Page 42 - Studio International - February 1971
P. 42

UK commentary:

      coins, stamps, books, comics et al.

      Timothy Hilton

      This month brings both decimalization and the   don't like the look of these new ones, which still   exhibitions of Irish art in Cork and Galway.
      consolidation of plans to introduce entrance   carry on the tradition inaugurated by Croesus   That in Cork is to be devoted to the nineteenth
      charges to museums and galleries, and we are   (in sixth-century Lydia) of pride in luxury and   century. There may not be much of this, since
      being invited by the government to think more   imperial strength. The iconography of coinage   Ireland's traditional role as a stud-farm for
      closely about money.                      has almost always been reactionary, with all   cheap British labour has also had its effect on the
        Okay, pinstripes. But let's open it up. The   those haughty profiles, heavy gates, armed   visual arts. Painters like Mulready and Maclise,
      only artistic points of view that have had much   horsemen—the official regalia of those who have   while claimed by the Irish, spent most of their
      airing so far come from the bien peasant art-  never wanted for money, shelter, comfort and   working lives in London. In modern times there
      appreciation establishment. There are other   bread. It's bad art. The men from the Mint   has been no real Irish tradition in art, however
      views, like my own. Perhaps the Prime Minister   have been cunningly introducing bad art into   much such intelligent and sensitive painters as
      and his Paymaster-General (that's what Lord   our pockets (good art, like a good heart, is not   Micheal Farrell (whose work when I last saw it
      Eccles is) may think it an eccentric one, but   kept in the pocket), a little at a time, to make us   was an attempt to combine the American colour-
      eccentric to what norm ? For views in art are   covet more bad art, for so long now that I   field with Celtic motifs) have tried to promote
      free, while it is their intention to finally enslave   seriously believe we cannot see it straight   such a thing.
     art to monetary justification. Thinking of   without recourse to imaginative steps that may   In literature, of course, matters have been
      relationships between money, art, education,   seem callow or naive to those who organize the   different, but I feel that English respect for Irish
     and all that, here's a saddening little parable.   ways of the world.                writing is not enough, and derives from that
      I would like to record that the last lecture I was                                  drawing-room view of culture, that Hindsight
     fated to give in the On the room the women   It is therefore pleasant to look over the seas to   Saga view of civilization fed to us by Kenneth
      come and go') Courtauld Institute of Art, fell   England's nearest underdeveloped country,   Clark and his elegant henchmen. For the great
     upon the morning of Derby Day, two years ago.   Ireland, to handle its beautiful coinage, and to   Irish contribution to English culture has been
        The present writer had a certain amount of   recognize that respect for money over there   neither in its literature nor in its art, but in
     information. I rose therefore to my nonmatrixed   differs significantly from our own forelock-  immigration, in the fact that a large part of the
     lectern. The Derby always comes just before   touching obeisances. In 1923 the Irish Free   working class in England, being Irish, Catholic,
     examination time. Faced with a visibly miserable   State, sweeping away all imperial symbols,   and from an agricultural background, does not
     assemblage of students, I advised that all   introduced a harp on one side of their coins (it's   subscribe to the ethics and mores of a work-
     monies should be placed on Shoemaker (33—i)   also on the Guinness bottles), with a sow and   discipline developed by English industrial
     and Blakeney (7—I). History is history, and   piglets, a salmon, a horse, a hen, a bull and a dog   capitalism. So Irish money brings you luck, does
     recent history is our own experience. Nobody   on the obverse. While English money may be   it ? Huh. If Irish people had more of it they
     needs Leslie Welch to recall which horses were   used in Ireland, Irish money is not legal tender   might have been lucky enough to be able to stay
     placed first and second.                  over here, for no good reason, and is often   at home.
        Should this be a happy story ? It isn't. Not   regarded by English people as being funny in   English-born myself, I feel this strongly for
     one of my students thought to back those   some way, and by the superstitious as bringing   personal reasons, since my heart was captured
     winners ... I don't mind about that, since I do   luck. It forms part of Peter Blake's whimsy,   in 1962 by an immigrant, making out here and
     not care to arouse emotions that are dependent   Philip Larkin donates it to a church in which he   posting back money to the family. That was
     on the prospect of financial gain. But what the   disbelieves. I was once delighted to see Eamon   National Productivity Year, we may recall.
     hell, all those Courtauld students wind up down   Scully, the famous Irishman known over here as   Those who do not may like to consult a small
     the road in Bond Street later on, servants to a   Alan Sea Breeze, selling Irish half-crowns to   booklet, amazingly entitled The Revolutionary
     system of sophisticated bartering in which the   Americans for a pound. Because of the horse   Stamp Price Guide which reproduces (not in the
     real winner is always money, not art. Betting   design, he claimed that it was a special minting to   actual size, of course, for that would be illegal)
     always carries with it feelings of greed and   commemorate the triumphs of Arkle. This was   the stirring design of the special stamp, vigorous
     desperation, a low and harsh range of tones on   at Rosc, the international quadrennial exhibition   upward arrows superimposed on a map of the
     the emotional palette, and Bond Street    which comes round for the second time this   British Isles, our Queen looking on with pursed
     speculation in art (not different in its essentials)   summer. The 1967 show, timid and ten years   lips, her face turned in half-profile towards you
     is only different in that nobody there is so broke   out of date by international art-world standards,   as if to enquire what your contribution has been
     as to be desperate. Money there is all that is   had a remarkable effect on a country that had   to the Gross National Product.
     beautiful and lovely. They cheer and clap it.   never before seen a large show of contemporary   What miserable and petty things postage
     Consider the extraordinary scenes in the sale   painting. 8o,000 people went to see it, arguments   stamps are! But stay, stop and consider. My
     rooms when people do actually clap at the end   were endless, and popular demand kept it open   little guide informs me that this threepenny
     of a particularly high round of bidding. What   for an extra week. The whole of the twenty-six   stamp is now worth a whole ninepence, if it was
     are they clapping ? Certainly not the picture,   counties seemed to resound to the name of   actually used, and no less than one and
     nor its artist, nor so much the activity of the   Alechinsky.                       threepence if in mint condition, if it wasn't
     vendor or purchaser. Is this not a mindless   Apart from the modern show (guided by the   used. Wonderful, wonderful. The mouth
     acclamation of purchasing power per se?   second-generation expatriate James Johnson   slavers. My late sovereign George V clearly
       You never see a starving beggar on a coin. I   Sweeney) the celebrations this year will include    knew well what he was about when the Royal
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