Page 18 - Studio International - May 1972
P. 18

immediately trips one of the dancers up, so that   Canadian                          representatives of C.A.R. and the artist
    he falls on the ground and bruises himself. The                                      community as a whole in British Columbia,
    implication of this manoeuvre is the PlatoniC one   art news                         plans to launch a probe in March 1972.'
    that innovations always lead to chaos ... the                                        Questionnaires, designed to unCover the
    example perhaps shows that we could call any                                         preconceptions and assumptions that various
    series of movements a dance. If however we                                           categories within soCiety have of themselves
    started to call it a dance we should have to stop                                    and artists will be sent out to a representative
    calling it chaos. The terms "danCe" and "chaos"                                      sample. The replies will be digested and sent
    mutually exclude one another, but although we                                        out again. The culmination will be a weekend
    cannot call any series of movements either Chaos                                     on which all interested parties, including the
    or dance, so the problem of distinguishing dance                                     general public, will continue the probe in
    from chaos remains.' Substitute 'sculpture' for                                      person. `Video-and-audio-tape facilities,
    `dance' and the paragraph raises questions about                                     stenographers and plain pencil and paper will
    many 'works'— inCluding Plackman's —both in this                                     be available for all who wish to record a
    show and in contemporary sculpture in general.                                       statement, ask a question or offer data.
                                                                                         Representatives from the federal, provincial
     William Pye The Zemran piece seemed inflated
    for the sake of flashy extension. No climax                                          and loCal governments will be present... The
    and emphasis, hence prediCtability. A certain                                        collected commentaries will be proCessed onCe
    slackness was sponsored by the way the domed,                                        more and a digest of the visual and verbal
    circular floor units, for example, related to the                                    proceedings will move on from one to the next
    larger curved form. Either Could be moved a                                          of four points in Canada.'
    foot or so apart, and it wouldn't have mattered.
    The philosophy of that counter in the consumer                                         The first National Conference of Canadian
    supermarket where the shiniest object sells best.                                    Artist Representation was held in Winnipeg in
    A public relations firm would have                                                   September. It was attended by twenty artists
    recommended it.                                                                      representing 30o members of C.A.R. and thirty
                                               2800 years of Eskimo art are represented in   observers, some private individuals, some
    Christopher Sanderson That these three works   `Sculpture of the Inuit: Masterworks of the   representing arts organizations. Canadian
    took three to four years to construct suggested   Canadian Arctic'. (Inuit, the people, is the   identity and a fair exchange in the economy of
    the more personal involvement the artist has had   Eskimo name for themselves.) The 405 works   the art community were the topics discussed.
    in the process of making. They were private,   in the exhibition, by 117 Eskimo artists, range   Later, a postal vote was held on the motions
    projecting an honesty that existed between the   from the diminutive prehistoric pieCes of the   raised. The aim of C.A.R. is to make the
    artist's intention and the sculpture one saw. I   Dorset people, through work which shows signs   regional and national interests of artists known
    liked the blue-orange piece, because the colour   of early contact with whalers and traders, to   to Government agencies, public funded
    was kept similar throughout, Complementing the   contemporary sculpture. This long-overdue   institutions, the Canada CounCil and the art
    form Correspondence. In the other two the   exposure was initiated by Doris Shadbolt,   journals. It exists `to enable member artists to
    colour seemed to fragment the form.        Curator of the Vancouver Art Gallery; with the   collectively protect their common interests'.
                                               help of the Eskimo Arts Council and a small   The meeting coincided with the opening of
     Michael Sandle's Monumentum pro Gesualdo
    introduced sound, suggested by the bellowing   exhibition committee it took four years to   the new Winnipeg Art Gallery, Gustavo Da
                                               research. After opening in Vancouver the show
                                                                                         Roza arChitect, by H.R.H. Princess Margaret.
    crustaCean shell (or was it the absence of sound   will travel to Paris, Copenhagen, Moscow,   `The Art of Tom Thomson', a major
    I heard ?); a pieCe of 'visualized' Learian verse.   Leningrad, London, Philadelphia and MosCow.   retrospeCtive exhibition which will travel
    The absurdity should have been even more                                             across Canada, has been organized by Joan
    extreme, though.
                                                 'Halifax/Vancouver : Exchange' proposes 'a   Murray, Curator of Canadian Art at the Art
     William Tucker His four works had something of   complex exchange of ideas in the arts between   Gallery of Ontario. A member of the Group of
    the immaculate conception. Each had an     two cities a Continent apart. Our aim is to   Seven, Thomson is popularly known for The
    intimate sCale suggesting the need for     introduce each to other as thoroughly as possible   west wind, but by aCcident of his mysterious
    contemplation and private discourse. Not one   within the week of activity', writes Roy   death more attention has perhaps been paid to
    piece of eaCh sCulpture could be moved without   Kiyooka, the co-ordinator of the scheme   his personal life than to his paintings. The
    the whole being different. The statement was as   planned to take plaCe this spring. 'The fourteen   exhibition includes most of his significant
    positive as possible. Ends to ends, angles to   participants (seven from each city) will include   works, forty canvases, more than Too of his oil
    angles, all had a strength given by the artist's   image-makers, dancers, musicians, poets and   sketChes and a number of unpublished
    discretion and sensibility, and a conviction of   theatre people. They have been chosen on the   water-Colours and pen sketches.
    purpose. A rod points off into deep space, the   basis of the experimental Context of their   Muck-a-Muck draws attention to the art of
    same rod continues from an intersection to   involvement. It is hoped that we will be able to   North-West PacifiC Coast Indian food
    delineate and define a plane. At another, a rod   present the most radiCal ideas in the current art   preparation. The project, sponsored by Ace
    rests naturally on top of a similar section which   scene.'                          Gallery of Vancouver to Celebrate the centenary
    rises to form two sides of a near right-angled   The intention of Artists Probe (the Poetics   of British Columbia as a province, will
    triangle, the vertiCal missing. Contrasts between   of Participation) is stated: 	1971 the   culminate in an appropriate eating place. The
    open and closed; resting on top and fused   "cultural" life of Canada seems to be based on   gathering, catching, preserving, processing and
    together; angles obtuse and aCute; bent and   assumptions about "Culture" that are being   serving of native foodstuffs will be done by
    straight lines. But what was more important was   increasingly challenged by artists in our society.   Indians. The cook is a Haida from the Queen
    that the syntax necessary for allowing this to take   An exchange of information on the widest   Charlotte Islands. Indian carvers and weavers
    place visually had been used knowingly and with   possible basis —between artists and   have also taken part in the project, carving
    degree. A context has been created in which   representatives of government, enterprise and   feast dishes and weaving mats and
    sculptural consideration could take plaCe. q   education—is long overdue. To this end the   wall-hangings for the interior. q
    BARRY MARTIN                               Vancouver Art Gallery, in Collaboration with    CHARLOTTE TOWNSEND
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