Page 13 - Studio International - December 1971
P. 13

the ATTI and NUS feelings, were surprised at   attitudes, those of the Design Technician Courses   British
           the cold reception which the report received   are to be limited to learning skills and facts. The
           from those bodies. What had in fact happened   new Design Technician, in new educationally   sculptors '72
           by this time was that, as the report neither   mutilated form : denied anything so dangerous as
           accords with their beliefs nor purposes as to   tuition in ideas : removed from the Dip AD
           what needs to be done in a just and effective   graduate milieu: and probably before long
           manner, the report holds no authority for them—  re-housed in some out-of-the-way condemned
           and neither does the present form of Council   primary school elsewhere, may be expected
           which produced it.                        gradually to become unaware of where such as
              For those readers who know little of the Joint   the Hornsey College of Art Principal's office is
           Report, its origins lie in the Guildford and   situated—probably even where Hornsey is as
           Hornsey affaires of 1968. At Hornsey, the   well!
           College of Art Principal found himself       The joint report was sent to the Secretary of
           persona non grata in his own office to which he   State for approval in the summer of 1970.
           was denied access by a protesting group of his   Shortly afterwards she invited the various
           own students engaged in a sit-in. One of their   professional educational associations and the
           major grievances was that in their college two   NUS to send her their comments on the report.
           types of courses existed side by side : one the   Following this she was silent on the matter
           Diploma in Art and Design (Dip AD) courses;   until 12 July, 1971 when she issued Circular
           the other, Vocational Design Courses. Though   No. 7/71 which contains her reactions to the
           they were patently of the same level of   report. In this, she virtually tossed the report
           achievement, the former were on 'pool', and the   back for further consideration of two of its
           latter were not—with all the attendant    major parts.
           advantages and disadvantages which that entails !   It is possible that the length of time the
           The factors which decided on which one of   Secretary of State took in appraising the report
           these courses a student found himself had little   may have been caused by her stupefaction at
           to do with his artistic or creative design ability,   reading it, for while proposing a new structure
           but everything to do with the fact that the   for immediate introduction, the report also
           Department of Education and Science had   contains a section under the heading 'Future
           placed a moratorium on the number of places   Developments'; and the strange thing about
           available on Dip AD courses, and also with the   this section is that it virtually contradicts and
           possession or not of five G.C.E. '0' level passes   makes nonsense of the main report. Or perhaps
           in subjects which were not required to have any   she was semantically intrigued by the new light
           relevance at all to the course. Under the   which this part of the report shines on the
           circumstances, students on the Vocational Design   meaning of the word 'future' : for as the time-lag
           Courses could well be understood in finding this   since the joint committee first sat to the present
           an incredible state of affairs; and in rejecting the   is a period of three years, and as one might   When the last Battersea Park Sculpture
           authority of a system which imposed it on them.   hazard a guess that at least another year may   Exhibition was held in 1966 the general feeling
             At this point the NACAE (the 'Coldstream'   elapse before anything concrete happens to the   amongst sculptors was that the park setting
           Council) decided to 'take cognisance' of the   report, one would have thought that it would   was no longer particularly relevant to the proper
           criticisms. It set up a committee, jointly with the   have been wiser, and certainly more realistic, to   exposure of their work. The greater proportion
           NCDAD, to take evidence, hear criticisms,   recommend that the assertions in the section on   of the pieces had in fact been intended for
           and propose a new structure for art and design   future developments be implemented rather than   seeing inside galleries, and the trees and flowers
           education. When it produced its joint report in   those in the main body of the report. Looked at   were more a liability than an asset. Therefore
           1970 this was found to contain proposals just as   in this way the meaning of the word 'future'   when it proved impossible to find sufficient
           iniquitous as the system which it proposed to   appears to refer to a state of affairs which   financial support to enable the show to be moved
           replace.                                  remains permanently in the future, and is never   to a new site the show died and has never been
             At least those like, possibly, the Principal of   likely to become the present. All this, of course,   thought worth reviving.
           Hornsey College of Art might be expected to   lends support to the conclusion that it is no   However, something else died at the same
           find some joy in the joint report. For, looked at   mere coincidence that the 'Society for Putting   time that is very much more important: the
           in a certain light, at least the difficulties caused   Things on Top of Other Things' of Monty   principle that it is worthwhile, and necessary,
           by the parity of the two courses—`Dip AD' and   Python's Flying Circus coexists at this moment of   for the public to see some of the developments
           `Vocational Design'—had been in one way   time with the new 'Structure of Art and Design   taking place in sculpture on a large scale and
           resolved. The report proposed that the former,   Education'.                        under the right conditions on a regular basis.
           if specialized as vocational courses are, should be   In this planner's paradise, we need a new   Neither the Tate nor the Hayward, both heavily
           lengthened by a year: while the Vocational   slogan. Not 'No Taxation Without       committed in any case to complex schedules of
           Design Courses should be shortened by a year—  Representation', but 'No Planning Without   international and historically based exhibitions,
           thus giving modern meaning to St Matthew   Representation'. As it is, the two parties most   can do more than slot in the occasional major
           Chapter 25 verse 29 : 'For unto every one that hath   intimately concerned with art and design   retrospective showing of a particular English
           shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but   education—art and design teachers and   artist, such as the recent exhibition of Bridget
           from him that hath not shall be taken away even   students—are inadequately represented on the   Riley's work.
           that which he hath'. It was further proposed that   planning councils, and are threatened with   The Whitechapel Gallery which under Bryan
           the title 'Vocational Design Course' should be   having a new structure lumped on them which   Robertson provided a forum where many
           replaced by that of 'Design Technician Course';   they neither respect nor want, and which has   British artists were seen properly for the first
           the difference between the content of the two   nothing to do with either the nature of art or the   time seems unlikely to survive the financial
           courses in essence to be that, while the Dip AD   ideals of education. q            problems which afflict it. It occurred to me
           courses are to be concerned with ideas and    R. H. LITHERLAND                      therefore when I heard that I had been elected
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