Page 53 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 53

and, secondly, to invoke the rules that tie these   language-lesson and the nature of language, so   4.  But it must not be thought that, in talking of
          various words to the different aspects of reality.   that a proper understanding of the one gives   the connection between the art-lesson and the
          Having done this, we would have an        valuable insight into the other, there might very   nature of art, I have in mind such things as this :
          understanding of what I have said, in the sense   well be some sort of analogous connection,   that, in teaching something (whatever it may be),
          both of the words used and of what they meant.   perhaps not so strong but of some strength,   we first have to get ourselves straight about what
          On the second view, the essence of the occasion   between the art-lesson and the nature of art ?   it is we are teaching, that teaching clears the
          is got at by considering, first, what I meant, and   And if that were so, then I would be right to   mind like nothing else. Such familiar
          then whether the words that I in fact used   believe that my topic this evening deserved   observations may be true, they may not, but they
          conveyed my meaning. Both things having been   another look.                        have nothing directly to do with the connection
          done, we would, once again, have a total                                            that I wish to consider and which, if established,
          understanding of what I had said.         3. I said that there were two considerations that   could justify me in my choice of topic. For that
             If this seems to you a little elusive or if, more   have sustained me in this belief. The second   connection occurs, if at all, on a higher level :
          specifically, each of these two accounts seems to   does not come from philosophy. It is local. It is   that is, it holds between, on the one hand,
          merge somewhat into the other, this might have   this : You have done me the great honour of   understanding what is involved in teaching
          to do with something of which Wittgenstein was   asking me to give the first Maurice de   something—not just, teaching it properly—and,
          quite convinced—convinced beyond all      Sausmarez Memorial Lecture. I am vividly   on the other hand, knowledge of the nature of
          reasonable doubt. And that is that not only are   aware of the honour, and I would like to take   that which we teach—not just, knowing what we
          these two typical views of language, but they   this moment to express to you my gratitude for   teach. And we might be able to teach something
          are also false views of language. It was to bring   the invitation as well as my sorrow over the   very well without understanding what is
          out their falsity, and, for that matter, that of   tragic event that made it possible.   involved in teaching it, and equally we might be
          other views of language which share in this   I met Maurice de Sausmarez only twice. The   quite clear about what we are teaching without
          falsity that Wittgenstein suggested that we   impact that he made upon me was powerful. I   having any real knowledge of its nature. Perhaps
          should reflect upon how language is learnt.   felt greatly drawn to him as a person, but, above   this explains what I mean by the difference in
          Reflection upon the language-lesson, will   all, I was aware of being with someone of   level between the connection I am interested in
          liberate us from these views which otherwise, as   extreme intensity, for whom every issue, every   and the connection that might be confused with
          Wittgenstein puts it, 'bewitch' us. Actually the   topic, small, large, either did not exist or else   it. But I suspect that the best way of bringing
          truth, as it emerges from Wittgenstein's   had become, or became even as he considered it,   out the connection that is my concern is to
          argument is slightly more complex and     part of his inner life. I know of no other way to   return, as, a few minutes ago, I said that I
          considerably more interesting. Superficially, or   describe the effect. I have nothing more to say of   would, to the arguments that Wittgenstein
          still to the hurried eye, both these false views of   a personal kind. Evidently my own experience of   employed to establish this connection in the case
          language in their own ways derive support from   Maurice de Sausmarez was too limited, and I   of language.
          reflection upon the language-lesson: though, if   am amongst too many people who knew him
          the reflection is more considered or goes deeper,   well, for it to be appropriate that I should draw   5.  Wittgenstein's starting point is the fact that
          it reveals their utter inadequacy, even their   upon it further. But you must judge how   teaching by ostension does undoubtedly account
          internal incoherence.                     significant it would be for me if I could feel that   at any rate for some part of our knowledge of
            Wittgenstein's starting-point is to consider   someone so altogether concentrated, inwardly   language—including (and this is most important)
          the language-lesson in its simplest or in its most   and outwardly, could be thought of as lending   knowledge of our own, of our native, language.
          basic form : or in what to some philosophers   his support to my choice of topic, or to the   Sometimes, it is true, Wittgenstein appears to be
          has always seemed its one true form, of which   presumptive connection upon which that choice   denying this and to be saying that teaching by
          all other seemingly different forms are really   depends.                           ostension is never effective as a device, that is,
          disguised instances. I refer to teaching by   Maurice de Sausmarez was a great teacher.   for teaching us our own language. But on such
          ostension; when, that is, we at one and the same   That is a fact of history, which we this evening   occasions he would seem to be referring—and
          time utter a word and point to some appropriate   can only affirm. And anyone who worked with   the context makes this clear—not to teaching by
          thing in or part of the world. We say, for   him, either as colleague or as student, will tell   ostension as such but to teaching by ostension as
          instance 'paper', and point to the page from   you why this was so. He was a great teacher   its nature is misunderstood by this or that
          which I am reading: or we say 'brown', and   because he put so much not merely of his time   thinker. Again, Wittgenstein clearly thought
          point to what I am wearing. Through such   and of his energy but of himself into his teaching.   that teaching by ostension could not account for
          rituals the words 'paper' and 'brown' are said to   And I just find it hard to believe that he would   as much of our knowledge of language as some
          be ostensively defined. Now, on the face of it,   have done this, and on the scale on which he did,   theorists would have us believe. But once again
          the fact that words can be taught and learnt   if he had not somewhere sensed that in teaching   this need not delay us. The quantitative issue is
          ostensively might well seem to confirm one or   art he was all the while learning about the nature   not relevant at this stage, once it is conceded that
          other of the two views of language that I have   of that which he taught. And for this supposition   sometimes ostensive definition can provide the
          laid out—for all I know you might actually feel   there is direct testimony in his pedagogical   method for the language-lesson. The questions
          this too, and only be divided amongst yourselves   writing. Basic Design: the dynamics of visual   that arise are, How does it do so?, and, What does
          about which of the two views it does confirm.   form, published in 1964, is a significant   this show us about language ?
          I shall in a few minutes return to and rehearse   contribution to the literature of art education : it   Well, what happens seems clear enough.
          the arguments that Wittgenstein used to show   continues a tradition to which Kandinsky,   There is, for instance, a sheet of paper, a
          that teaching by ostension, properly understood   Malevich, Klee and Josef Albers have been   teacher, and a pupil. The teacher says the word
          or fully reflected upon, revealed the bankruptcy   proud to belong : but it is something else as well.   `paper', once or more than once, in front of the
          not just of one but of both of these views. But I   In addressing itself to the question, What   paper, in the hearing of the pupil: the pupil
          hope that I have already said enough to give you   should be the content of any course of   hears the word, sees the paper, and after a while —
          an idea of one consideration that has weighed   instruction in the visual arts to-day ?, Basic   a short while, a long while, depending on him—
          with me in thinking that the art-lesson is still an   Design is in effect an inquiry into the nature of   learns the meaning of the word 'paper'. And
          intellectually vital topic. For might it not be   modern art. I insist that the coincidence of these   something similar happens with the word
          reasonable to assume—or at any rate is not the   two aims, that one fulfils itself through the   `brown' : only this time we suppose a teacher, a
          assumption worth testing—that, if there is an   other, is not an accidental feature of the book,   pupil, and this brown jacket of mine to be the
          important and powerful connection between the    nor one read into it by an interested reader.    dramatis personae. The teacher says the word
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