Page 30 - Studio International - May 1972
P. 30

Notes on the                              The exhibition provides the opportunity to :

     context                                   1.  Examine the possibility of a modern
                                               classical art based upon the idea of 'order with
     of `Systems'*                             endless variety'. A non-utopian art rejecting
                                               fixed absolutes, accepting non-static concepts of
                                               order, paradox and change.
                                               2.  Examine the possibility of an art
                                               operational at a number of levels —conceptual,
                                               methodological, perceptual together with
                                               attempts to make available information at all of
                                               these interrelated levels.
                                               3.  Attempt to place both the generative
                                               activity and the artefact in as wide a context
                                               as possible and introduce parallel modes of
                                               expression. i.e. music, poetry and other
                                               creative disciplines.
                                               4.  Propose the rejection of one-dimensional
                                               art—i.e. art that relies primarily on immediacy
                                               and that tends to operate on a single level of
                                               5.  Examine the possibility of a non-hierarchical
                                               art, where no one aspect is more important
                                               than any other. Where the sum of the parts is
                                               greater than the whole.
                                               6.  Assess the present position of some British
                                               artists working relative to the constructivist
                                               tradition and see their activity in the context
                                               of structuralism and semiology.

                                               II                                        [The following are extracts from unedited tapes
                                               The following information is relevant to a   recorded at a series of discussions and seminars
                                               more complete awareness of the context of   between the artists, Tom Cross and Stephen
                                               `Systems' :                               Bann.]
                                               (a) Systeemi— System' —an exhibition of
                                               syntactic art from Britain at the Amos    DAVE SAUNDERS : A negotiable thing—one could
                                               Anderson Museum, Helsinki, Finland,       take the information contained within a piece of
                                               December 1969 organised by Arja and       work, and this information could be used as
                                               Jeffrey Steele.                           data for another piece of work ... the data
                                               (b)  'Matrix' —an exhibition at the Arnolfini   exists as an independent thing ... which could
                                               Gallery Bristol, June—July 1971, organised by   be extracted from the work and thought
                                               Jeremy Rees. Subsequently shown at the    about... it is highly conceptual—not conceptual
                                               Welsh Arts Council Gallery, Cardiff, and the   in the sense of 'non-object art'—the objects
                                               University of Kent, Canterbury.           would be the kind that could be derived from a
                                               (c)  The didactic nature of the exhibition grew   particular kind of order ... one of the uses of
                                               out of 'Four Artists—Reliefs, Constructions   syntactic procedures is that you can invent a
                                               and Drawings' —John Ernest, Anthony Hill,   grammar and not know what the outcome is
                                               Malcolm Hughes, Gillian Wise. A Victoria   going to be by following a rigorous procedure...
                                               and Albert Museum Loan Exhibition 1969/71.   you can know what the data are you are feeding
                                               (d)  The following periodicals / books have   in, how many variables, how many elements,
                                               importance to the form of the documentation /   colours, etc, how many of all kinds of things,
                                               catalogue—which has always been seen as an   and the modes of arrangements, generating
                                               integral part of the conception of the exhibition.   structures—while not knowing what is going to
                                               Die Reihe, a periodical devoted to developments   be the final result. The thing, if it is successful,
                                               in contemporary music. Edited by Herbert   will be more than the sum of the parts. And
                                               Eiment and Karlheinz Stockhausen. 1950/60.   you don't know what the sum is going to be ...
                                               Structure, a magazine of Constructionist Art.   in a sense you are giving yourself freedom by
                                               Ed. by Joost Baljeu. 1958/64.             setting up restraints ...the more elaborate the
                                               Form, edited by Philip Steadman, Mike     restraints the more rich in possibilities
                                               Weaver, Stephen Bann. This provided the   the gain is.
                                               typographical and design format and Philip   MALCOLM HUGHES: I would say this is one of
                                               Steadman was the designer of the          the more important aspects, and looking at it
                                               documentation/catalogue. 1958/64.         from my own point of view the more rigorous
                                               DATA, directions in art, theory and       the system one starts with, the more
                                               aesthetics. An anthology edited by Anthony   perceptual possibilities emerge ... which is the
                                               Hill. Faber and Faber 1968.               thing that interests me ... i n terms of what the
                                                                                         end products are. You could start with an
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