Page 44 - Studio International - December 1972
P. 44

work of the Dada period, in particular    like diagrams. The right balance is so clearly   Other recent drawings, though small in size,
       the drawn knowledge systems of Picabia and   there in Reflections. . . that much of the other   have employed the metal screen device familiar
       (especially) Duchamp. The very compact and   work in the show appeared as adjuncts, as   from much larger paintings. At the IKON
       individual nature of her work in the exhibition   additional information. This was despite the   GALLERY, Birmingham, last month Walker
       at NIGEL GREENWOOD entitled 'Locations'   fact that there were a number of extremely   developed the relationship between his drawing
       seems again to be oddly in accord with that   interesting pictorial ideas, a nicely original   and painting in an unexpected and ambitious
       period and that style. For it was of course in   touch with the collaged photographs, and   manner, by enlarging the drawings to the full
       Dada, and nowhere else, that we find maps and   some beautiful brushwork. 0         size of his paintings and by doing them
       plans as abstract and deviously cognitive                                            directly onto the walls of the gallery, in chalk,
       elements of art. Rita Donagh's paintings, as the   John Walker's painting has always made   on areas of the wall which had been prepared
       title of the exhibition indicates, are practically   use of a great variety of surface effects, from   as blackboards. The drawings were beginning
       all to do with mapping and planning and   the most delicate washes and powdery coatings   to be damaged a day after they were finished,
       plotting, and then getting this information into   to thickly-built layers and craggy passages that   were looking as wrecked as yesterday's
       the picture. Reflections . . . is still the best work   were the result of forcing paint through wire   buttonhole after a week, and were then painted
       there, although a later painting, Location, is   netting, then pulling it up into congealed   out to make way for the next show. It was a
       notable. Two earlier pictures provide some   tackiness. At the same time, he has always been   unique occasion, not merely because of the
       interesting glimpses into the kind of working   a draughtsman, and the making of drawings has   short life span of the works, but because of
       methods that must have gone into the      been integral to his whole activity as an artist.   their evident high quality and quite noble
       production of Reflections, and one would guess   These works have characteristically been in   assumption of a status normally accorded only
       from these that a problem with the painting   crayon, pastel, charcoal, the more painterly   to painting. It seemed that the peculiar
       is to know how spare, on the one hand, and   materials. Some recent drawings, such as that   nature of the support and the medium,
       how fully painted, on the other, these canvases   reproduced on the cover of the June issue of   together with the question of the scale of the
       should be. Too much paintwork makes them   this journal, were done in chalk on a paper thick   work, and its proximity to oblivion, dramatized
       lose their precise and delicate character, while   as canvas which was essentially primed and   matters of a purely formal and of a generally
       the emptier pictures look a little too much    underpainted by the all-over black ground.    expressive type which are essential to Walker's

       John Walker, Sometime 1972, chalk on wall prepared as blackboard, 10 ft X 20 ft, Ikon Gallery

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