Page 24 - Studio International - November 1971
P. 24
in principle to subsidizing a partly commercial hopefully will correct the problem. enthusiastic and less critical.
gallery-then perhaps notably similar situations In her field, Miss Ashton is an artist capable More than a decade ago as an executive
are due for the same treatment. But in some of perceptive, sensitive work. Her observations member of the International Association of Art,
cases the opposite seems to be happening. about the lighting are valid and constructive UNESCO, I attempted to gain membership
In spite of Oxford's occasional tag of criticism. Nevertheless, I am disappointed, even for African States in the International
`philistinism' which is brought about largely by saddened, that during her visits to the Chapel, Association ultimately hoping for a wider
the immature behaviour and empty verbosity she permitted parochialism, which she obviously representation of African states on the
of a few undergraduates, there is in and abhors, to rape her creative powers. biennales of Venice and Sao Paulo.
around the City a large and constantly changing Her preoccupation with details, with The rough riding of politics has bumped off
body of intelligent, sensitive people who are imperfections, as it were, obscure the truly Rhodesia, South Africa, and the provinces of
keenly interested in the visual arts and who have thoughtful comments she makes about the Portugal in Africa.
learnt a great deal about them, and also Chapel. As a consequence, she denies her In 1970 in addition to Tunisia and the United
supported them, through the existence of Bear readers, many of whom will never see the Arab Republic with National Committees on
Lane Gallery, not least during the years under Chapel, valuable insight into Rothko's work. the International Association of Art/Association
the management of Nicholas Waterlow. Of the Chapel at Vence, Matisse wrote, 'I Internationale des Arts Plastiques, African
If the Arts Council considers that the consider it, in spite of its imperfections, to be states were represented with Provisional
allocation of its funds in any way involves the my masterpiece'. The philosophy of this Committees (Dahomey and Senegal) and
public as well as the artist-and one can only statement is applicable to the Rothko Chapel, Correspondents (Algeria, Cameroon, Gabon,
assume that in supporting any gallery they do- which Rothko considered 'the most important Guinea, Upper Volta, Mali, Morocco,
it is hard to know why other galleries in the project of my life.' It is also relevant to Miss Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana,
provinces are having increased grants to cope Ashton's work. Kenya, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Niger,
with increased costs, whilst a gallery that has THOMAS W. FORTENBERY Chad, Togo, Zambia and Botswana).
been around longer than the Arnolfini, Ikon, Virginia Information on African arts is obtained
Midland Group Gallery and many others, and USA through the quarterly journal African Arts
has certainly shown as much good painting published through the African Studies Center,
over the years, should seem to be squeezed to Art over ecology University of California, Los Angeles, and
the point where it becomes impossible for it to With reference to your News and Notes page in further through Cultural Events in Africa
maintain its principles. The amount of money your July/August issue, I suggest the following published by Dennis Duerden of 6 Paddington
required would obviously be so small. The as a revised re-print of your original item six. Street, London WI.
alternative seems to be the inevitable collapse of `Giant environmental art project in rocky A very important proposal was put forward
finances or the end of substantial but wilderness.' Valley Curtain, an 8000 lb by Lionel Ngakani in Studio International's
unprofitable shows, and would be an ominous (non-bio-degradable) nylon curtain suspended catalogue of Contemporary African Art
and depressing loss to the City and provinces between two slopes 125o feet apart in the Rocky (Camden Arts Centre, London 1969) where he
as a whole. On the local level there is little to Mountains ... was raised ... onI July where it says: 'Perhaps soon, African Governments...
show that the Museum of Modern Art or the hung until September. will consider the establishment of a Pan-
Oxford Gallery will in any way compensate for Valley Curtain, a bright orange to withstand African Art Institute for artists, writers,
the loss if it comes, since their different the sun's heat (playing on the sun's well-known musicians and dancers'. He mentions that this
attitudes and interests are already established, narcissistic colour preference), in no way could be done through the Organization of
and inevitably a large amount of work by disturbed the location's natural ecology, (being African Unity but this is open to doubt
important artists will simply not be seen here. Art it is a law unto itself above an ecology, since serious political differences and
Most galleries have their ups and downs and which is you and I and the stones in the ground. conflicting policies in this body would ruin all
bad shows, but Mr Waterlow's resignation Every breath we take is simultaneously chances for the future unity of art.
marks a real crisis in the future of a gallery affecting and being affected by our environment. The suggestion is therefore made that an art
that has for years, in spite of limited space and But the Valley Curtain, from its immaculate body separate from political organizations
budget, done a real service for art, artists and conception, through its realization and display should come into being for the encouragement
public, and the fact that the Arts Council to its doubtful destruction is Art, Art transcends of quality art in Africa and unhampered by
presently seems so unwilling to help makes one the natural world), and has been approved and political pressures.
far more than baffled by the inexplicable endorsed by federal, state, and local authorities. Just as everywhere else in the world the
politics, pressures and personal quirks that (Who, if they had attempted to present it as an African artist, in seeking the freedom of art, will
form an attitude so nebulous and seemingly irresponsible environmental act, would have ultimately have to put his art above politics.
unaware of the real job that has been and is been accused of using fashionable ecological The creative artist is committed first and last to
being done here in Oxford. fanaticism to implement its fascist censorship.) art even if he finds his inspiration in his
JEFF CLARKE RICHARD CHAPMAN political or social environment. The final
Oxford Epping, Essex victory for art will be the final 'Propaganda for
Art' whatever other subsidiary commitments lie
Rothko Chapel Africa Council of Art along the road to this ideal.
I was in Houston for the dedication of the Africa is at last in the throes of wrestling with The emerging states of Africa are
Rothko Chapel, as was Miss Ashton. I am the future rather than the past in its attitude to discovering the rising economic value of arts
disturbed over her comments which appeared in art. The techniques of wood sculpture continue and crafts, especially its market value as
your June issue. traditionally but the new artists are working tourist art and airport art on the lowest level.
Miss Ashton is correct about the lighting. At with the European techniques of oil and acrylic On the highest level contemporary African art
the time of the dedication, the Chapel skylight painting and the graphic arts, especially those is bought by discerning art collectors and art
had been heavily coated with a special light- related to screen-printing and photography. museums of repute.
diffusing substance, as suggested by architect The general European attitude towards At these two levels art in Africa is in action
Philip Johnson. But this proved to be no match contemporary African art is one of benevolent and the output will probably increase with
for Texas sunlight. Very soon now, the skylight tolerance with a curiosity to see quality work. alarming speed at the lowest level and with
will be fitted with a canvas diaper which The American attitude is more positive, more much less speed at the highest level, so fears are