Page 37 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 37

Jack Bush
            independence, manifested in the very beginning   and Alex Katz, much too artificial. (Katz's   This Time Yellow 1968
            in their ability to look at the work Greenberg   earliest treatment of his theme, looking as   Acrylic on canvas, 86 3/4 x 68 in.
            was talking about and to reach their own   though done on the spot, was better.) The   Coll : Dr and Mrs R. Tasker, Toronto
            unexpected conclusions. Today, nineteen and   freshest things were a couple of small landscapes   2 Jack Bush
            fifteen years later respectively, the results of   by Lennart Anderson and a painting of 1964 by   Zip Red 1971
            this contact—their work—speak for themselves.   Fairfield Porter. However, nothing in the show   Acrylic on canvas 674 x 1644 in.
              My visit to Boston gave me, quite unforeseen,   had the sense of involvement with the landscape   Coll : Mr and Mrs Richard Albright, Boston
            another chance to study Louis's work, as there   which I've enjoyed in the work of some
            were three of his 'unfurled' paintings, privately   Saskatchewan painters (Dorothy Knowles, Reta
            lent, hanging with a vertical stripe painting in   Cowley, Ernest Lindner) and which I've missed
            one room. Here it was possible to see the variety   since I came from Canada to Washington.
            in this series of work which Louis rightly   Nevertheless, it seems to me that things may
            regarded as his most ambitious achievement, and   be stirring in American figurative art, for I
            to appreciate how he would pick up colours,   stopped off in New York on my way home from
            almost at random, to play with them, try them   Boston and observed how this year's Whitney
            out, see what they would do together when   Annual show of painting (always superior to the
            cascaded down and across the canvas. Here was   sculpture show of the odd years) had a higher
            painting reduced to its simplest components,   general level than usual. I put this down to the
            liquid colour and canvas —a radical poetry, a   fact that more good figurative artists were
            radical vision, a radical questioning. Spending a   included, among them three (Philip Pearlstein,
            quiet twenty minutes with these paintings added   Sidney Tillim and Richard Estes) whose work
            to my hunch that Louis, a truly supreme artist,   has recently improved. Used as we perhaps all
            is perhaps the one whose work we now need to   are to the drama displayed in the 'break-
            look most at.                             throughs' and sudden changes of image of
              Something else I had not anticipated was an   contemporary abstract painters (Frankenthaler's
            exhibition of 'The American Landscape 1972'   story of painting Mountains and Sea, Noland,
            at the Boston University Gallery. Concentrating   Poons, Motherwell), there is a danger of our
            on artists who work from the motif (as opposed   not noticing the 'tortoises' whose development
            to those who aim simply to imitate photographs),   and grasp of their style are more gradual :
            this show was a timely, if rather disappointing   perhaps it is in today's figurative art, rather
            one. The large painting by Alfred Leslie harked   than in abstraction, that this type of artist will
            right back to mid-nineteenth-century American   be found. However, I have to say that, for me,
            landscapes, with a similar finicky brushstroke   the one really moving painting of the entire
            and glossy finish, and I found other landscapes,   Whitney Show was an abstract: Olitski's
            such as those by Neil Welliver, Vincent Arcilesi    Irkutsk Dawn. q
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