Page 40 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 40

subscription to the materialist character/   E/MC/POP to be autonomous.              background of Judd's dictum and Morris'
     physical object paradigm is an essentialist one,   The whole domain of moral decision-making   statement. It is the case that the view that
    then this constitutes a naive conventionalism.   pertains in the way outlined in the previous   norms are conventional or artificial implies
     That is to say, that both natural and normative   paragraph to some fact or other, and all   that there will be a certain element of
    regularities are experiences as natural 'givens'.   alterable facts of social life can provoke many   arbitrariness involved, i.e. that between a given
     Some of the post-war American work has acted   decisions. The view that treats object-making as   number of systems of norms there may not be
    as a catalyst, or more accurately, as part of a   autonomous does not acknowledge this point.   much to choose. But artificiality does not imply
    catalyst aiding the act of a conscious     It is a truism that if our decisions are ever to be   incongruousness (i.e. incongruous
    differentiation to be made between man-enforced   carried out then they must be compatible with   arbitrariness). There is no suggestion in the
    normative laws in art-making, based on    natural laws. The point is this : to see art as   emergence of a competing paradigm that the
    decisions and conventions, and those natural   capable of sustaining at least one more   reasons for the present paradigm being
    regularities beyond human intervention, which   paradigm beside, and perhaps emerging out of   established are incongruously arbitrary, but
    stand outside art; the post-war American work   the E/MC/POP, violates no natural laws, is no   there may be a suggestion that to treat the
    being held out here has contributed toward   `crime against nature'.                 established paradigm in the same way it has
    forming in its proponents and in some        But maybe another view can be consulted   always been treated in the face of an emerging
    succeeding artists an awareness that art is   to protect the sovereignty of the E/MC/POP.   competing paradigm would be incongruously
    conventional, i.e. a system of man-enforced   It is another kind of autonomy thesis of   arbitrary. Nor does it follow that subscription
    laws, and that as such, in the light of the   object-making. It is the view that holds that the   to an emerging competing paradigm is
    self-conscious 'trek through materials' etc.   E/MC/POP is so well entrenched that it is   incongruously arbitrary because subscription
    characteristic of this direction in post-war art,   simply too difficult to alter it. It grants   to the entrenched paradigm has not been
    questions of incongruous arbitrariness in these   autonomy according to how well entrenched a   incongruously arbitrary. The logic of the view
    laws may arise, especially in regard of the   paradigm is. A claim such as this amounts to   that holds that it is, may be more formally set
    tendency to recognize an inherent dynamic   something like the following; the sovereignty of   out as follows : if the reasons for adopting
    character in 'art inquiry' such as it is. This,   E/MC/POP is unimpeachable because a   paradigm X are not incongruously arbitrary,
    plainly, is not to underrate norms and normative   decision has been taken (maybe far back) that   then this is sufficient reason for rejecting
    laws since they are conventional (i.e. man-made),   art must be governed solely by the E/MC/POP,   paradigm Y, regardless of whether or not the
    and therefore to some extent arbitrary. The   and this decision has been entrenched in   reasons for adopting paradigm Y are also not
    Juddean dictum, the Morris dictum, etc. are   such a way that it is too difficult a task to alter   incongruously arbitrary. This kind of defence
    controversial insofar as they, apparently,   the situation. But this view acknowledges the   of an entrenched paradigm may be called the
    acknowledge the conventional character of art   impossibility of reducing norms to facts, and   doctrine of ethical naturalism in art in context
    and also accept it in the sense that they seem to   therefore acknowledges the dualism of facts   of the present remarks. As a matter of historical
    imply that one set of norms is as good as   and decisions. If this is a point of defence then   fact ethical naturalism in the broader field has
    another. This leaves the ideology of art, and   the argument itself is incongruously arbitrary,   usually been conservative and sometimes
    the epistemology it rests upon, untouched, that   in that it contravenes the whole concept of   authoritarian; it has invoked the authority of
    is, stable. Such dicta do not recognize that some   inquiry. In this sense it is expressly at odds   `divine right'. Its arguments, paradoxically,
    norms of art, if 'anything goes', may be   with and counter-intuitive to the whole   rest upon the alleged arbitrariness of norms,
    incongruously arbitrary.                  direction of modern art.                  and this factor itself is incongruously arbitrary.
       But it is contended here that in order to   We then have two forms of the autonomy thesis   The argument asserts that we must believe in
    understand the ramified character of the   of object-making in art. One which commits a   (subscribe to) existing norms because there
    modern tradition, that decisions taken about   category mistake, the other which violates and   are no better norms which we may find
    art cannot be derived from facts, although they   wilfully attempts to limit the whole endeavour   ourselves. A reply to this is what about the
    may pertain to facts. It is a fact that art has   of inquiry. The holders of either of these views   norm 'We must subscribe to' or 'We must
    always been made within the E/MC/POP, but   have, in the final analysis, only one recourse in   believe in' ? If this is only an existing norm,
    it is not a fact that it has been carried out   the face of rational inquiry, the arbitrary   then it does not count as an argument in favour
    within the E/MC/POP according to some     exercising of power. To reiterate; the making of   of these norms; but if it is an appeal to our
    natural law, nor is it a fact that it will not   a decision (the adoption of a norm) is a fact,   insights, then it admits we can select norms
    remain to be carried out within the E/MC/POP,   but the norm which has been adopted is not a   ourselves. And if we are told to accept norms
    nor is it a fact that it will remain to be carried   fact. That, for example, most people agree to   on authority because we cannot judge them,
    out within the E/MC/POP. More succinctly,   subscribe to the norm 'Thou shalt subscribe   then neither can we judge whether the claims
    if we consider two notions of the term 'fact',   to only the norm E/MC/POP' is a fact. But the   of authority are justified, we can never know
    namely alterable 'facts' and unalterable facts,   norm 'Thou shalt subscribe only to the norm   whether we are faced by a false prophet.
    then in considering a fact as alterable, it is   E/MC/POP' is not a fact, and can never be   There is one more doctrine which is related
    always possible to adopt a number of decisions   inferred from sentences describing facts.   to the ones already mentioned, and partly
    about this fact; we may decide to attempt to   One important point which has been   instrumental in forming them, and in a more
    alter it; or we may decide to attempt to resist   mentioned previously, and which warrants   specific context, partly instrumental in forming
    any attempt to alter it; or we may decide to take   some further remarks, is the notion of   the autonomy thesis of object-making in art.
    no action at all. The view that holds that art is a   `incongruous arbitrariness'. When one states   This is the doctrine of positivism. Positivism
    natural law, that E/MC/POP is an unalterable   that norms are man-made, one does not imply   maintains that there are no other norms but the
    fact, commits a category mistake. What has   that they are necessarily consciously designed,   norms which are already established (i.e.
    to be faced is that the E/MC/POP is a     but points to the fact that people can judge and   `posited') and which therefore have positive
    sociological fact, that is an alterable fact. The   alter them. But there is a need to guard against   existence. Other emerging standards are treated
    question that has to be answered is, whether   a fundamental misunderstanding of the   as fictions. The entrenched laws are the only
    someone wishing to alter the 'sociological   statement that norms are man-made, namely   possible standards of goodness; what is, is
    situation' can show 'rational' grounds for such   the belief that convention implies arbitrariness,   good, the old cliché 'might is right'. Related to
    an act; that is to say, a move to establish a   that if we are free to choose any system of   this is the view that finding out what your
    competing paradigm on incongruously       norms we like, than one system is just as good as   obligations (i.e. deontic necessities) are is a
    arbitrary grounds is no better than holding the    any other. It is this point that moves in the    matter of behaviouristic, element-collecting
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