Page 39 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 39

mathesis universalis' of Leibniz and others. The   would at some point become one of the objects   between (e.g.) 'minimalism' and 'conceptualism'.
           suggestion is that within subscription to the   of the inquiry. But once given this then the   There is also a relationship as a matter of
            `paradigm of ontification', i.e. the      rules governing the character of the inquiry   expository hermeneutics. The latter
           essentialist/material character/physical-object   will change. If one looks at ontification as   relationship is, however, hardly expressed in
            paradigm (hereinafter E/MC/POP), the 'form'   paradigmatic, then the rules established in this   positivistic—reistic terms. Expressing it that
            of the subscription is volatile. That is to say   paradigmatic way are unquestionable, for one   way would just be an indication of a failure to
            that the notion of volatile 'form' is     cannot both treat a set of rules as paradigmatic   recognize that a mere stylistic gives one no
           observationally grounded in the trek through   and also questionable, but only so long as the   purchase on the features of the map. The
            material forms and 'physical-objects', e.g.   paradigm itself is presupposed. And the   allegation of a continuity on the basis of an
            paint, stone, steels   felt, slime, gas, etc. of   paradigm will only be not presupposed after   untenable historiology (supporting the view
            which, for example, the work of Pollock,   something like a sense of 'crisis' (this may   that a methodological anomaly with respect to
            Reinhardt, Johns, Judd, Andre, el al. can be   attach in a strong way to the notion of 'interest')   one paradigmatized structure ipso facto becomes
           seen as exemplary. This is the constitution of   has been evoked. A new direction in art is   a paradigm for an alternative) is just silly.
            the on-going inquiry in the aspects of the   inaugurated by a growing sense, often restricted   Predominating univocal ontology tends to
            post-war American work apposite to these   to a narrow subdivision of the artistic   shore up this kind of allegation. If we allow that
            remarks. The primary question here is, how   community, that an existing paradigm has   object-making art is to be called normal art,
            does it come about that the E/MC/POP is in   ceased to function adequately in the   then it is only through the practice of normal art
            any sense in question in the first place ? The   exploration of an aspect of inquiry which that   that the professional community of artists
            suggestion here is that the incursion of such a   paradigm itself had previously helped to evoke.   succeeds, first, in exploiting the potential
            question into the modem tradition is no   The sense of malfunction is what leads to   scope and precision of the established paradigm
            capricious arbitrary act generated by a simple   `crisis'. What is then forming are the logically   and, then, in isolating certain difficulties
            quest for novelty, and this is not to imply that   prior conditions for the emergence of a more or   through the study of which a competing
            the quest for novelty is always capricious or   less rudimentary competing paradigm, and   paradigm may emerge. The suggestion is that
            arbitrary. The suggestion is that what is called   eventually the possibility of the occurrence of   it is especially in beginning the latter process,
            above 'the trek through materials' etc. is seen   what Kuhn calls the paradigm-shift.5    that of 'isolating the difficulty', that some
            as a central and crucial direction within the   On this rests another important point. In   post-war American work can be seen as
            modern tradition, and that this direction has   more specific terms one generally allows that,   pre-continuous with some parts of the
            provided both rules of coherence and rules of   for example, Pollock's contribution may have   Art-Language programme. It is appropriate
            consistency for the inquiry to consider the   been prima facie ontic, but this is not   here to note something about the
            presupposition of its own paradigm (i.e.   ideologically vacuous : finally it has to end up as   incommensurability of competing paradigms. It
            E/MC/POP). But one simply cannot ask, with   ideological. The ascent or descent then through   appears that the proponents of competing
            full force, a fundamental question concerning   the ranges of ontification has ideological   paradigms practice their trade in different
            whether or not the E/MC/POP is either the   significance. The astonishing autonomy which   worlds. It may be said that both the classical
            best tool or the only tool for extending the   is accorded the ontification principle is itself   object-making proponents and the so-called
            inquiry by making an object, insofar as making   (an ideological) paradigm of art.   more `abstract' conceptual' proponents look
            an object constitutes full-blooded subscription   What is here called the autonomy of object-  at the same world and what they look at has not
            to the E/MC/POP. This in its turn presupposes   making treats of this activity as if it holds, in   changed. But in some areas they see different
            that object-making is a superstructure and   the art domain, the status of a moral   things and they see them in different relations
            beyond law. One cannot even ask whether or   command/natural law. It is the case that   to one another. Thus someone looking at
            not subscription to E/MC/POP is essential in   object-making has been a conditional imperative   Pollock or Judd from the classical object-making
            terms of making an object because the question   of art, but it could not at all be capable of being   position will presuppose object-making and
            is ruled out of court by the act of making an   a moral command, that is, it has never been   count Pollock or Judd, consistently, as
            object. It would be rather like trying to answer   capable of holding the status of a categorical   object-makers reinforcing the entrenched
            whether quantum mechanics is a viable     imperative. But the autonomy thesis of    paradigm (i.e. the E/MC/POP), whilst someone
            competing paradigm to Newtonian mechanics   object-making holds the activity to be   who can see in the programme of Pollock and
            by only using Newtonian mechanics. The    ideopathic, i.e. in the sense of it not being   Judd the suggestion of questioning the
            answer would always be in terms of Newtonian   consequent upon anything else. From the   entrenched paradigm (E/MC/POP), will count
            mechanics and one would simply have never   holding of this view it follows that a further   them as just that, object-makers asking
            had quantum mechanics; therefore the      thesis is held, namely, that it is the duty of the   questions through the act of object-making
            formulation of the question would never be   artist to make objects. (One is reminded here of   about the paradigmatic status of object-making.
            possible. The praxis of the 'trek through   the distinction Kant draws between the   The above situation may entail that a direction
            materials' inquiry has amounted to questioning   principle of the Autonomy of the Will and that   that cannot even be demonstrated to one group
            the terms and propositions that are logically   of Heteronomy.) One of the most relevant   of artists will perhaps seem intuitively obvious
            prior to the terms and propositions which are   aspects of some post-war American work is that   to another group. In its clearest form the
            peculiar to the successively entrenched material   whilst overtly adhering to the autonomy thesis,   situation becomes polarized, and the
           systems of art. This has meant an ascent or   its infra-structure operations were turned upon   incommensurability of the competing
            descent (if we can avoid for the moment   the status of the autonomy thesis itself This,   paradigms is explicit. Then, before they can
            suggestions of value judgements) through the   providing we are, and one assumes we are,   hope to communicate at all effectively, one
            axiomatic systems entrenched at successive   prepared to allow Pollock, Johns, Reinhardt,   group or the other must experience the
            periods. Perhaps a glib epithet for the 'trek   Judd, et al, some propensity for attempting to   conversion that was earlier called the
            through materials' praxis would be 'an attempt   understand what they are doing, should come as   paradigm shift. Once in one or the other of the
            at presupposing no material axiom'. To    a surprise to no one (but it apparently does). If   polarized positions such a transition, insofar as
            reiterate; the ascent (or descent) has been   then there is a continuum between the direction   it is a transition between incommensurables, is
            through ranges of ontification axioms.    of some post-war American work and some part   likely to occur all at once or not at all. But it is
              It seems that, given the impetus of this   of the Art-Language programme it will rest   not suggested here that the recent developments
            inquiry and some possibility of it being   upon analogical complexity.6  (There is,   in art constitute an all-over polarized situation.
            thorough, then the axiom of ontification itself    obviously, a simplistic chronological relationship    The suggestion now, then, is that if the
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