Page 41 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 41

computer, unless you interact in a reasonably   they should do with it.              undergo an enormously difficult period; it will
          passive way.                                 Technology has had a greater effect on the   become evident to them that there will be an
             Information has affected law. A smart   cultural thrust than art. Technology has   enormous increased production from artists.
          lawyer realizes that evidence which is passed   created technological man. It has created   And the collection of this production will cause
          across an information retrieval system, such   political change. It has created aesthetic change.   real-estate problems, will cause economic
          as television or newspaper, is just as valuable   It has created many levels of things that we   problems, and will also cause political problems.
          as evidence which is presented in court. So   thought art would. Probably the greatest reason   What it will probably be important for museums
          what is occurring in the courtroom now is a   why technology has taken over from art is   to be doing within the next few years will be
          direct reflection of what occurs in the media.   because art was always technology anyway. The   bringing in the various underprivileged social
          It is often possible to actually lose a case in a   art of the cave painter was a technological art.   groups in our society. Presenting the museum as
          courtroom, but win it in the media. If it is won   It was an art of how to do it, how to image the   a community cultural laboratory rather than a
          in the media, it will be reversed in the courtroom.   society, how to present society with a working   place that sets up high standards and aesthetics.
          There is no way of un-knowing information.   model of itself that would in fact be a 'conceptual   The absurdity of formal art criticism is that
          In a society that is addicted to information,   tool', a valuable and useful device for the shaping   it is pretty much umbilical to collecting. Formal
          it is extremely dangerous not to put out   of that society. Now we are arriving back   art criticism must be judged as organized
          information. In a society that demands to know   technologically to cave painting. We're now   power. For all that formal art criticism hates
          everything, the man who remains quiet is   at a point where technology can present us with   commercialism, it always acts as a very straight
          guilty.                                   a working model of ourselves.              commercial for the art it's talking about. In
             Now privacy is redundant; privacy only    It is important that we expand the      formal criticism when you say, 'Something is
          works in a society that is technically private.   technological environment into a completely   good', you're saying, 'buy it'. When you say,
          It is possible for the government to spy on a   biotechnology environment so that we are   `It is bad', you're saying, 'Do not buy it'. So
          citizen at any time. It is possible for one firm   interconnected very directly with the technology   formal art criticism will find itself with the
          to spy on another firm. If you live in a society   and that we can plug into any area of thinking   same problem that the collector finds himself
          that does not permit privacy, trying to be   to create a support system between one another.   in. People do not want to be told constantly
          private is foolish. If you have sex in your living   It is true that we are further apart ideologically   what their taste should be any more. Good
          room, it shouldn't matter if everybody in the   than ever before in the world. It is also true   taste, at this time, in technical democracy, ends
          world can see you. Because if they wanted to,   that we are closer together than we have ever   up as nothing more than taste prejudice.
          they could. Privacy becomes one-sided when   been.                                   Expressing aesthetic authority over another
          you resist it. If you don't resist, then you become   Where does the art collector fit in ? Apart   human being is arrogant.
          part of the working environment. The correct   from gathering objects to surround him,   The artist must, without question, abdicate.
          organic cell in the correct organic environment.   which give him a certain sense of place or   He must realize that his work must not contain
          You take the same attitude towards the    personal environment, it's also true that   authority. It must in fact have the capability
          government that they take towards you.    collecting art has been a way of socially   to succeed or fail as the viewer wants it.
            Now people say that computers are       identifying oneself. The sophisticate now   Thereby being much more supportive to the
          dehumanizing us; that there are too many   realizes that having a number of paintings on   viewer. It must, in fact, be completely devoid
          machines. There are even people who blame   his wall is not going to increase his image to   of logic. The logical vacuum must be there so
          the war in Vietnam on computers. Very few   very many people. Buying works of art today   that the viewer applies his own logic to it and
          people have had any first hand use of computers   would have little value or importance; everybody   the work in fact makes itself before the viewer's
          as an information retrieval system, as a surrogate   can buy everything anyway. There are no rich   eyes. So that it becomes a direct reflection of
          brain, as an outside intelligence support, as a   people, only middle-class people. The rich   the viewer's consciousness, logic, morals, and
          form of artificial thinking. We must realize   merely have more 'middle class'.     ethics. The work should act as a feedback
          that if everybody has computers, then it    So the artist will have to create a personal   mechanism to his own working model.
          becomes possible for everybody to talk to   publicity system for the collector. He will have   Once you have information about something,
          everybody else. If you have a Telex terminal   to identify these people to the society. So he   there is no need to do it. The one thing that
          and you want to say, 'Screw you' on that   has to decide that these people will become   so-called 'Do It' activities, such as Woodstock,
          terminal, everybody who owns a Telex terminal   media packages. He will package these people   make absolutely clear, in information terms, is
          will get a print-out saying, 'Screw you'. So   in such a manner that they will become   that you do it to get the information. That if
          that while companies do have the possibility   information for society. The problem of   you have the information, you don't do it
          to control you, if you are hooked into them you   collecting art objects is, that the information   because having the information means it's been
          have the possibility to control back. Once we   reads out more about having money and power   done. So what we would have in art is a series
          all have technological access, then we can talk   than it does about being aesthetically involved   of 'doing it' that would create information.
          to one another. The computer is going to bring   or concerned with art. Therefore, if one does   Television is pretty much like art in this
          about a new era of primitivism in art. The   have money and power, there is very little   situation. The only thing that occurs which is
          computer will in fact be the new folk art.   value in buying art because it's going to create   of interest to most people is commercials,
            In a city, where people have answering   bad information. Money and power represent   sports events, and newscasts. We will have to
          services, instead of talking to people directly,   personal politics at a time when everyone is   get all the people watching television on
          the technology talks to the technology. You   trying to get to a broader inter-supportive   television so that everyone's watching themselves
          phone a person, his answering service answers.   system. The only step left now would be for   and everyone else.
          You leave a message. He phones you back and   the collector to become an artist. He must be   What we are seeing now is a series of works
          your answering service answers. The technology   directly involved in art production. He could   that are made for the reason that they can be
          is making the decision and the people are sitting   do it by selecting various groups of art and   turned into media. Art now reads out as social
          about on the sidelines. One computer is talking   showing them in a similar way to that in which   software : information. Once we know that the
          to another computer. One telephone is talking   the curator of the Museum of Modern Art   purpose is to influence the social software we
          to another telephone. One television is talking   put on the 'Information' show, or he could   can do away with art and start influencing the
          to another television. Humans are merely   begin to make art which expresses the kind of   social software directly. Beyond that the artist
          looking at it once in a while to see what the   person that he is, in the kind of environment   will probably dissolve, cease to exist in our
          result of all this activity is and deciding what    that he finds himself Museums will probably    society as a separate heroic figure. q

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