There are a great many misconceptions which
        current                                  will not stand the test of critical examination. One   Bernard, Emile  Baigneuses, signed and dated 1889,
                                                 is that the Impressionists and the moderns gener-  25 x 271 in. exhibited New York, Pittsburgh, Los
                                                 ally were neglected in their day. It is true that few   Angeles and Baltimore, illustrated by John Rewald and
                                                 of them attained the fantastic heights achieved by   the Museum of Modern Art Exhibition catalogue;
                                                 some of the fashionable painters of the time, such   provenance: daughter of the artist; Wildenstein, New
                                                 as the now forgotten Edwin Long, but the prices  York-£3,720;  Bonnard, Pierre  Surtout de table,
                                                 reached by the work of some of them in their life-  bronze on a marble base, 25 x 22 in., height 7 ¼ in.-
                                                 time were by no means negligible. Degas lived to  £2,520;  Boudin, Eugene  Lavandieres au Bord d'une
                                                 see his  Avant le course  realize £4,186 in the sale-  Rivière, signed, on panel, 8/ x 10/ in.; provenance:
                                                 room, equivalent to £25,000 today, and the year   Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, London-£5,250; Braque,
        The stability of prices                  before, in 1913, his Danseuse a la barye had brought   Georges Face en Profil, signed and dated '42, 191 x
        by George Savage                         £21,000-almost  £130,000  in today's money-  181 in. exhibitions: Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Stock-
                                                 which is considerably more than the highest price   holm, extensively illustrated, provenance: Maeght,
                                                 ever realized for a painting by Picasso. Renoir   Paris, Seligman, New York-£10,500; Dali, Salvador
                                                 became an extremely fashionable painter in the   Apparition de la Ville de Delft, on panel, 12/ x 131 in.
                                                 last years of his life, and as early as 1907 his Mme   provenance: Alex. Reid & Lefevre, London-£4,095;
        Historically the origin of the art market is lost in  Charpentier et ses enfants was bought by the Metro-  Dubuffet, Jean Site aux Errances, signed and dated '55,
        the mists of antiquity. The Phoenicians were the   politan Museum for £3,500-at least £21,000  and signed and inscribed on the reverse, 32 x 39 ½ in.,
        first art-dealers of whom record survives, and they   today. Four years after his death, in 1923,  Les   exhibited, Hartford, Conn.; provenance, Arthur
        supplied the known world in exchange for raw  Canotiers  was sold by Durand-Ruel for £50,000,  Tooth-£2,730; Forain, Jean-Louis, Scene de Tribunal
        materials. The structure of the Roman art-market   something more than £200,000 in today's money.   (Portrait of two lawyers) signed, 25/ x 21 in., exhibited
        was as elaborate as our own, with taste divided   Cezanne made no effort to sell his work, but in the   Paris, 1937, painted c. 1908-£2,310; Gauguin, Paul
        between antique and contemporary work. Just as   year following his death a  Nature morte  brought   Nuit de Noel Britanny landscape in snow, which may
        we often turn to France as a source of inspiration,   £760, or rather more than £4,500, which by 1913   nevertheless have been painted in Tahiti, 28 x 32 in.,
        so the Romans turned to Greece. High prices  had risen to £2,180, or slightly more than £12,000.   extensively exhibited and illustrated; provenance:
        amazed such commentators as Pliny, who fre-  Even Sisley, who never had any luck in selling his   Vollard, Paris and Bignou, Paris-£50,400;  Leger,
        quently refers to them in the closing books of the   work at good prices, lived long enough to see his  Fernand Paysage, signed and dated '29, and again on
        Natural History in which he devotes several chapters   Le Loing a Saint-Mannes bring £360 (equivalent to   the reverse, 36 ¼ x 29 in., exhibition, Hartford, Conn.
        to painting. Works of art were bought as an invest-  £2,100).                     1966; provenance: Dr Laugier, Paris, Mme Cuttoli,
        ment, and the only essential difference was in art   The fundamental error, of course, is to compare   Paris-£5,020;  Matisse, Henri  Le Vase de Chine,
        criticism, critics tending to adopt a standpoint   prices realized before 1914 with those of today  signed, and on the reverse dedicated 'A Madame
        which gave the greatest importance to the selection   without making any adjustment for intervening   Georgette Girardin en hommage H. Matisse, 1940',
        of subject matter, the quality of the materials em-  currency depreciation. On this basis the artist of  13/ x 22 in., painted in 1922; provenance: Mme
        ployed, and the degree of craftsmanship displayed.   the time seems poorly paid, but once the adjust-  Girardin, Paris-£28,350;  Miro, Joan  Personnage,
         In eighteenth-century France, where the circum-  ment is made it can be seen that sale-room prices  signed and dated 1927 on reverse, 364 x 29 in.,
       stances which followed Law's inflation produced a   today are certainly not high, and over large areas  exhibited, Hartford, Conn. 1966-£10,500;  Monet,
       situation not dissimilar from our own, those with   of the market taken as a whole they are sometimes  Claude La Cathédrale de Rouen, signed and dated '94,
        money to spare distrusted the stability of the livre   low by comparison.        42 x 29 in., exhibited: Paris, Zurich, Hague; proven-
        and bought works of art as an anti-inflation hedge,   One or two painters have subsequently achieved   ance: Maurice Masson sale, Paris, 1911, Lucius D.
        investing in the decoration of their houses. Suffi-  fame after a period of neglect. Van Gogh is the  Humphrey, Wildenstein, New York. This is one of the
        cient record remains of the principal sales of the   most obvious example. But in these few instances   thirty studies done by Monet of Rouen Cathedral
        period to trace the fluctuations of taste and the   it is obvious that they suffered from an inability to   between 1892 and 1894-£60,400; Nolde, Emil Dorf
        consequent movement of prices.          sell their own work, and to create the conditions in   am See, signed, ink, wash, and watercolour, 13 x 18 ½
        When we come to the nineteenth century records   which it would attract the attention of the art-  in., exhibited Hartford, Conn.-£1,260;  Picasso,
        are fairly complete. An invaluable aid to the   buyers of the time. They were marching to a   Pablo Femme assise, signed, and on the reverse inscribed
       student of price-movements is to be found in the   different drummer, and financial rewards were  and dated 'Vallauris 5.3.53', on panel, 39 ½ x 32 in.,
       archives of Christie's, where there is a virtually   not those which they sought. The most fashionable  said by the artist to be a likeness of Francois Gilot-
       complete run of priced catalogues from the founda-  and widely sought among painters have always  £13,650;  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  Trois perdrix,
        tion of the firm in the 1760s to the present day. The   been good salesmen of their own work-Rubens,  signed, 12/ x 15 ¾ in., c. 1880, exhibited, Berlin,
        material thus provided is too vast in its extent for   Boucher, and Picasso, for instance. Renoir's feet   Gallery Matthiesen; provenance: Paul Cassirer, Berlin,
       an entirely detailed and systematic examination to   were firmly on the ground. His two favourite  1932-£17,850;  Rouault, Georges  Petite banlieue,
       be possible, although Gerald Reitlinger in the   subjects, nudes and small children (especially  signed, oil on paper laid down on canvas, 191 x 15 in.,
       first volume of the Economics of Taste* dealing with   girls), were also the most certain sellers.   illustrated by Pierre Couthion, sold with certification
       painting probably came as near to it as any one   The prices mentioned can only be taken as an   of Isabelle Rouault, the artist's daughter, painted 1939-
       human being could do in a lifetime.      indication of the true position because at the time   £4,095;  Seurat, George  Vers Le Boug,  on panel,
        The manifold problems of charting these fluctua-  it was exceptional for modern paintings to appear   61 x 9/ in., c. 1883, exhibited, Paris and New York,
       tions arise from the fact that they were reactions   in the sale-room at all. Most were sold by dealers   included in posthumous inventory of Seurat's  atelier,
       to a variety of social and economic factors. Just as   specializing in works of art of this kind and prices  frequently illustrated; provenance begins with Emile
       the Settled Lands Act of 1882 (which made it   have not been recorded, but the United States  Seurat and ends with Wildenstein, New York-£2,100;
       possible for trustees to dispose of both land and   was an excellent market for Impressionist painting  Signac, Paul Jardin a Saint-Tropez, signed and dated
       chattels) brought all kinds of works of art on to the   well before 1900. To this interest some of the   1909, 25/ x 311 in., extensively exhibited, formerly in
       market and thus affected price-levels, so taxation   finest collections at present existing on the other   Aldrich collection, sold in New York in 1963 for
       today governs prices to a far greater extent than   side of the Atlantic are due.   $43,000 (£15,356) -£14,700;  Sisley, Alfred  Le long
       might generally be realized. In some cases demand,   Both collectors and dealers, wrote someone  de chemin de fer, signed, 18 x 25/ in., exhibited Paris,
       and therefore price, was affected by such factors as   recently, have a vested interest in the stability of  Durand-Ruel, 1957, Berlin, Kunstmuseum, 1958,
                                                prices. This is most certainly true, and prices are,   illustrated by Daulte; provenance: Feder, Paris,
                                                in many ways, a good deal more _stable than might   Durand-Ruel, Paris, Arthur Tooth, London. Painted
                                                appear on the surface. The spectacular rises which   near Sevres in 1879-£'7,350;  Soutine, Chaim  Le
       *Economics of Taste,  Vol. I, The Rise and Fall of   so often provide food for sensational newspaper com-  Boeuf au Rideau Rouge, signed, 31 ½ x 18 ¾ in., exhibited
       Picture Prices 1760-1960, by Gerald Reitlinger, pub-  ment are rarely so spectacular as they seem. Much   New York and Cleveland, Ohio, illustrated by Monroe
       lished by Barrie and Rockliff, London.    of the time they are just keeping ahead of inflation.    Wheeler; provenance: Oscar Miestchanioff, New
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