Page 19 - Studio International - May 1972
P. 19

Correspondence                            concerto theme by Giorgione ? Is the girl really   On art and ideology : surely the 'seeing' of a
                                                      offering 'certain flutes' to the shepherd, or is   picture is inescapably influenCed by a vast
                                                      she going to play it (them) herself ? And   complex of preconceptions, expectations and so
                                                      mentioning erotic elements in this wholly   on, verbal and otherwise—including ideological
                                                      sensual piCture, would it not be correct by   factors. This is a commonplace of cognitive
                                                      Mr Bann to stress the position of the flute in   psychology and of common sense. For instance,
                                                      the left hand of the young girl ? Why not   when I visited the Rothko exhibition recently at
                                                      mention the shape of the old tree, standing out   the Hayward (and was very impressed) it would
                                                      so significantly against the beautiful venetian   have been impossible to separate what I saw
                                                      sky ?                                     from what I remembered reading or hearing
                                                        `The three plump babies', lastly. Are they in   about Rothko. Now, referring back to recent
                                                      fact just a group of putti, as Longhi puts it, or   numbers of Studio, I read again that 'The Rothko
                                                      did Titian paint two sleeping putti, being   room in the Tate must be one of the most serious
                                                      climbed upon by a vigilant young amor,    places in the world' (Tim Hilton, September
                                                      clinging to the phallic trunk of an old, perhaps   1970) and that one of the same Tate paintings
                                                      not completely dried-out tree ? If so, this would   is 'one of the sublimest creations of our time'
                                                      obviously alter the numeriC significance of the   (RiChard Wollheim, December 1970). The
            An open letter to Mr Szeemann             other elements used by Mr Bann in his     concepts seriousness and sublimity (which
            Dear Harald Szeemann,                     interesting, but unsatisfying interpretation.   Wollheim is presumably using in the strict
            `Documenta 5' will open in June, representing a   There is surely too much to describe from   eighteenth century sense as defined by Burke)
            handful of women artists and hundreds of male   what we can see in this picture, before we may   are heavily laden with ideological values. What
            artists —true to Documenta's past history.   hunt for hidden values. Taking the numeric   would it mean, in this situation, for me to have
              Europeans tend to say that we, American   aspect seriously I would state this about the   shown 'honesty to the very experience of art' ?
            women, are liberated and free, and that 'we've   Titian piCture: It tells us that Life = One, and   The move to eliminate ideological factors from
            got it made'. Unfortunately, as it may be, one   that Two = A Beautiful Number.     the experience and judgment of art is itself laden
            side of art is talent, the other politics and   EVEN HEBBE JOHNSRUD, M.A.           with a particular ideology about art.
            business. You and your staff (Konrad FisCher,   Oslo I                                 My polemical tactic was, of course, to argue
            et al.) by your persistence in exCluding women                                      that Mr Elderfield in his review was a prisoner
            from an international survey of this calibre,                                       of the same model of art as were the three
            have Cut into their inCome and prestige.   Not revolutionary                        painters whom he was rebuking; thus his urging
              But what we find most distasteful of all is a   We have been carefully reading the theories   them to criticize their own work more closely
            last-minute form letter you found neCessary to   expounded in Studio International and other   was of limited help.
           send to several women here in New York.    papers on methods of seleCtion of artists for   A writer on art should of course try and be
              Mr Szeemann, we are not fools and we don't   exhibitions, or rather the selection of selectors.   relevant to the art under Consideration. But he
           have time to play games. We would like to have   It seems to us that if artists are to `seleCt   has other responsibilities. He may surely
           it on record that you asked all these women for   selectors', there will be no limit to the number   reserve the right, when he feels it useful, to
           work information, photographs, etc., for your   of artists who will claim that privilege. If the   adopt as far as is possible—which is not very
           documentation, then promptly turned them all   alternative method is used, by which one artist   far—the perspective of some ethnographer from
           down previously.                           selects the next who nominates another and so   an alien culture. The latria of a Rothko and the
              It is quite obvious that you had no intention   on, the resulting exhibition might be hilarious   dulia of Stella, Moon and Frost both deserve
           of including any of them, and we find it insulting   to say the least! In any event, both methods are   careful field-study.
           and humiliating that you should use us, our   unwieldy and time-consuming.             Lastly, I am neither hostile to AmeriCan art
           money, time and effort, to cover your schemes.   Our own method is not revolutionary but   nor in the least concerned if I am regarded as
              We protest this manoeuvering and political   may be of interest. We have invited three   `provinCial-sounding'. My fear was that Mr
           handling of serious artists.               distinguished artists to exhibit here and each   Elderfield was writing under some form of post-
           Women's Ad Hoc Committee                   to introduce two nominees to show work in the   hypnotic control, the repetition of injunCtions
           Women in the Arts                         same exhibition. In one gallery will be Merlyn   in the syntactic form of subtly varied assertions
           New York                                   Evans and Robert Medley and their nominees,   being a technique both of hypnotic suggestion
           (representing approximately 50o professional   and in the print gallery Anthony Gross will   and of art criticism.
           women artists)                            show prints with two printmakers of his choice.   JONATHAN BENTHALL
                                                     The exhibition will take place next year from   London WI I
                                                     19 February to 21 March. Each of the three
           A beautiful number                        artists will also be invited to have a one-man
           Stephen Bann's article in the MarCh issue leaves   show at another date, Robert Medley's being   West London Super Girls
           me with some questions which may perhaps   from 22 May to 21 June this year.         Are you a West London Super Girl and
           interest other readers as well.           JOAN CROSSLEY-HOLLAND                      looking for something different to do during
             He gives a fair description of the Panofsky   Oxford                               July ? If so why not Consider participating in the
           method in art analyses, but he seems unaware                                         SoCial ResourCe ProjeCt for Westminster, for
           of the need for a 'pre-metonymic' interpretatior                                    which six Super Girls are needed to help
           in the case of the Titian piCture. Three Stages   `My polemical tactic'             operate the structure of the project.
           of Man is often Classified as a typical work from   May I briefly outstay the welcome of your   If you think you might be interested and are
           his early and giorgionesque period, this goes for   columns to Comment on the exchange between   aged between 18 to 3o, live in London,
           thematical as well as for stylistiC properties.   myself and Mr John Elderfield (March 1972) ?   preferably the West side, Contact Stephen
           Before we start pondering about metonymiC   I shall Confine my reply to what seem to me   Willats, at 5 London Mews, London W2, or
           seCrets in the composition, would it not be just   matters of genuine disagreement, since as   phone 01-262 3032 for further details.
           to compare the picture to other Titian works   Mr Elderfield points out there is a measure of   STEPHEN WILLATS
           of the same period, and to the use of the    agreement between us.                  London W2

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