Page 20 - Studio International - June 1972
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Art Et Language                           Investigation', the publication of the synopsis   made and criteria considered relevant within
                                               of categories from the Thesaurus, took     Art-Language is generally pretty distinct from
     Press                                     effect from late 1968.                    the more 'conventional' claims and criteria
                                                  The publication in 1969 of the first number
                                                                                         upheld in art now. One is concerned, above all,
                                               of Art-Language and of Kosuth's three-part   to establish some kind of common-sense
                                               article in Studio International, 'Art after   ontology without at the same time making
                                               Philosophy', resulted in some public attention   ontological commitments which are simple-
                                               and made explicit certain common concerns   minded. This may sometimes lead to something
                                               (also some points of potential disagreement).   like lack of tolerance. The kinds of tools of
                                               It is important to note that until 1969 the   criticism developed within the essentially
                                               British artists had been working in considerable   British tradition of analytic philosophy have
     The background to a group of British      isolation; they were all living outside London   proved useful in this context.
     artists participating in 'Documenta 5' at   (as they still do), were very little known   Indeed it is a matter of importance that we
     Kassel this summer.                       abroad and even less at home. Their work was   are now once again in a position to
                                               not included, for instance in 'influential'   acknowledge that the 'subject matter' of art is
     Art & Language Press was founded in       'post-object' artfests such as the exhibitions   not, never has been, hermetic (formal/visual).
     Coventry, England, in May 1968, by Terry   'Op Losse Schroeven' (Stedelijk Museum,   One of the consequences of questioning the
     Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael       Amsterdam) and 'When Attitudes become     hermetic status of the art object has been to
     Baldwin and Harold Hurrell. The first issue of   Form' (Berne, Krefeld, London) in I969. In   open the ideology of art once again, after at
     Art-Language appeared in May 1969. Four   more recent international mixed exhibitions   least two decades of academicism (i.e. of self-
     further issues (Vol. I Nos. I to 4) were published   their work has often been misrepresented by   conscious absorption in essentially formal
     at irregular intervals until February 1972   curators confused as to the ontological status of   problems), to the influx of ideas and information
     (Vol. II No. i) when it was established that   what has been consigned to them. Kosuth was   from other disciplines. The interest aroused
     publication should take place thrice yearly at   included in 'Attitudes' but it is very doubtful   in some recent contributors to Art-Language
     regular intervals. Joseph Kosuth was invited to   whether many understood, or were even   by the notion of the paradigm as applied by
     act as American Editor of Art-Language in   conscious of, the nature of his contribution—  Thomas Kuhn to the philosophy of science is
     July 1969, and his name appeared as such on   certainly, at least, so far as the London showing   one example of the fruitful employment of an
     the cover of Vol. I No. 2. In 1971 Ian Burn and   was concerned.                    influential heuristic from an area of
     Mel Ramsden became associated editorially    The kind of work shown in Attitudes by   controversy outside art.
     with the journal. In the same year I was   younger artists was for the most part new   It is only surprising that this has taken so
     invited to act as General Editor for Art &   work—i.e. the artists concerned had only   long. Explicit criticism from 'within' art
     Language Press.                           recently abandoned object-making of a kind   Cart criticism') has entertained and promoted
        Terry Atkinson and Harold Hurrell had   which was conventional in at least one sense.   all kinds of imbecilities without seriously
     known each other since childhood; David   Much of this work depended upon implications   questioning the sacrosanctity of conventional
     Bainbridge met Terry Atkinson iii Barnsley   in the mid-sixties work of Morris, LeWitt,   art ontology. Implicit criticism of
     in 1958 and Harold Hurrell while a student in   Andre and others which had already been   conventional art ontology from 'outside' art
     London in 1964. Michael Baldwin was       investigated for theoretical potential and   has been massive and can now perhaps be seen
     studying at Coventry College of Art in 1966   found largely wanting by the founders   as incontrovertible. No wonder art has seemed
     when Atkinson took up an appointment there   of Art-Language some 2—3 years earlier. (It is   to be out of touch with its 'public', with
     as a lecturer; I met Joseph Kosuth in New York   worth noting that some early material by   'social values', with 'economic realities', with
     in May I969, and Atkinson stayed with him in   Atkinson and Baldwin was circulated among   information theory, linguistic analysis etc. etc.
     July of the same year.                    certain 'minimal' artists in New York in I967.)   For the moment perhaps the most important
        Kosuth's and the British artists' work had   The inevitable association of Art-Language   `deep' consequence of the abandonment of the
     developed independently since 1966 to a   with an already publicised international   'material-character/physical-object' paradigm
     position of obvious compatibility. In particular   'conceptual art' has served as a continual source   is that it has offered an opportunity to do some
     the interest in linguistic analysis shared by   of confusion. The analytic tendency in the work   sorting out. Inevitably, once the possibility of
     Atkinson, Baldwin and Kosuth both         of Atkinson, Bainbridge, Baldwin, Hurrell and   a paradigm shift had been envisaged—in
     distinguished them from other artists in the   Kosuth has been justifiably seen—particularly   crude terms, once it was possible to envisage
     later sixties and prepared considerable common   since the publication of the second part of   an activity in art which was not a priori
     ground between them. Kosuth's definition   Kosuth's 'Art after Philosophy' and of   directed toward the production of objects—it
     series commenced in 1966; collaboration   Atkinson's 'From an Art & Language Point of   became obvious not so much that new
     between Atkinson and Baldwin began in the   View', both of which raised some animosity—to   possibilities were open (though, heaven knows,
     same year; 'Oxfordshire', 'Air Show', 'Air-  be directly at odds with, and antipathetic to,   there have been lemmings enough only too
     Conditioning Show' and 'Temperature Show'   the more picaresque, whimsical and extravagant   ready to hurl themselves into the sea of 'post-
     were early formulations, together with    forms of 'conceptual', 'dematerialised' or   object art') as that new problems, a new
     proposals for work which included their Map   'post-object' art. One crucial point of difference,   genera of problems, lay in the path of any
     prints; Bainbridge had worked occasionally   of course, is that while many artists in Europe   assertion-making. The search for (emphatically
     with Atkinson in 1964-6; in February 1967   and America have over the past four years   'search for', rather than 'discovery of') an art
     Bainbridge and Hurrell, in their `Hardware'   made claims to dramatic extensions of art into   theory—or even something like an 'art theoria' —
     show at the Architectural Association in   the realms of performance and fiction, Art-  might be seen as an attempt to order priorities
     London (which passed virtually unnoticed)   Language has attempted to ensure that any   and direct approaches among areas of concern.
     exhibited devices with mechanical functions   assertions made are capable of being generative   One is surely not, at this stage, envisaging
     which were employed as `analogical source   within a stated context: 'It can be shown that   'finding solutions'. There is a need to refrain
     material' for considering questions of    the entities which are of present concern,   from premature proclamation of ideologies.
     spectatorship and ontology; Atkinson and   though based in theoretical considerations....   Many recent and current manifestos and
     Baldwin's Hot-Cold and French Army books were   are not theoretical fictions' (Atkinson/Baldwin,   'works' of 'conceptual art' — exploitations of the
     formulated in 1967; Kosuth's 'Second      Frameworks 1967). The nature of the claims    new 'freedom' —seem in this light to imply a

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