Page 17 - Studio International - December 1971
P. 17

The brunt of the criticism has been that the   into an explosive that blew up in Mr Lynch's   News and notes
            Council, whose annual subvention from the   face.
            Government amounts to £6o,000 has been       The Independent Artists group and its   The Artists, Placement Group will be
            consistently misdirecting its funds and   associates represent principally a generation   operating from the Hayward Gallery during
            blatantly failing in its duties towards the arts   which has chosen to express itself in terms of   December. Artists and invited representatives
            generally. A vast proportion of the annual   the realities around it rather than according to   from Government, industry and education will
            subsidy goes to the purchase of paintings from   the latest reading on the New York/London   be on view in an office situation called 'the
            two dealers in central Dublin and principally   barometer of taste. The group, whose annual   Sculpture', where they will discuss the APG
            from one of these. In 1968-69 £23,000 was   exhibition was held in the Municipal Gallery   idea of Art and Economics, and the nature of
            spent in this way.                        Dublin from 1963 to 1969, was refused     the relationship of 'the individual' in organiza-
              The National College of Art is run by the   accommodation there in 1970 on the grounds   tion. The APG insertions in eight past issues of
            Minister of Education, a man of considerable   that its usual space was to be converted for use   Studio International  will comprise the catalogue.
            obtuseness whose speeches one would suspect   as a display area for an extended permanent   They record the development of the APG
            were written by the Archbishop of Dublin. The   collection. This was proved false within months   situation over a 2-year period, and inn70 will
            Minister deputes lesser luminaries of his   and several short-term exhibitions were held   be an 'exhibition-in-time' showing this
            Department to the actual administration of the   there during the following two years. The   evolving situation.
            school and has recently sacked two teachers   National Gallery also refused to house the   John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 8  opens
            who objected to the failing of more than half   exhibition on equally spurious grounds though   27 April 1972. The exhibition is open to all
            their students at end of term assessments   James White, the director of the Gallery,   living artists working in the U.K. Only paintings
            because of political activity. The result has   expressed admiration of the artistic standard of   and constructions may be submitted. All entries
            been a large scale protest.               the 1971 exhibition at the Project Arts Centre.   should be designed to hang on a wall and must
              Next door to the College of Art is the Dail,   Besides the obvious motivation, the quick
                                                                                                 not project more than six inches from it.
            the Parliament of the twenty-six county State.   kills of the Art Market, Culture in Ireland   Sending-in days 7-12 February. Further
            While the crisis was developing in the College,   (for 'Ireland' read 'Dublin' and vice-versa),
                                                                                                 information from Timothy Stevens, The
            an average of ten deputies at any time (out of a   especially the plastic arts, is the last sphere in
                                                                                                 Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool L3 8EL.
            house of several hundred) attended the special   which the old English colonial class, the
            debate on 'the North'. Meanwhile the British   so-called Anglo-Irish and their fellow-travellers   Basil Jacobs Fine Art Ltd  are holding Peter
            Army was slaughtering the people. 'Six killed   maintain power.                      Lanyon's first major London exhibition since
            in two days, call for murder trial in Newry'   MICHAEL KANE                         1968, to coincide with the publication of a
            ran the front page headline of the Irish Press on   Dublin 4                        monograph of his work by Aidan Ellis
            October 25. Parliament becomes irrelevant,                                          Publishing Ltd. The exhibition runs from
            `the centre cannot hold'.                                                           16 November—11 December.
              During this frightful week-end, while the   Bear Lane Gallery                     Ceri Richards, CBE, died in London on
            revolution in the North-East proceeded on its   I write with reference to Jeff Clark's letter in   9 November aged 68.
            way, the Arts Council and its friends were   your November issue.
            attending the opening of a curious exhibition.   It is hardly necessary for me to say how very   The interview with Dennis Oppenheim by
            This was the 'Irish' section of a large and   much the Council of Bear Lane Gallery regrets   Willoughby Sharp, which appeared in last
            pretentious complex of exhibitions called   Nick Waterlow's resignation. We are very   month's Studio International, was edited by
            `ROSC71'. It was held at the Municipal Gallery   conscious of all that he has done.   Liza Bear with the artist.
            of Modem Art while the 'international' section   However: negotiations with the Arts Council   New London Galleries include the Surrealist Art
            opened later in the week-end at the Royal   have now been re-opened. If they prove success-  Centre, 31 Brook St, WI, which opened with an
            Dublin Society's hall at Ballsbridge, the   ful I hope Nick Waterlow will be intimately   exhibition including Dali, Magritte, and Delvaux;
                                                                                                the Lucy Milton Gallery, 125 Notting Hill Gate,
            headquarters of the last bastion of British   associated with any new structure.    which is part of a group of European galleries whose
            Imperial Culture in the twenty-six counties.   I take many of the points that Jeff Clark has   outlook is determinedly international; and Sotheby's
            The peculiar dichotomy of 'Irish' and     raised. But I feel that it is possible, while   Belgravia, a saleroom in Motcomb Street which will
                                                                                                be devoted to Victoriana and early twentieth-century
            `international' has become established by press,   retaining the premises and purpose of Bear Lane   art.
            television and radio as a result of a     Gallery, to establish an art complex in Oxford of   Alecto International has been joined by Brian
            semi-conscious suspicion that the Irish do not   considerable calibre and potential. These are   Rushton, formerly publications manager at the Tate
            quite qualify for the world. ROSC, therefore,   the lines on which we at present are talking to   Gallery, and the writer and critic Charles Spencer.
            employs an apartheid structure, dividing the   the Arts Council.                    Idea Books, 18 Endell Street, London WC1, are
            `native' from the 'foreigner' and—as in South   Nothing is settled: but I feel that the   distributing the catalogues of the Francis Bacon
                                                                                                exhibition at the Musée de l'Art Moderne in Paris.
            Africa—excluding even from the Bantu section   criticisms directed at the Arts Council by Jeff
            any artist who has shown any independence of   Clark call for some modification in the light of   The Victoria and Albert Museum are holding a
                                                                                                major exhibition of Victorian Church Art.
            spirit. Thus all the committee and most   recent developments—developments of which
            members of a group called, appropriately   of course Jeff Clark could have no knowledge.   Miró Sculptures, an exhibition organized by the
                                                                                                Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis, is currently at the
            enough, the Independent Artists, have been left   We much appreciate his letter.    Cleveland Museum of Art before going on to the Art
            out because of their declared republican/   ELIZABETH DEIGHTON                      Institute of Chicago.
           socialist views and the unaccommodating    Chairman, Bear Lane Gallery Council       The Tate Gallery will hold a large Barnett Newman
            expressionism of their work.                                                        exhibition in the summer of next year.
              The main sponsor of `ROSC 71' is Gulf Oil                                         Twenty-four British sculptors have been invited
            whose tankers pollute the sea in Bantry Bay and                                     by the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation to produce
                                                                                                proposals for works to be erected on public sites in
           along vast reaches of the Irish Coast. The R.D.S.                                    eight cities in Britain. Sixteen of the proposals will
            exhibition was opened by An Taoiseach (Prime                                        be selected. The cities concerned are Newcastle-
                                                                                                upon-Tyne, Liverpool, Sheffield, Birmingham,
            Minister) Mr Lynch who was dramatically                                             Cambridge, Cardiff, Southampton and Plymouth.
           upstaged by a protesting student from the                                            Augustus John drawings from all phases of the
           National College of Art. The expensive                                               artist's career are on show at the Lefevre Gallery
           advertisement for Gulf and the dealers turned                                        from December 2-18.
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