Page 26 - Studio International - November 1971
P. 26
Edward At a time when most art-produce, including that than two years. Ihnatowicz was helped by
using new technologies, is particularly footling, engineers from Mullard and Philips, and by the
Ihnatowicz's and buffered from public indifference by the mechanical engineering department at
support of art administrators with no more University College, London, but his own self-
Senster belief in what they are doing than has the most taught command of scientific and technical
frightened commissar—at such a time I am glad detail is equalled by very few other artists.
Technology and art 3o to report on a really pioneering development, About 15 feet long by 8 feet high, the Senster
though the support for it does not come from consists of six independent electro-hydraulic
this country. servo-systems based on the articulation of a
Edward Ihnatowicz's `Senster' was officially lobster's claw, allowing six degrees of freedom.
set in motion some weeks ago at the Evoluon, Crustaceans move by means of hinges whereas
Philips's permanent industrial exhibition at most animals move by pivots, which are more
Eindhoven in Holland. It is probably the most difficult to reproduce in engineering. The
technically ambitious computer-based artefact Senster has a 'head' with four sensitive
yet made anywhere. The physical context is microphones which enable the direction of a
distracting, for the Evoluon is a paean to sound to be computed, and also a close-range
technology in the form of a flying saucer on legs, radar device which detects movement. The
opened in 1966 and already something of a whole is controlled in real-time by an on-line
period piece. But Philips are to be congratulated digital computer, which tells the servo-systems
for their intelligence and enterprise in how to move in response to various combinations
commissioning the Senster. of sound and movement from visitors to the
Ihnatowicz, a wartime refugee to Britain Evoluon. The acoustic 'head' is so designed as to
from Poland, and now a British subject, studied give a vivid impression of an animal's eyes
at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Arts flicking from one object to another. The servo-
at Oxford, and has worked as a sculptor, systems can position the head within a second
photographer, designer and furniture or two anywhere in a total space of more than
manufacturer. He exhibited SAM (Sound i000 cubic feet.
Activated Mobile) at the ICA's Cybernetic No attempt is made to conceal any of the
Serendipity in 1968, and was commissioned by mechanical or electronic components, or to give
Philips at the suggestion of the designer James the surface of the machine a biomorphic
Gardner. Realization of the Senster took more appearance.
Ihnatowicz decided that the most economic
way of moving the 'claw' would be by effecting
constant acceleration and deceleration. Halfway
through any movement, an instantaneous
reversal is made from a constant rate of
acceleration to a constant rate of deceleration.
An electronic predictor was designed to achieve
this. Only after beginning to implement his idea
did Ihnatowicz discover that measurements
made on human beings, for the purpose of
designing artificial limbs, had proved that
human movement follows a similar principle.
The computer programme is not fixed but
can be varied so as to generate different
responses. At present, the 'head' moves swiftly
towards any source of quiet motion, as though
The Senster—some technical data Tape punch: Datadynamics hunting for food. But if the motion becomes
(II() characters per second)
Actuators: xi hydraulic cylinders with violent—say, a spectator tries to strike out at the
electrically operated valves. Safety devices: Fail-safe devices are claw—or if the amplitude of the sound rises —one
Hydraulic incorporated in case of person is monopolizing attention by shouting at
65o litre header tank. 20 h.p.
system: programme errors to avoid it—, the 'head' will shy away as though
pump for normal operation,
h.p. pump for maintaining injury to spectators. frightened. Ihnatowicz hopes that new computer
Computer: programmes will be developed so that the
Philips digital computer
type P9201 with 8K Senster will 'learn' new behaviours.
memory capacity. It will be easier to say how fully successful
8 extra registers to handle
Interface: the Senster is when it has settled down with the
analogue inputs. half a million visitors who come to the
Sense organs: 2 sound channels (2 pairs of Evoluon annually, and with the scientists who
microphones with
amplifiers). wish to experiment with it. In any case, the
2 independent 3 mm. Senster is no monument to an artist's genius
doppler radar systems but a step towards new forms of creative
(arranged for stereo via the collaboration on the highest level between
Teletype ASR
Printer: scientists and artists. Ihnatowicz likes to work
(io characters per second) on projects where everyone involved is
Punched-tape intellectually stretched. q
DigiTronic (30o characters
per second)