Page 67 - Studio International - December 1967
P. 67

                                                                                             Study of a girl's head, 9 in. diameter by Lorenzo di
                                                                                             Credi (1459-1537) at Wildenstein, 19 East 64th Street
                                                                                             until December 30. The exhibition of Drawings from
                                                                                             the National Gallery of Ireland contains 100 drawings
                                                                                             by Mantegna, Dürer, Van Dyck, Rubens, Rembrandt,
                                                                                             Watteau, Boucher, Constable, Turner, Whistler,
                                                                                             Degas, Cezanne and many others.

                                                                                             Pende mask, 10½ in. high in an exhibition of Art of
                                                                                             the Congo at Walker Art Centre, until December 31.
                                                                                             Two hundred African sculptures are being shown:
                                                                                             every major art style is represented. Included are
                                                                                             carved figures, masks, neck rests, staffs, musical
                                                                                             instruments, arrow holders, pipes and other
                                                                                             ceremonial and utilitarian objects. The works have
                                                                                             been loaned from the Musée Royal de l'Afrique

                                                                                             San Francisco
                                                                                             Colloquy 1967, 27 x 10½ x 8 in. by Masayuki Nagare
                                                                                             at the San Francisco Museum of Art until December
                                                                                             3. The show is being shown at the Arts Club of
                                                                                             Chicago in February and at Staempfli in May.
                                                                                             Born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1935, he studied at
                                                                                             Kyoto, first under the discipline of a Zen temple and
                                                                                             then at Ritsumeikan University. He held his first
                                                                                             exhibition at Tokyo in 1955, and has completed
                                                                                             many commissions for architectural sculpture
                                                                                             (including the walls for the Japanese Pavilion at the
                                                                                             New York World's Fair).
                                                                                             Los Angeles
                                                                                             St John the Baptist preaching, bronze, 32 x 12 x 17
                                                                                             in. by Auguste Rodin at the Los Angeles County
                                                                                             Museum of Art until January 14 when the exhibition
                                                                                             will travel to the Palace of Honor in San Francisco
                                                                                             and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The works,
                                                                                             bronzes, plasters and ceramics are all from the
                                                                                             collection of Gerald Cantor. The sequence of
                                                                                             sculptures to which this figure belongs was
                                                                                             discussed in the July/August 1967 issue of Studio
                                                                                             International in an article by Albert Elsen and
                                                                                             Henry Moore.

                                                                                             Fire spirit oil on canvas, 49 x 50 in. by Aba
                                                                                             Bayefsly at Albert White until January 10. The
                                                                                             exhibition, Legends (Canadian—Indian), is concerned
                                                                                             with the forces of life: the supernatural, sun, moon
                                                                                             and creation. (Price range: $95—$1,200.)
                                                                                             Of rocks and tides (diptych), 1967 acrylic and canvas
                                                                                             collage, 52 x 40 in, by Elizabeth Quan at Jackson
                                                                                             Pollock Gallery, 599 Markham Street, until
                                                                                             December 9. This is the second one-man exhibition
                                                                                             by Elizabeth Quan, Chinese-Canadian artist who
                                                                                             works in Chinese inks, watercolour, and collage on
                                                                                             canvas. (Price range: $50—$300.)
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