Page 16 - Studio International - December 1971
P. 16

for Bengston's absence in a show in which he   the payment of a fee for work done, at   It was really rather mischievous of Charles
     surely should have been included.              present an artist is forced to work for   Spencer to have removed remarks of mine from
       Factions and bitchiness plague the whole     nothing and let his work be shown for   their context so as to represent me as being in
     scene, and they are intolerable and wholly     nothing. Often the man who hangs the   support of the multiples movement. My
     destructive. You could not run a cat-food      pictures gets more than the man who   introduction to the Multiples Catalogue from
     factory on such a basis.                       makes them. No other worker would    which he quotes was, of course, entitled
     GERALD LAING                                   tolerate this.                       `Anti-Multiples' and while it did indeed begin
     Conon Bridge                                (c)  The pursuit of various long term   with the sentence (words in italics are those
                                                    objectives : a greatly increased say in art   which Spencer deleted): `To comprehend why
     Gerald Laing's letter in this issue of Studio   politics, art gallery policy, public   mass production of art objects, with all its
     International points once again to what seems   appointments etc.; the eventual     philistine and corrupting implications, appeals
     to me to be a simple truth of the art world :   application of the Dutch system of a   to such an apparently large and influential
     artists are in the hands of the entrepreneurs.   basic living wage to all bona-fide   section of the art world, one must appreciate the
       From the moment that an artist finishes his   artists; control of the art colleges, etc.   atmosphere of decadence which many artists
     work, it, and he, are subjected to a continual   I can see as well as anyone the problems   and critics rightly feel to dominate the whole
     process of dilution and manipulation by those   inherent in this, but the bald fact is that artists   business of art transactions in the western
     whose job it is to convey, or to use Bob Irwin's   do have the power, BUT ONLY      world.' I then went on to say: 'I shall maintain
     word, 'midwife' this work to the public. The   COLLECTIVELY, to implement these     that technological art is not any kind of answer
     fact is that exhibition organizers, magazine   proposals.                           to the problems it purports to solve. That it
     editors, writers, whatever their motives cannot   This is the first statement of the idea. No   would, in fact, result only in a larger and more
     fail to impose their own aesthetic ideas on the   doubt it will evolve. I urge all artists who have   deadly model of the trap in which we now find
     work and sometimes even fundamentally     any views on the subject, even negative ones,   ourselves. What technological art advocates
     change it.                                to write to me at the address given.      would have us do is dispense with uniqueness
       However the crux of the matter is that the   ALASTAIR MACKINTOSH                  and maintain the commercial structure of
     assistants in this maiming process are the artists   32 Edgehead Road               transactions when it is exactly the opposite action
     themselves.                               Ford, Midlothian                          which is required. To do away with the personally
       This is because the artist has absolutely no                                      created art object simply because that notion
     protection against the process (unless he is really   Multiple discontent           has been misused is to throw out the baby with
     well-known, in which case he seems interested   Mr Jacobs (`Multiples in the USA' Studio   the bath water in a most outrageous way. In
     in his own work only and does not use his   International, September 1971) charges the   fact, to replace unique production with mass
     power for the good of others). Out of a perfectly   present 'generation' of American collectors   production while keeping to the commercial
     justifiable desire to have his work shown, the   with their inability to appreciate 'watershed   forms of transaction is only to create an even
     artist is forced to play by the rules of the art   experiments' in art. ' ... what the American   more inescapable commercialism in which art
     world; inevitably he has to pick up some of its   consumer finds most to his taste is ... to have   must struggle to survive.'
     habits. The factionism among artists in Britain   his aesthetic experiences fed to him, like canned   For the record, since Spencer lumped me in
     stems from the fact that artists are forced into   soup, by an assembly line.'      with so many anti-object zealots, I have also
     a competitive position by the system which   Only two positions occur to me viz. the   said: `(There is a suggestion) that the way to
     exists.                                   American public and art:                  subvert a corrupt market which exploits art
       Further the artist is more often than not   (1) They are collector/consumers. If this is   objects for commercial gain is to do away with
     treated in a way that would bring any     your view, Mr Jacobs then, you have no right   the creation of art objects. This is rather like
     self-respecting Trade Unionist out on strike.   to display petulance because they won't buy   saying that the solution to the problem of
     At the moment, though, he is powerless to   your wares whether it be 'watershed     brothel-keeping is to exterminate the female
     resist this treatment because he is on his own.   experiments' or soapsy sudsy. The Customer is   population.'
       What is needed is some sort of very basic   Always Right. To continue your culinary   (Mrs) JANET DALEY
     union of artists. This will only work if artists   imagery, you should take the advice of our   London, N8
     are willing to discipline themselves, and not   great American consumer piano player,
     even as much as any other worker, but just to   H. Truman, `If you can't stand the heat, get
     the extent of each thinking of himself as one of   out of the kitchen.'              Colonial toehold
     many artists rather than unique. This means a   (2) They are our brothers caught with us in   Ireland lacks a Ministry of Culture. Instead,
     degree of respect for the creativity of other   mortality and blasted with ignorance. This is   we have a semi-private and self-sustaining
     artists, even if their work is not liked. Together   the game where 'work becomes play for mortal   body supported by public money. It is called
     artists can control the art world; individually,   stakes'. I make art, Mr Jacobs, and I fail through   the Arts Council and is presided over by an
     however strong they are, they can only be   fear and ignorance every single day. So what   elderly Jesuit whose name and title, like
     controlled. This is basic trade union theory.   else is new ?                        Malachi Mulligan's possess the magical two
        I am not suggesting a complicated structure   I'm sorry that this has to be so personal, Mr   dactyls: Father O'Sullivan (`tripping and sunny
     or programme; artists do not want to spend   Jacobs, but I'm bored to the gut with the   like the buck himself'). Next in importance is
     much time worrying about other peoples'   position you represent. Either get in there and   an architect, Michael Scott. The only thing of
     problems and thrashing out details. But the   play with the Madison Avenue lads for your   general interest about the Council is its
     aims can be easily stated:                `share of the market' or hold hands in the dark   remarkable perseverance in the face of several
        (a) The control by artists of the presentation   with the rest of us while we try to find some way   years of savage public criticism. The Irish Press,
           of their work. This includes installation,   to the light.'                    the Evening Press, the Irish Independent, the
           photographs, press statements, catalogues   HAL STALLINGS 11                   Irish Times, Hibernia, This Week and the
           etc. Obviously there would be no    California                                 journal of the Irish-American Cultural
           attempt to control criticism.       'There is a mixed way as usual, damn it! This letter   Institute, Eire-Ireland, have all at one time or
        (b)  The provision of reasonable financial   is an example. We're arguing, Mr Jacobs, about real   another (the Evening Press frequently) carried
                                               issues, right ? I, also, want my name in Studio
           return for participation in an officially   International—it will help the image, hence sales,   articles which indicted the Council severely. No
           organized show. This is no more than    right ? 	.                             cogent reply was ever made.
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