Page 63 - Studio International - December 1967
P. 63

A kinetic performance                    mance,  entitled  '1917',  was  a  'cine-colour-music   Top left, the seven metre high 'Flame of struggle',
             in Leningrad                             kinetic  composition'  designed  by  the  group  under   which used 650 different coloured  I ights of differing
                                                      the auspicies of V. A. Petrov, artist-in-chief of  Lenin­
                                                                                               intensities. Colour sequences were electronically
                                                      grad. Grouped around the statue, and so placed that   programmed.
                                                      they could be viewed from the river  bank-even from
                                                      across the river-was an arrangement of screens, two   Top right, a 'suprematist' decoration on one of
                                                      of 14 by 16 metres for 'colour-music' projections, and   the projection  booths,  'in memory of Malevich'.
             In October the Leningrad Pravda carried on its front   two of 8 by 6.5 metres for cinematograph projections.   This particular booth also carried quotations from
             page  a  sketch  of  a  project  planned  by  the  kinetic   Near  Lenin's  statues  was  a  'Flame  of  struggle',   Mayakovsky.
             group  DVIJZENIE  ('Movement')  for  Lenin  Square.   symbolizing the revolutionary struggle and compris­
             The  caption  to  the  sketch  made  use  of  the  word   ing  rotating  elements  and  electronically-program­  Bottom left, a view across the square from the
             'kinetic'-perhaps one of the few occasions on which   med colour I ighting. The spectacle, which had as its   River Neva side, showing the 'Flame of struggle'
             the  Soviet  Press  has  used  the  word  since  the  Con­  theme the I ife of  Lenin  and  used film,  texts and re­  and a screen for 'colour-music' projections.
             structivist  epoch.  The  group's  performances  first   cordings,  somewhat  resembled  a  Son  et  lumiere
             took  place  this  November  7.  Performances  lasted   performance.
             about half-an-hour and were repeated hourly.   Official commissions given to the  DVIJZENIE group   Bottom right,  Lenin Square with one of the
             Lenin  Square  is  bounded  on  the  north  side  by   include  decorations  for  the  entrance  hall  of  the   14 metre screens completed.
             Finland Station and on the south by the  River Neva;   Comsomolskaya  Pravda  editorial  offices  and  kinetic
            in the  centre  stands  a  statue  of  Lenin.  The  perfor-  decorations for a restaurant in Gorki Street.   Photos: A.  Davidola
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