Page 39 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 39

the media, rather than the effect they have on   which has been presented as art. Instead of   that when the media had decided that that's
           the environment. It's assumed that the effect   taking a work of art, which if it were translated   what it was.
           in the media will automatically affect the   would present an aspect of life or decode as a   In information processing, there is always a
          socio-economic environment. Hence, the court   particular concern, we merely take the direct   key phrase that simplifies : Impressionism,
          trials of Abbie Hoffman create an environmental   working situation and present it (documented)   out-of-focus images; Abstract Expressionism,
           theatrical work, which in effect is turned into a   as the work. This is Woodstock, this is Manson,   slopping around in paint; Pop Art, big popular
          novel. So that the overall effect is that the   this is Hoffman, this is information art. Now   images that we consider banal; Earth Art, holes
          government, the courtroom, the lawyers, the   we must achieve motivation retrospectively: we   in the ground. Light Art is anything that has
          defendants, etc., are engaged in a piece of media   look backward to see the effect of what we have   light bulbs; Electronic Art is anything that
          theatre. This is what Jerry Rubin calls the 'Do   done and that becomes our reason for doing it.   flashes electrically. While artists are appalled
           It' generation. You do something because the   Whatever anybody says in the media, always   all the time by the way the media read art out,
           doing of it will have information fall-out and   happens. If someone on television says the   none of these movements would exist as
           burn-off, which then will be assessed logically   economy is in bad condition, the economy will   realities to the general population without the
          by the society. The logic of the activity will be   be bad the moment after he has said it. Anything   media. I think it is clear that Ad Reinhardt
           the fact that it has been done.           that stands out on the media as negative at a   would not have been 'Ad Reinhardt' without
             Then Charles Manson, who so desperately   given moment will become positive in a very   the media. The idea of the 'black painting with
           wants to become part of the media environment,   short time. The media accelerates its own   nothing on it' (which is what most people in the
          (allegedly) slaughters eight people. This dire   information.                        media thought it was) as opposed to abstract
           destructive crime, which has various witchcraft   Through information processing, a negative   painting, is the way the media established a man
           overtones, is horrible in its scope. However,   logic occurs. What you attempt to give power   who abhorred the media.
           when we analyse it more closely, Manson very   will reject power; an attempt to detract power   'Great American Art from 1940-1970' was
           quickly becomes a superstar of the media. He   will immediately attract power, like a negative   probably the last important show about
           becomes a charismatic character of unbelievably   energy system. It is not possible to say something   hierarchical Western taste. It was the final
          celebrated proportions; he is sought after by   is bad (or good) because the viewers see that   stance in an approach to moralistic, aesthetic
           every newspaper and network in the country   you are telling them that it's good (or bad).   and ethical art. The sad part about that
           for interviews ; he's on the front page of every   Therefore, they do not believe you. Trying to   situation was a curator expressing a lack of
           newspaper and magazine; he's become a     undermine something on television works in   support for the artistic environment, at a time
           historical figure overnight. For Manson to   absolute reverse. For example, commercials   when the artistic environment needs support
           `make it' as a rock-and-roll star was one way of   to stop smoking tell us how dangerous it can   more than ever. It is a position that says, 'We
           leading him into the media, of receiving great   be to our health, etc. They also remind us that   will set up these idols at the cost of the rest of
          adulation from the press, etc.             this is a very enjoyable habit, and it would be   the art community, and who cares about the
           But then, deciding to kill all these people, in   nice to be smoking right now. When CBS   rest of the community if it's all crap anyway.
          order to achieve fame, is one of the nightmares   covers up Abbie Hoffman's face on television   Museums only want to show the good stuff.'
          of the media generation. This negative action is   because he is wearing an American flag shirt,   We have come to the point that showing the
          another one of those `Do It' things. And it is   the viewers see that they are putting Hoffman   good stuff may in fact be good for only a small
           even further extended when Richard Nixon,   down, and therefore automatically put him up   group of people and for a very large group of
           who understands very clearly the enormous   higher than before.                     people it may act as a negative, non-supporting
           energy the activity has, no matter how dire it   Talking about a problem in the media is   system. The 'ideal' in a post-moral,
           may be, decides it is necessary for him to plug   almost the same thing as solving the problem.   post-conscious society is of little value.
           into that energy (by saying that Manson is   People used to say 'Everything will be okay, so   Behaviours in our society occur because we
          guilty), the same way a politician decides it's   long as we keep the dialogue going.' This bred   have laws about them. The nature of the
           necessary to plug into the pollution problem,   the mediocre intellectual who thought there   environment combined with the law clearly
           the war in Vietnam, urban renewal, or any other   was nothing more to do except be semantic   expresses what is possible and permissible
          charismatic piece of energy in the media.   about the problem, never actually considering   within that environment. Whether we morally
           Manson has taken media paranoia to the    what should be done. So that the consideration   agree or disagree doesn't make too much
           ultimate point of destruction. The outcome of   in itself became the problem, and the semantics   difference.
           the situation is : What are eight lives in order to   with it became the problem, more than the real   The Museum of Modern Art's 'Information' :
           make a 'software superstar' of national   `problem'.                                the style of the show was photographic, while
          proportions ? Would a television network be   Information, that is in the environment,   at the same time there was no style. While there
          prepared to sacrifice eight lives for a programme   always relates to other kinds of information.   were some eighty artists in the show, there were
          that would constantly get them, over a period   The Pollution Control Board virtually means   no artists in the show: no one stood out any
          of a year, sixty million viewers ?         that 'x' number of people will get a job in the   more than another. Every movement previous,
             Relative to this, we have the movie Woodstock   United States Government. Before that it was   such as Pop, Op, Colour Painting, always had its
          in which the people went to Woodstock to hear   urban renewal. These things are supported by   figures. In pop, it would be Andy Warhol, Roy
           music and to be together. Actually they paid to   politicians because they provide a large amount   Lichtenstein, Oldenburg and a few others. In
           participate in the production of a movie. The   of political patronage. Government sees art as a   colour painting, it would be Louis, Noland,
          Woodstock Festival occurred solely to make a   way to pretty up the environment.     and on down the line. In 'Information', it was
           movie. The movie relates in the way the     The media refused to recognize any subtleties   clear that the only outstanding figure was the
           photographs, as evidence, relate in information   in art whatsoever because they transform art   curator. The curator in this situation becomes
          art. The movie is merely evidence that this   into information. In other words, earth art,   the artist. We have a 'Woodstock' situation at the
          festival occurred.                         electronic art, abstract art, pop art and so on.   Museum of Modern Art. All of these people are
             Instead of using closed format approaches to   The practitioners of these styles in art attack   brought together to make this show under the
          writing scripts, which in some way will represent   the media for being nothing more than   authorship of the curator. The curator presents
          the cultural operative trust of society, we merely   commercial. It would be impossible for any   the media with a package.
          take the operative trust directly and use that as   style to exist as a real entity without the media.   The value of shows like this is that, because
          a working model of itself and present that as the   'Great American Art from 1940-1970' : it was   they are so open, they tend to have no taste or
          work. We're looking at a direct piece of life,    not that when the Museum said it was; it was    choice position. Now having no taste or choice
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