Page 21 - Studio International - May 1972
P. 21

The newer art                             never an element in sCulpture before kinetic   Time is the differenCe. Also, it can't be repeated.
                                                     sculpture, and then in kinetic sCulpture the time   If it's repeated then it becomes theatre.
                                                      was very short. Sculptures put on a performance   PJ What about videotapes. They repeat events.
           Tom Marioni                                but they repeated themselves, and when they   TM Videotapes are records. They record the
           in conversation with                       repeated themselves, they became theatre. Now   action of the artist. They can't be easily edited
           Prudence Juris                             it isn't repeated. It is a single experience, so that   and deal with real time. Videotape is a record
                                                     makes it more real. Nothing is wrong with   of a work.
                                                      illusion. It's just that it doesn't have anything to   PJ Only ?
                                                      do with sculpture, and that's what the Museum   TM It's done so that it can look differently, it
                                                     of Conceptual Art is, it's a sculpture museum.   depends on how it is used. Bruce Nauman uses
                                                     PJ What do you think is happening to museums   videotape as a medium in itself to set up
                                                      today ?                                   psychologiCal situations. Terry Fox uses video
                                                     TM Two things. One, because of the economy,   as a tool to record his work for history.
                                                     museums are having money trouble. The      PJ Since conCeptual artists don't usually make
                                                     museums are using state or federal money to   objects that they can sell, how will they support
                                                     operate, and if they did things that were too far   themselves ?
                                                     out the public would think that they were   TM Collectors are going to have to pay an artist
                                                      wasting taxpayers' money. But it's the museum's   for the first-hand experience of his work. In
                                                      responsibility to educate the public, and the way   other words, an artist performs a work first for a
                                                     you educate the public is to give them what they   colleCtor. Then the collector can consider he owns
                                                      don't already know.                       that work since he paid for its produCtion. He
           Prudence Juris : What is art ?               Another thing: unless they figure out a way to   experienced it first, and was responsible for it.
           Tom Marioni : A poetic recording of the culture   promote art without caring only for objeCts they   He can have a videotape, photographs, or some
           with style.                               will find that they are becoming historical   documentation of the work that he can resell.
           PJ What is conCeptual art ?                institutions, because contemporary art deals with   Eventually videotapes will beCome like
           TM Idea-oriented art that's not directed toward   real time and real people.         multiples, they will increase in value. You can
           the production of a static object. There are three   Actually, it is becoming impossible for   copy them, but the quality is less.
           kinds of conceptual art. There's language   museums to deal with Contemporary art, beCause   PJ Like reproductions ?
           artists, who use language to create imaginary   contemporary artists are revolutionaries. SinCe   TM Yes, so the mastertape is like having an
           space, there are artists who use mathematics to   we are in a time of revolution, in order to deal   original work of art. The machine can tell if it is
           do the same thing, who are like purists, and   with real life, real time, one must break the   original so you can authenticate the tape from a
           then there is Conceptual art, that's performance   rules ... break the rules of life. A public   technician.
           sculpture, where the element of time has been   institution that people pay for isn't going to   PJ Do you think the public is becoming more
           added to sculpture.                       support artists who break the law. The only way   receptive ?
           PJ Why did you start the Museum of Conceptual   museums can deal with contemporary art is to   TM Art is more philosophiCal. It demands that
           Art?                                      break the law, or to support artists who break the   the public be more philosophical about their
           TM It's an outlet for contemporary art and   law, if they are dealing with Contemporary   perceiving art. It seems less visual and more
           there wasn't another outlet here for       problems.                                 idea-oriented, and requires more thought
           contemporary art. Conceptual art is       PJ You are going to have to qualify that, because   process. You learn about the time. Like in
           contemporary art to me. It's modern art. Artists   otherwise you would be saying to break the law,   minimal sCulpture. People related to that like
           record their art poetically since we live in a time   any law, was to be an artist. You have to put it   they did to music. Before rock music you heard
           of planned obsolescenCe.                  in the right context.                      only with your ears. Then rock musiC developed
           PJ How's your museum different from any other   TM Breaking the law isn't art. Breaking the law   at the same time as minimal sculpture, and
           museum ?                                   poetically is art. Hijacking an airplane done   people listened with their whole bodies. The
           TM It deals with modern art and the others   poetically, with style, is done in a sculptural way.   volume was so intense you took it into your skin.
           don't. Others don't want to deal with artists,   It deals with transformation of elements and is   The same thing happened to sculpture. You felt
           and artists are an important element in their   very sculptural.                     it with your whole body.
           work.                                    •  PJ But if someone doesn't intend it to be art or   PJ You mean environmental sCulpture.
           PJ Does that mean that any object that an artist   sculpture, but simply a hijacking, is it art ?   TM Environmental sCulpture grew out of
           does is not modern art ?                  TM The guy might not have understood       minimal sculpture. It dealt with arChitectural
           TM No. Objects are used, but objeCts are used   sculptural problems, but I'm sure he delighted   scale, and became large enough to become part
           as elements in the proCess. BeCause art is the act   in the process and saw this as an artistiC event.   of it. The artist himself beCame a material in this
           of creation and the aCt of the process, the process   PJ How is performanCe different from theatre ?   work.
           is the subject and the objects can only be parts,   TM For a lot of reasons. One is that in   PJ Didn't Abstract Expressionism also play a part
           not ends. The end is the proCess. Because the   performanCe sculpture the interaCtion of artists   in its development ?
           culture moves so fast it is impossible to make   with their materials is direCt. He relates forms to   TM Abstract Expressionism was the beginning
           anything that isn't dated as soon as it's finished.   himself or other forms in performance in a way   of the artists involvement with his body
           It has to be either ongoing or deal with real time.   that traditional sculpture related one form to   physically. You see the movement of the arm in
           It can't deal with edited time. Objects are edited,   another. The differenCe is that the forms aren't   the painting. Art became anti-intelleCtual
           compressed time. It's an illusion.        static. They are Changing. That element of time   beCause the concern was with the physicality of
           PJ What's wrong with that ?               is there too. In theatre there is a juxtaposition of   the painting.
           TM Nothing's wrong with that, it just isn't real.   elements of form, but the intent is that the   PJ So you think that conceptual art is a
           PJ But what is real ?                     audience be convinced that the elements are   revolutionary aspect.
           TM A sculpture deals with real time, and theatre   part of a story line. In theatre it is Compressed   TM Yes. Conceptual art is a major break in the
           deals with illusionary time. Time is in   time. A period of six months can take place in   beginning of modern art. Because it leaves the
           sculpture like form was. SCulpture used to be   two hours, but in sculpture, two hours is two   object. It is the most significant jump in art in
           only form, not its form and time. Time was    hours. It is real time, it isn't an illusion.    the history of art. q
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