Page 54 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 54

`brown' in front of the brown jacket, in the   objection. It allows us to appreciate the motive   further reflection on the language-lesson will
      hearing of the pupil : the pupil hears the word,   behind the introduction of pointing into the   show that this account of it too is wrong, and
      sees the brown jacket, and comes to learn the   language-lesson. For the objection holds only if   accordingly the view of language that it
      meaning of the word 'brown'. So far, so good.   we equate pointing with a mere disposition of   encapsulates must be rejected.
      But what really happens when this happens ?   arm and finger, with a movement of the limbs.   If we now ask what is wrong with this new
         An obvious answer would be this : An   In that case, it is true, its introduction serves no   account of the learning situation—as centrally
      association is set up in the pupil between the   purpose. Pointing can be thought to contribute   the transmission of a certain kind of experience—
      word 'paper' and the thing paper, or between the   significantly to the language lesson, only if we   or how Wittgenstein faults it, the answer is
      word 'brown' and the colour brown: and this   no longer concentrate upon the externals of the   twofold. In the first place, Wittgenstein denies
      association suffices for the pupil to learn the   gesture, but also take in its inner core or the   that the learning-lesson could ever be
      meaning of the word because this association   intention behind it. For if we do include the   consummated simply by the pupil's having a
      reproduces internally the connection that holds   inside of the pointing gesture, then we can   certain experience, where having an
      in the outer world between the word and the   distinguish between, say, pointing to something   experience is something mental, occurring over
      thing, or the word and the colour, which is that   brown and pointing to something suede. In   a short or shortish period of time. There might
      in which the meaning of the word consists. Now   both cases the teacher's arm and finger   be an experience, a specific or recognizable kind
      you will observe that this account of what really   adopt, or may adopt, the same pose, but the   of experience that is, which always accompanied
      goes on in the language-lesson encapsulates the   difference between them lies in the fact that, in   the language-lesson, but it could not be that the
      first of the two views of language I considered.   the one, the teacher intends the colour of my   language-lesson just consisted in this experience.
      But, Wittgenstein goes on, the account is wrong.   jacket and, in the other, he intends the material   And this is so because, when the teacher teaches
      If what it says of the language-lesson were true   of which it is made. His mind, as it were, points   a word, the pupil learns that word—these are
      of it, then the language lesson would be an   through the pointing finger and clarifies the   simply two aspects of the same process. And, if
      inadequate vehicle for the teaching or the   ambiguity that surrounds its direction. Now we   the pupil learns a word, this involves that he can
      learning of language. For it is possible to set up   can see how pointing makes a difference and   go on to use that word, that he has a certain
      in the mind of a pupil an association between the   restores efficacy to the language lesson. But at a   capacity, which will be confirmed in his life. But
      word 'paper' and the thing paper, or between   price.                               there could be no experience which entailed that
      the word 'brown' and the colour of my jacket—  For what at first sight seemed a minor   the person who had that experience possessed a
      so that, for instance, he will be prepared to say   addition to the language-lesson, a trifling   certain capacity. There could be no experience
      `paper' whenever he saw paper or 'brown'   emendation in the description of what happened   that in this way closed up the future. Secondly,
      whenever he saw the colour of my jacket—and   in the course of it, has turned out to be something   Wittgenstein argued that if we look more closely
      yet the pupil remain ignorant of the meaning of   very much more. For once this addition is   at the experience that is said to be transmitted in
      either word. For he might think that the word   properly understood, once we see how the   the language-lesson, not only is it—as we have
      `paper' meant 'written on', or that the word   introduction of pointing can restore efficacy to   just seen—insufficient to account for the skills
      `brown' meant 'suede'—and if that which the   the language-lesson, a completely new account   and capacities that the possession of language
      word means and that which the pupil mistakenly   of what really happens in the language-lesson is   involves, but it presupposes those skills. If, for
      thinks it means are constantly conjoined, or one   on the brink of being given. For it no longer   instance, we want to distinguish between the
      is never found without the other, then no matter   seems correct to say that the point of the   man who, when my jacket is pointed to, sees
      how often the language-lesson was repeated or   language-lesson is to set up an association in the   that its colour is meant, and the man who sees
      what variation was effected in its circumstances,   pupil which allows him to pair off word and   that its material is meant, how could we do so
      the pupil would be no closer to getting it right.   thing. If we bear in mind the role that pointing   without attributing to them the possession of at
      So far from being corrected in his ways, he   plays in the revised description of the lesson, if   any rate something very like language ? For how,
      would be reinforced in their errors.      we also bear in mind what is meant by 'pointing'   without language, would either of them be able
         We might now think that this first account of   as it figures in this description, then it looks as   to make that discrimination on which our
      the language-lesson could be rectified if we were   though we are now committed to saying   distinction between them depends ? Of course,
      only allowed to insert into the original   something like the following: The aim of the   this is not to deny that they are discriminations
      description of what actually happened in the   language-lesson is to establish in the pupil a   that can be made prior to language, or prior to
      course of the lesson a small item which seems to   certain experience or state of mind; namely, that   anything like language. Animal psychology
      have a natural place there. Could we not add the   experience which the teacher has when he utters   shows this beyond doubt. But it must also be
      fact that the teacher points to that which the   the word 'paper' or the word 'brown' and which   beyond doubt that not all the discriminations
      word means ? He points at the paper, he points   provides what I have called the inner core to his   that are made in language could be made in
      at the brownness of my jacket. And if he does   gesture as he points to the sheet on which   anticipation of it, that language does not simply
      this, he will thereby establish the correct   something is written, alternatively to the colour   christen our natural classification of the world.
      connection in the pupil's mind, and not just one   of my jacket. If only the experience that   Accordingly, if the language-lesson did always
      which happens in point of fact to coincide with it.   complements the gesture and that secures that   require that the pupil had a certain experience,
         But a moment's reflection might lead us to   the index finger is on target can be transmitted   that of meaning what a certain word meant,
      ask how could this be so; how could pointing   intact to the pupil, then we may be certain that   before he could learn that word, this would have
      make the required difference or be a means of   the pupil really has learnt the words uttered for   the implication that learning a language
       eliminating misunderstanding from the     his benefit. Thus, and only thus, will the   presupposed knowing it.
       language-lesson ? For the teacher in pointing at   dangers of misunderstanding be averted.
      the paper is also pointing at something written   But if this is so, if this is not only how the   6. I have led you, somewhat reluctantly—that is
       on it, in pointing at something brown is also   language-lesson could work but how it must   with some reluctance on my part—through the
       pointing at something suede. If we project the   work, then there seems encapsulated in this   detail of Wittgenstein's argument:for I felt that
       line of his finger, are we not led equally to that   account too a view about the nature of language,   I had to do this in order to make two of his
       which the word does, and to that which it is only   and this view turns out to be , of course, the   findings, both vital for the theme of my lecture,
       mistakenly thought to, mean ?             second view of language that I considered: that   seem compelling to you. It was only with some
         But the objection put in this way reveals its   which located the essence of language in certain   argument behind us, that I could rely, as I need
       inadequacy, and it also places one in a better   subjective states of meaning which the words   to, on their plausibility.
       position to understand that to which it is an    employed are then calculated to express. But    The first, on which I really feel that I need to
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