Page 25 - Studio International - June 1972
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commissioned and without 'patronage' from   Art and industry                        relationship to our environment, then the artist's
            industry, through a series of active collaborations                                 area of responsibility must include those
            at the level of production.]                                                        factors which tend to corrupt or undermine
                                                                                                this relationship, including environmental
            The Heinz gallery, at the Royal Institute of                                        pollution.
            British Architects, Portman Square, London                                             The abdication of this responsibility did not
            Wi, was opened on 4 May. The RIBA's                                                 matter too much when the environment could
            Drawings Collection will now be made available                                      be safely treated as no more than a convenient
            to the public for the first time through the                                        pool of natural resources and a passive spectator
            regularly changing exhibitions to be mounted in                                     to man's industrial development. The recent
            the new gallery. The opening exhibition was                                         realization, however, that as well as gradually
            called 'Great drawings from the collection'.                                        poisoning our whole atmosphere with the
                                                                                                by-products of industrialization, we are also
            Patrick Heron is showing recent large                                               beginning to exhaust the available supply of
            paintings with a limited selection of earlier                                       natural resources, means that our relationship
            canvases at the Whitechapel Art Gallery from                                        with our environment has now to be
            21 June to 16 July. The choice of earlier canvases                                  drastically reassessed.
            has been made by Alan Bowness and will                                                 Two issues are at the heart of the
            consist of paintings done from 1956 to 1965. The                                    environmental crisis. The first is the issue of
            large paintings date from 1969 to 1972. Thirty-                                     social control — who does what, and how — and
            seven oil paintings will be shown in the                                            the second that of social attitudes. To take a
            exhibition in the Main Gallery, and the Small                                       simple example, one can place the blame for the
            Gallery will be filled with gouaches.                                               pollution of our rivers directly in the hands of
                                                                                                those factory owners unconcernedly
            Ceolfrith Arts Centre, in conjunction with                                          discharging their toxic effluents. Alternatively
            the Victoria and Albert Museum, is organizing                                       one can blame it on a democratically-approved
            a retrospective exhibition of the works of dom                                      system which has both permitted such
           sylvester houédard. The exhibition is financed                                       practices to continue unchecked in the past, and
            by grants from the Arts Council and Northern                                        also legislates in favour of such activity by
            Arts. It will open on i6 July at the Laing Art                                      forbidding local river authorities to make
            Gallery Annexe, Newcastle upon Tyne, and will                                       public the results of toxicity tests on the
            close on 9 August. The organizers are anxious                                       effluent from a particular factory.
           to make the exhibition a comprehensive one                                             Too often in the past, science has tended to
           and hope to include very early work and also as                                      concentrate on the technical aspects of
            complete a collection of Typestracts as possible,                                   problems, and primarily on obtaining
           and they would be grateful if collectors with                                        'control over nature', ignoring the side-effects
           houédard works in their possession would loan                                        of its activities ; while art, particularly in the
           them for the duration of the exhibition. All                                         past couple of hundred years, has reacted
            works will be fully insured and acknowledgement                                     against this tendency and gone to the other
            made. Please write with details of the work(s), to                                  extreme, concentrating on ideas about and
            Ian Tinwell, Geolfrith Arts Centre, 27                                              attitudes towards objects rather than on
            Frederick Street, Sunderland.             Is the artist among those responsible for   aspects of their mechanical functioning.
                                                      fragmentation of our environment ?        Indeed it is often these two opposing points of
           The Orangerie des Tuileries, Paris, opened                                           view that are used to characterize the differences
            an exhibition of the work of Georges de la Tour   With the world's environmentalists and   between the sciences and the arts : calculated,
            on io May; it will remain open until 25   'eco-freaks' gathering in Stockholm for the   objectified rationality against instinctive,
            September.                                United Nations' conference on the         subjective expressionism.
                                                      environment, there can be few who now doubt   This fragmentation can, to a great extent,
           The Tate Gallery is holding an exhibition of   that the world is facing a growing ecological   be correlated with the rise of industrial
           the work of Barnett Newman, from 28 June to   crisis. It is fashionable to blame the scientists   society, particularly since the scientific
            6 August.                                 and technologists for creating the mess in   revolution of the seventeenth century. It also
                                                      which we now find ourselves, and hand them   has much to do with our current
           Joan Miró catalogue. In order to establish the   the responsibility for getting us out of it.   environmental crisis. The whole tradition of
            complete catalogue of the sculpture of Joan   This may, to a large extent, be justified.   landscape art, whether one is talking about
            Miró, including collages, objects and reliefs,   However, there is a strong case for arguing   Claude Lorraine, van Gogh, or even Sidney
            Maeght are searching for works created prior to   that artists and those who support the   Nolan, has certainly taught us an appreciation
            I945. They would be grateful if the owners of   traditions of art must share a certain amount of   of and concern for natural 'beauty'. Yet often,
            such works would contact them, sending a   the blame for our present predicament.   by necessarily abstracting this concern to
            photograph if possible, at Maeght Editeur,   The case can be made at several levels. At   contain it within the limits of a canvas, it has
            rue de Teheran, Paris 8.                  its simplest (and possibly most naive) we   been separated from the immediate context of
                                                      might put forward the artist as the guardian of   nature itself. Thus we may enjoy a painting of
            `Kitsch: The Grotesque Around Us' is the   those 'cultural' values which have been slowly   fertile English fields or desolate Scottish moors
            title of an exhibition originated by the Wichita   eroded by industrial society. This does not mean   without considering—or probably even being
            Art Museum, which has been selected as a US   that his job should be to keep all things bright   aware—that both these have been artificially
            contribution to 'Documenta 5' at Kassel,   and beautiful, but implies that, if we take   created, by centuries of agricultural practice
            Germany. The exhibition will be held from   one of the functions of art as being to order   or by the destruction of many square miles of
            30 Juneto 8 October.                      and communicate our experiences of and    forest respectively.
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