Page 25 - Studio International - May 1972
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and the manner of its presentation are of the   horse: 'If the boat's mast, in the Poor Fisherman,   Puvis de Chavannes... we shall be swamped,
           utmost clarity. This is also true of the Poor   was not inclined in the inhibitory direction....   crushed once again...'
           Fisherman, where the narrative pretext is a   this work would not express sadness — .'33  It is a   "Painted 1887-89. According to Vachon (Puvis de
                                                                                                Chavannes, Paris 1895, p. 136), Puvis at first intended
           fictitious one. 'I detest the novel illustrated in   work which derives its great strength precisely   to turn down the commission, finding no imaginative
           oils', said Puvis, 'my only excuse is that I have   from its simplicity. It was for a generation a   stimulus in its theme. It should he noted, in view of
                                                                                                the misnomer 'frescoes' often applied to Puvis's
           myself invented this vision of misery'.30   vital exemplum of the potential of a synthetic   murals, that this, like all his decorative works, is Toile
              It was of the Poor Fisherman that Cézanne is   approach to painting,34  above all because it   maroufiée, oil on canvas, glued to the wall.
           said to have coined his mot: 'C'est bien imité !'31    presented with perfect clarity the equation,   14   See Nénot, La Nouvelle Sorbonne, Paris 1895, p. 9.
                                                                                                15Denis, Définition du Néo-Traditionnisme, 189o.
           Puvis's abbreviated technique, which has an   Subjective Emotion Synthetically Contrived,   16The first two works, Sainte Genevieve en Prière,
           obvious motivation in large decorative works,   Non-Naturalistic Style = a radically renewed   Rencontre de Ste Genevieve et St Germain, done
           though even there in complete contrast with the   art. This was achieved by Puvis's detached   1874-78. The second pair, Ste Genevieve Ravitaille
                                                                                                Paris, Ste Genevieve veille sur Paris, 1897-98.
           manner prevailing among his contemporaries,   application of principles and technique   " The last entry in Denis's published journal assumes
           was particularly challenging as embodied in his   suggested by common sense when challenged by   a rather poignant note in this context. In Lyon in 1943
           easel paintings after about 1880. The effect   the demands of decorative art.35      he writes : 'unable to see the Puvis; they could have
           is still startling when on the third floor of the   I said above that Puvis's work still claims our   taught me so much. A glimpse of the Sacred Grove:
                                                                                                Solidity.' (Denis,  Journal, Paris 1959, vol. III, p. 242.
           Louvre one passes through galleries full of   attention `by virtue of its intrinsic merit'. That   18  Denis, Définition....
           Corot and the Barbizon painters, to emerge in a   merit must be felt. But one can try to outline its   190f the woodcutter in the Pantheon Ste Genevieve en
           small room dominated by the Poor Fisherman   conditions. These seem to me to be, firstly, an   Priere, Puvis wrote 'Since I was obliged by the
                                                                                                composition to show [him] from behind, I tried to
           and two versions of the Jeunes Filles au Bord de   individual imaginative involvement with his   make his attitude expressive of what his face would
           la Mer." Moreau's work in the same room is   themes. The emotional range is admittedly not   reveal'. Quoted by Roger-Marx, Revue Encydopédique
           obliterated. Indeed the juxtaposition is not a fair   wide. Like César Franck, he tends toward   23 December 1899.
                                                                                                20 Medal of Honour at the Salon of 1882. The last of a
           one. How would Puvis's pictures fare beside a   chromatic melancholy, now intimate, now on a   series of six major works, (the first pair dating from
           Moreau of the truly encrusted variety, like   heroic scale, but the note is always a personal   186,), decorating the Escalier d'Honneur and first
           Jupiter and Semele, or even some of the late( ?)   and a genuine one. Secondly, a style which can   floor galleries at the Musee de Picardie.
                                                                                                21  In 1889 Puvis turned down a proposal from the
           near-abstract oil-sketches ? How would Puvis's   be objectively described as beautiful. Harmony,   state that he execute a work which would be an
           bland brushwork, his self-effacing,       proportion, rhythm; these are aesthetic labels   `apotheosis of the French Revolution'. The grounds
                                                                                                for his refusal were, however, that it would be
           unmodulated colour, (in the Poor Fisherman   which make sense when applied to his work. If   impossible, with such a subject, to conceive 'une
           there is not a single tonal variation in the whole   we are embarrassed by such terms we are, (as   oeuvre concise, claire et originate'. See Revue de Paris,
           expanse of water), this poverty of form bear up   Léger warned those who disliked the term   loc. cit.
           beside Moreau's 'erudite fancies, complicated   `classicism'), the prisoners of our own times.   "It is worth noting how Puvis differs from Millet in
                                                                                               this respect. (He was often compared with Millet in
           nightmares, suave and sinister visions' (as   Thirdly, this style, technically adapted to mural   his lifetime.) Instead of individual pathos, a
           Huysmans describes them in A Rebours) ? Or,   painting, is at the same time imaginatively   generalized optimism. Puvis denied having been
           for that matter, beside the velvety blacks of   adapted to his expressive intentions. Puvis was,   influenced by Millet. See Vachon, op. cit., p. 115.
                                                                                               23  On the social ethos of Puvis's work, see Van
           Redon's printers and drawings, the luminosity   in fact, a classical painter, and his best work   Gogh's letter W. 22, about Puvis's Inter Artes et
           of his late pastels ? The current exhibition   exemplifies that classic proposition of aesthetics,   Naturam (Rouen) 'One gets the feeling of being
                                                                                               present at a rebirth, total but benevolent, of all the
           may provide an answer. But it may be      that content should be immanent in form, the   things one should have believed in, should have
           anticipated that the process noted by the   ethic in the aesthetic. q               wished for—a strange and happy mixture of very
           symbolists will still be effective: the more                                        distant antiquity and crude modernity...'
                                                     1  Published in the Revue de Paris, February 1911.   24   Salon 1872. (Not the version in the Louvre, where
           ascetic the work becomes, in painterly terms,
                                                     2Péladan was referring specifically to Puvis's Victor   the girl is nude, but another where she is chastely clad
           the greater the 'significance' of that which is   Hugo offrant sa Lyre a la Ville de Paris (1893), In the   in white.)
           retained. Thus Signac could ride his hobby-   Paris Hotel de Ville. Quoted from L. Riotor, L'Art et   " Salon 1879.
                                                     l'Idée, Paris 1896.                       " Salon 1881. In his salon review that year,
                                                     3He was born in 1824. He first exhibited at the Salon   Huysmans came out with this qualified praise :
                                                     in 185o. He died in 1898 shortly after completing his   ... although this picture disgusts me when I see it, I
                                                     second series of murals in the Pantheon.   can't help being rather attracted by it when it is out
                                                     4   Not least due to the risk of losing sight of Puvis   of sight' (L'Art Moderne' 1883, p. 178).
                                                     himself, when discussing his historical significance.   27  Revue de Paris, loc. cit.
                                                     R.L. Goldwater's Puvis de Chavannes: some reasons   28   See, e.g., the famous letter to Morice, Malingue
                                                     for a reputation (Art Bulletin 1946), was the first   (revised ed.) No. CLXXIV.
                                                     attempt at a balanced summary of Puvis's importance   "In Lautrec's parody of the Lyons Sacred Wood,
                                                     to his younger contemporaries.            this figure is wittily, and aptly, substituted for
                                                     'E.g.,  in the Pantheon, Bonnat, Elie Delaunay,   Melpomene, muse of Tragedy.
                                                     Détaille, J.-P. Laurens etc. Even more striking   "Quoted by Roger-Marx, loc. cit.
                                                     contrasts between Puvis and his contemporaries can   31 Vollard, En Ecoutant Cézanne, Degas, Renoir, 1938,
                                                     be seen in the Paris Hotel de Ville.      p. 5o.
                                                     6Duthuit, The Fauvist Painters, N.Y. 1946, p. 16.   32   The larger was at the Salon of 1879.
                                                     7Elsen, Rodin, N.Y. 1963, p. 123.         33   Signac, journal, 1935, in Gazette de Beaux-Arts,
                                                     'Degas to Rouart, 2 may 1882: [at the 1882 salon]   July—September 1949. Seurat himself, in an enigmatic
                                                        Chavannes has the bad taste to show himself   early oil-sketch, depicted Puvis's picture, on an easel,
                                                     perfectly dressed and proud, in a large portrait of   in a landscape. His Baignade, Asnieres, was described
                                                     himself, done by Bonnat, with a fat dedication in the   by one critic as a 'fake Puvis se Chavannes'.
                                                     sand, where he and a glass of water are posing (style   34   Gauguin to Bernard, Malingue LXXV: it's
                                                     Goncourt).'                               funny, Vincent wants to do Daumiers down here
                                                     9   Salon 1882.                           [Arles], me, on the other hand, I want to do coloured
                                                     10Among the categories in the visual arts advocated   Puvis mixed with Japan'.
                                                     by Madan in the Rose + Croix Règle et Monitoire   "Puvis had no proper formal training, though in the
                                                     (1891), were 'allegory, whether expressive, like   late 184os he spent brief periods in the studios of
                                                     "modesty and vanity" or decorative like the work of   Henri Scheffer, Delacroix, and Couture. Chassériau,
                                                     Puvis de Chavannes'.                      in whose studio he spent much time on an informal
                                                     "  Writing in 1894 (article reprinted in his Peintres de   basis during the fifties, was an important influence,
                                                     Jadis et d'Aujourd'hui Paris 1903), Wyzéwa, one of   through his murals in the Cour des Comptes, on
                                                     the leading symbolist theoreticians, said : Puvis,   Puvis's early work as a decorator. (See René Jullian,
                                                     unlike most painters, who paint in prose, attempts a   L'oeuvre de jeunesse de Puvis de Chavannes, Gazette de
                                                     painting in verse ...'                    Beaux-Arts, Nov. 1938.) But by the 1880s he had left
                                                     12   Pissarro to Lucien, 7 Jan 1887, on the editorial   this influence behind him. His mature style can fairly
                                                     policy of La Vogue: 'It seems they are counting on    be described as essentially Sui Generis.
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