Page 35 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 35

qualities, which insures that the emphasis is on                                     ascertaining the tasks that we assign ourselves.
            the process and not on the artist. This is                                             The nature of our tasks is dealt with
            especially clear in the first of four tapes which                                    powerfully and clearly in the last tape to be
            are discussed below.                                                                 discussed. A small cube of dirt is placed in the
               The first tape consists of continuous                                             centre of the screen. A face (Stoerchle's) snaps
            activation of Stoerchle's penis (through body                                        down from the top of the rectangle accompanied
            movement and tension only) shown upside                                              by a rush of air and disappears up and off the
            down, a device which immediately sets the tone                                       screen. The short bursts of breath and
            of personal versus impersonal elements. The                                          hammer-like movement of the head are
            general activity of the penis is a steady detached                                   repeated at a quick regular pace for the
            bobbing motion throughout the tape. The                                              duration of the tape. The activity is ended
            pattern is broken only when body tension causes                                      when the cube is broken down and most of the
            quick vibration in what appears to be a childish                                     debris is cleared from the area. A response to
            attempt at an erection, a brief urination, and                                       the tape is dealt with in the description which
            finally a violent flopping back and forth.                                           follows. After only a few puffs a corner, a lump
            In the second tape, small plastic replicas of                                        of dirt, is forced from the cube. The purpose is
            Disney cartoon characters are ejected with                                           established, the procedure works, and
            considerable effort as though born from                                              completion should not take long. Several
            beneath the foreskin. Sound which is generally                                       dozen blows (beginning to be laboured ones)
            an important element in Stoerchle's videotapes                                       later, four corners are off and coercive success
            (as well as in the plaster pieces when executed)                                     begets confidence. Twenty or thirty hard
            is noticeably absent in this tape. The deletion                                      breaths later, it becomes clear that a cube
            is important in that what could be interpreted                                       missing four corners resembles a pyramid.
            as an emphasis on the personal is seen as the                                        Each breath simultaneously establishes the
            impersonal activity it represents. The element                                       stability of the remaining lump, the
            of common childhood practice is wedded to the                                        determination of the face, and the exhaustion
            present with some wit when it is understood                                          of Stoerchle. As he continues, new techniques
            that Stoerchle teaches at the California                                             are developed, blowing from left and then right
            Institute of the Arts, and so indirectly the                                         as progress is made, and a growing
            Disney foundation is involved in supporting                                          professionalism promises possible success
            the production of the tape. The task which in                                        barring his collapse, which appears to be
            this tape is repeated to a quick conclusion                                          imminent. The cube is in fact finally shattered,
            becomes a long continuous performance in the                                         leaving the previously positive space of the dirt
            next piece under discussion.                                                         cube empty—a negative space now surrounded
               A long thin box placed vertically on the                                          by remnants of the cube—perhaps to be filled
            right-hand side of the screen falls to the left                                      by a cube of our own selection.
            and hits the floor. Stoerchle repositions it                                           This piece suggests some of the
            vertically in its displaced position (perhaps                                       implications present in a situation where
            three inches to the left) resulting from the                                         proper attention is put on process as a
            horizontal force of the fall. The process is                                         comprehensive concept. Through repetition, a
            repeated complete with crashing sound and                                            knowledge of materials and the willingness to
            gradual movement of the box across the screen.                                      let them function logically, and an
            When the box passes off the screen on the left,                                      unselfconscious use of visual organization,
            the microphone, which has been in the box, is                                        Stoerchle appears to be accomplishing just
            removed and placed outside the box which is                                         that. Although the videotapes successfully
            returned using the same procedure to the right                                       present a coherent and detailed look at a process
            side of the screen and off. The process in this                                     they tend to isolate the activity and make use of
            tape is a simple one and, being one of Stoerchle's                                  a singular image reminiscent of the object
            longest tapes, is almost brazenly boring. (None                                      concept. Consistent with his efforts to push
            of the tapes uses boredom for its own sake, but                                      himself beyond that state Stoerchle has
            rather as a means of forcing attention on the                                       continued to engage in performance situations
            visual subtlety and intellectual implications of                                    since the initial efforts with the California
            the piece.) The question of visual considerations                                    Time Machine several years ago. Daniel Lentz,
            is a significant point. Having established that                                      Harold Budd (composers) and Stoerchle
            the videotape records the process and is not                                        intend to culminate those experiments in a
            involved with the object as such, Stoerchle is                                      series of public presentations being scheduled
            freed from the self-consciousness others have                                        during the coming year. It is tempting to
            felt at using controlled visual forms. The roles                                    conjecture about the possible results of 'live'
            have been reversed here, and with process as                                         process and the complex possibilities of
            the main concern, visual and auditory effects                                       interacting and increasingly less fixed
            are used as a technique to emphasize and to                                         situations but this interest will be best served
            define the exact nature of the activity. It is                                       by a response to the reality of the events
            interesting to note that Stoerchle virtually                                        themselves. No doubt they will be dealt with
            disappears in this tape, as the attention is                                        in detail as they are carried out and as the
            focused on the box. He performs anonymously                                         importance of the contribution that Wolfgang
            as a function of the process, just as in the end the                                 Stoerchle is making to the concept of process is
            task itself becomes a vehicle and a stimulus for                                     recognized. q

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