Page 24 - Studio International - June 1972
P. 24

reprehensible in view of the potential trust and   News and notes                   Terry Scales, Tony Smith, Brian Tremain, all
    communication between artists and an art                                            of whom are particularly interested in people's
    journal supposedly sympathetic to artists'                                          responses to their immediate neighbourhood,
    concerns.                                                                           both town and country.
      This is not to say that there was no
     comnunication between the Policy Group and                                         `The Age of Neo-classicism' is the title of an
    members of your editorial staff. If your                                            exhibition to be held at the Royal Academy of
    editorial staff had acted with professional                                         Arts and the Victoria and Albert Museum
    integrity it would have known our exact                                             9 September to 19 November. The exhibition
    position regarding publication of information                                       is being organized by the Arts Council for the
    and articles relating to the Artists' Union.                                        Council of Europe. Associated exhibitions are:
    Namely, that members of the Policy Group of                                         'Lady Hamilton', 18 July to I6 October at The
    artists committed to the formation of the                                           Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood; 'The Hamilton
    Union had signed an agreement to the effect                                         Collection' at The British Museum 18 August to
    that there would be no publicity until the                                          29 October; 'Drawings of French and Italian
    Union was constitutionally formed as a Branch                                       Neo-classical Architecture and Decoration from
    of A.S.T.M.S. (Association of Scientific,                                           the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York', at
    Technical and Managerial Staffs). This                                              the RIBA Gallery 8 September to 19 November.
    agreement was made in consultation with City   Gerd Winner has been awarded this year's
    Branch of A.S.T.M.S. who also recognized   German Critics Prize for Fine Arts, Berlin.
    the need for carefully constructed and agreed   Among Winner's works are a St Katherine
    press statements between itself and members   Docks suite, produced in I970-71, in which,
    of the Artist's Union.                    working with Chris Prater, he transformed 3o
      What in fact you published was an 'Interim
    Report' issued as an information sheet to   photographs into a suite of six prints plus title
                                              page. This year he has completed another set of
    provide facts for artists attending a meeting of
                                              prints (again printed at Kelpra Press), titled
    the Artists' Union at Camden Studios on
                                              Docklands, and derived from strong
    18 March. By publishing this without contextual
                                              photographic images of London docks. Of these
    information or authors' permission, or
                                              Winner says : 'The photos were the exact
    consultation, Studio International has not only
                                              proportions of the final prints, so the composition
    jeopardized the artists' ability to work together
                                              was made through the lens of the camera. I
    in trust but also has resorted to cheap
                                              have chosen very boring images which people
    journalism of the most commercially onerous
                                              see day in day out but never look at'. (One of
                                              Winner's recent prints is illustrated on p. 29o.)
      We object to this interference by you for your
    own profit-motivated need to 'fill an issue'.
                                              The following American artists will be showing
    And we feel that this situation underlies the
    urgent need for artists to join together to   their work at the Venice Biennale: Diane Arbus,
    actively fight their exploitation by so-called   Ron Davis, Richard Estes, Sam Gilliam, James
    'friends'—institutional or other.         Nutt, Keith Sonnier.
                                              Marcus Ratliff is the new Art Director of
    London W11
                                              Studio International. He runs a design studio
                                              and advertising agency in New York, which
    [We apologize if our premature publication of
    information on the artists' union has caused distress   deals mainly with the major art galleries there,   Bernard Schottlander
    or any setback to those concerned. This was very far   designing their advertising, catalogues, books   2 MS Series No I 1970
    from our intention. The material which we printed   etc. He recently had an exhibition of his work   3.6o x 8.5o x 2.90 m
    was, however, fairly widely circulated and discussed
    and was not marked `confidential'; nor were any   at Multiples Inc. New York.        Bernard Schottlander is to have an outdoor
    members of our editorial staff aware that an embargo
    had been imposed on publicising information on these   Achim Moeller Ltd., 8 Grosvenor Street,   exhibition of large steel sculpture, to be held on
    proposals. Had we been aware of this restriction we                                  Guinness Brewery's meadow at Western
    would not have published it.               London WI, opened on 2 June. The gallery will
       The material was printed in Studio International   be principally involved in the purchase and sale   Avenue, Park Royal, London NW10, from
    not out of cheap journalistic motives, not to 'fill a                                14 June to I2 July. The meadow is opposite
    hole', and not from a 'profit-motivated' point of view   of nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings,   Park Royal tube station and can also be reached
    (the writers of this letter are evidently unaware of the   sculpture and graphics.
    economic position of an art journal such as this); it                                by a footpath from Coronation Road, London
    was printed because we have consistently tried to                                    NW10, where there is ample parking space. All
    provide information on all activities by artists which   Fischer Fine Art Limited London, 3o King   enquiries to Bernard Schottlander, 35 Frognal,
    are designed to improve and safeguard their relations   Street, St James's, London SW1, opened on
    with museums, public and private galleries, and other   2 June with an exhibition called 'A Journey   London NW10. Tel: 01-435 2929.
    art institutions (including art journals), and we shall   into the Universe of Art', which includes works
    continue to try to do so.—Ed.]                                                       [Theo Crosby writes : Bernard Schottlander
                                               by Renoir, Moore, Schiele, Nolde, Lindner,   makes his sculpture as strong and as permanent
                                               Magritte, Bacon. The exhibition ends on
    Chairmen                                  29 July.                                   as possible. He became well known as an
    With reference to William Tucker's comments                                          industrial designer in the fifties and for many
    on Rietveld, since when have great sculptors   `The Personal Environment' is the title of   years ran a metal workshop. He has come to
    been assessed on a handful of chairs ? I think   an exhibition being held at The Morley Gallery,   full-time sculpture only in recent years, but
    there is more to life than this.                                                     brings to it a superb craftsmanship in the working
                                               61 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1
    STEPHEN GARDINER                                                                     of steel. His industrial experience enables him
    London SW3                                until 17 June. The artists in the exhibition are    to produce huge sculptures, without being
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